And the most remarkable student development is, perhaps, the ability to separate the valuable from the casual perspective from unjustified. Especially interesting student work in the field of creation of new aircraft the original schemes. Planes, lanerolle, record and aerobatic gliders, microcategory and microviscosity — wig and AVP — this is not a complete list of student works in recent years. Some of them were demonstrated on VDNH USSR and immediately fell in love with our youth. Build them, fly them.
Editorial mail shows that enthusiasts microelectroni every year becomes more and more. As an example, a young worker Leonid Turbine and doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences Mikhail Gokhberg: they are both enthusiastically engaged in flying the PA hang gliders (paragliders) and achieved considerable success. Mikhail Borisovich Gokhberg — master of sports of water ski — annually demonstrates hang-gliding own designs on the Day of the Navy at the Khimki reservoir in Moscow, and Leonid Turbines leads a team of other enthusiasts, like himself, in the youth club “Luch” of their neighborhood. The club is located on the banks of the Moscow river. It is very convenient in the summer, the glider is placed on floats and can be towed by high speed boat; and in winter, when the waters covered with ice, for towing, used cars, motorcycles, snowmobiles or motonarty — all of this technology, also created with his own hands, has in the club “Luch”. Residents of the neighborhood — IV first and foremost, of course, the kids are very proud of “his” club. Therefore, the flights are always a lot of spectators and fans. And no one is never surprised — even if on the ice with incredible speed sweep put on skates country aluminum chair with a propeller in the back or in the air suddenly appear a strange structure made of bamboo poles covered with old sheets. Fans know: for the guys from the club “Luch” nothing is impossible!

Fig. 1. The overall layout of the seaplane rkiiga-74:
1 — body motor boats “Progress”, 2 receiver air pressure, 3 — engine M-332 is a 4 — strut wing, 5 — underwing float, 6 — wing (glider “Primorec), 7 — ropes tail farm 8 — node mounting the rear of the farm to the hull of the boats, 9 — fairing the boat (foam), 10 — tail farm, 11 — vertical tail, 12 — cable runs to the handlebars, 13 — horizontal stabilizer, 14 — cockpit.
But one day we received a lengthy letter. We opened it and could not believe their eyes after seeing photos sent by flying boat “Progress” to which some planking was fastened the wings and tail. Our turn came to be surprised — this has not happened! Invented, designed, built and conducted extensive testing of this “boat-samoleti” students from the Riga red-banner Institute of civil aviation engineers (abbreviated — riiga). Those students who were participants of the exhibition NTTM-72 and are mentioned in the list were awarded medals ENEA USSR. However, it is better to give the floor to them — creators of a new, original idea and implementation of the seaplane rkiiga-74. The editorial Board believes this project is worthy of attention because the construction of seaplanes and amphibians opens the possibility of using existing areas, while finding a fit for flying platforms on land, even for initial training of glider pilots — was very complex. The future obviously belongs to seaplanes and wig! So say the enthusiasts of the new vehicles. With them we can not agree: after all, two-thirds of our planet is covered with water!
In the main group of designers, developers and builders were: candidate of technical Sciences F. A. Mukhamedov, senior lecturer V. 3. Zeitlin and students of the mechanical faculty V. Agnus, J. Prybylski and A. Schweigert. In the design process of a seaplane was made: hydrodynamic calculation for hulls, aerodynamic calculation of the aircraft in General and the strength calculation. In the design proceeded from the availability of existing materials and tools. To simplify the work as the hull it was decided to use a serial motor boat “Progress”, and the wings and feathers from well-known training glider Primorets.
Console wings fixed to the center section, installed on the racks of pipes hromansilevyh streamlined profile. Front pair struts holding the welded engine mount with nodes suspension engine M-332. Each console fastened to the body strut with controls cable and the brace that runs to the top of the keel. At the ends of the wings with the steel pipe streamlined profile reinforced floats made from foam PS-1 and covered with fiberglass. When transporting the floats off.

Fig. 2. Scheme in three planes seaplane rkiiga-74.
The boat connects with the tail openwork trusses, welded thin-walled pipes hromansilevyh. For mounting to the hull of the boat tail farm, as well as stands wing center section carrying the powerplant, the layout of “Progress” is slightly modified — the rear part of the cockpit separable dural sheet with a thickness of 1.2 mm, the frames are strengthened (especially in places of installation of the docking units), installed aircraft seats (two side by side), twin control (two steering wheels and two sets of pedals), the dashboard and the engine management system.
To reduce the aerodynamic drag of the boat transom to its attached fairings made from foam and covered with fiberglass. In the middle of the hull on the center of gravity of the installed fuel tank capacity of 90 liters and battery 12A-30 to power the starter, fuel pump booster and devices.
Powerplant of the aircraft — aircraft four-cylinder air-cooled engine M-332 inverted type with takeoff power 140 HP with direct fuel injection. A set of devices that monitor the operation of the power plant includes tachometer, temperature of cylinder heads, tehstroy pointer oil temperature, oil pressure and fuel. The kit flight and navigation instruments includes: airspeed indicator, altimeter, variometer, turn and slip, magnetic compass.
Control system are mostly cable. To control the ailerons applied quick-release connection, facilitating Assembly and disassembly of the wing. To remove the load from the rudder is installed trimmer with cable runs control.
Dimensions, m:
the length of the plane…………………………………………8,10
boat length………………………………………………4,65
width of the boat……………………………………………1,7
the height of the boat (without visor)……………………….0,75
Wing area, m2……………………………………20,20
The relative elongation of the wing……………… 8,9
Profile…………………………………………………..NACA-43 012
Specific load, kg/m2…………………………….37,623
Specific engine power, HP/kg………..0,1866
Weight, kg:
empty aircraft……………………………………….550
Speed km/h:
the maximum at the ground………………………………140
Rate of climb at ground, m/s………………….6
Practical ceiling, m……………………………4000
Run, m…………………………………………………..250
Mileage, m………………………………………………….80
The flight distance (main tank), km…..500