BUILDING A BUNGALOWIs it easy to build a house? Everyone who at least once faced this problem, will say: it is not easy. And of course, be right, if we are talking about the house in several floors, with cellars, a garage, terraces, Bay Windows etc. But let’s not talk about the big house — without the help of wizards it is not erect. Let’s count up our capabilities in building small bungalows. Need a house to many, and take it yourself “turn-key” can be pretty fast with good organization and the help of relatives and friends, while using minimal equipment.

Variant (Fig. 1), which we consider offers the optimal solution for the minimum l Horse area— about 27 m2. With careful execution it will be quite convenient housing and it is quite beautiful and modern.
In the beginning it is necessary to mark the exact dimensions of the buildings on the site, that is, to determine all the angles and building line of the Bungalow. In our case, we are looking for about rectangle with sides 5,80х4,65 m. Its perimeter denote hammered in the corners of the pegs, between which stretched rope. A right angle will work if the other two sides we CA measure out 3 and 4 m, and the hypotenuse is 5 m.
Now is the time to start digging deeper under the Foundation. First of all remove the top layer of soil. This land, rich in humus, rational use in the garden. If the part has a smooth surface, in General terms, the digging is finished; and when working on a slope it will have to continue until you level a platform size of 5 to 6 m.
It was the turn of the actual Foundation. When the site is relatively flat and solid ground is shallow, it is better to put a reinforced concrete pad. If the site has a slope, concrete it makes more sense to put cross strips, with the increase of height; these stripes can systematise and stone.
Fig. 1. Summer house-Bungalow
Fig. 1. Summer house-Bungalow:
1 — the Foundation-Foundation, 2 — column load frame, 3 — frame roof, 4 — longitudinal profile of the roof, 5 — wall, 6 — panel ceiling, the 7 — sloping edges of the roof.

Fig. 2. Plan Bungalow
Fig. 2. Plan Bungalow.
When the fragile walls of the pad for the Foundation of a wooden formwork is used; in heavy soil it is not needed. The consumption of cement from 200 to 250 kg per 1 m3 of finished mortar. With the addition of stones (rubble concrete) reduces the amount of cement required, and work is accelerating. The stone Foundation is to just put large flat stones, and the spaces are tightly filled with cement mortar.
After the construction of the Foundation of the Bungalow, you need to wait a few days until it will be possible to remove the formwork. If the house will only be used for household needs, insulation is not needed, but for residential buildings are necessary. In the first case, the Foundation is more simple: it is a layer of concrete with a light filler (perlite, expanded clay) with a thickness of 10-15 cm, which is placed on rubble concrete cushion; cement lubrication is laid waterproofing layer of two sheets of roofing material, connected by hot bitumen.
From this point we can start building houses — first frame, then the walls and ceiling and finally the roof.
Frame Bungalow, metal, going from pipes or profiles. Connection of its parts is better accomplished by welding, though threaded stud (remember metal garages) with careful execution and reinforcement angles more scarves is not forbidden.
One should not neglect the “wood” option. The most robust frame of the house is assembled from six metal columns that support the roof; four of them are load bearing walls for bungalows. Columns welded to previously underlying metal strips, cemented “with a mustache” in the Foundation. After that, the outline of the walls, stacked on the metal plate area. The ends are cut at a 45° angle and weld to the uprights. The same operation repeated with the upper profile, which is also attached to the columns. Another set of the same parts creates a frame for the ceiling.
Before you start hanging the walls, it is desirable to coat the metal parts corrosion-resistant mastic or lead minium.
The walls of the house in our case will not be carriers. Therefore, for covering the sides of the house can approach any available material that has good insulating qualities and easy processing. To better protect the areas of the house from the cold suitable porous material having the form of plates. Strength and moisture resistance for optimal outdoor walls would be sheets of fiberglass; for interior dry plaster. The latter can be painted or Wallpaper paste over. For internal surfaces, is also suitable hardboard and plywood. Asbestos boards suitable for both exterior and for interior walls and ceiling,
Typically use two methods of installation of wall elements and design of the “box” bungalows.
The first method is to pre-fabricate panels”sandwich” with a length of 2.8 m and 3 m (the width will depend on the format of the cover sheet). The inner layer may form a trough in which then lie carries a wooden beam. Such boards will be the main bonding elements of the wall parts with the frame.
R and p. 3. The design of the walls
R and S. 3. Design wall:
1 — sheet inner lining 2 — layer insulation, 3 — the outer covering, 4, 5 — sealing of corners and joints and skin, 6 — carrying timber panel, 7 — incorporation of a door or window boxes.
Manufacturer of plating and the method of “layer-by-layer Assembly.” Wooden beams are attached to metal profiles at a distance of 0.8 m from each other, and on them are mounted this way (with the screws) of the sheet plane. The latter is attached to the filler and finally nailed the outer plane. The boards must be of the same size defined by the thickness of the filler. In our case, this layer has a thickness of 4 cm, for greater strength the walls was increased to 6 cm ceiling Manufacturer conducted the same techniques.
Window and door karaoke for thin walls more suited to the modern, double. They easily fit into the openings between the bars and attached to them. A little advice: to avoid unnecessary gaps, mount the appropriate boxes directly in the Assembly a moan, not leaving this work.
Tab, and figure 1 shows the solution of the facade of the Bungalow.
We can install the roof. In the present embodiment, the selected solution which is called “cold roof”. This roof is somewhat raised above the ceiling kotory itself provides thermal insulation and laid on top of lightweight roofing material for waterproofing. This Method has several advantages, especially in the summer; the direct rays of the sun heated the roof only. It is also important that, if necessary, the roof is easy to change.
Based roof structure is a metal frame of standard profiles, with an increase in the ridge of the roof by 30-40 cm and exit sloped edges for the column to see the Last 60-70 are held together by struts and longitudinal profiles that form front and rear canopies. The number of ribs depends on the material of roof: sheet steel, slate, gofrirovannyi plastic.
Fixing the roof must be strong enough. Don’t forget to paint with minium all metal parts and close the bars with tin. In downpipes and gutters is not necessary, since the construction is not very high: the water will drain straight to the ground.
Quits laying the floor. The most versatile variant — plastic or ceramic tiles, linoleum, which are stacked in the living room or on the terrace. Nice and simple boardwalk, but it is necessary to raise 70-80 mm.
Fig. 4. Foundation
Fig. 4. The Foundation (A cold floor, B — insulated):
1 — lightweight concrete, 2 — drain pipe, 3 — bed cement, 4 sand filling, 5, 6 — plate-mud flaps, 7 — plank flooring, 8 — layer hardboard, or roofing felt, 9 — rubble concrete cushion, 10 — layer of cement, 11 — heat and waterproofing.

If the house is on a steep slope, you need to install on the terrace parapet. To emphasize the style Bungalow can help and decorative designs out of ordinary metal mesh, reinforced in the frame area. For protection from corrosion must be painted all metal parts with oil paint.
Selling frequent different aluminium profiles that can be used to cover the outer gaps between panels; moreover, with them, the house looks better.
In a Bungalow it is necessary to conduct electricity. Posted outside the walls, compliance with safety regulations. Also equipped with and running water.
S. ATANASOV, architect

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