For most days of the summer holidays — a time of carefree family holiday, which many spend in the country, the plot or in the garden. At this time, each camper tries to make up for “lost” during the year, the fresh air and sunshine, enjoying them in full measure. And not only in trouble in the beds or plantings.
For the convenience of the outdoors would be good to hang a hammock in garden between two trees, poles or pillars of a child’s swing set. He’s “multi-purpose” will it work and just to relax and read and even to sleep. And most importantly — it’s easy to do yourself, shows Hungarian magazine “Earmaster”.
The starting point in this case can serve as an average weight person. As the country rest not only young children but also the elderly, this value is quite large, so it is important to ensure the required reliability of the design.
For the manufacture of the hammock you will need the cloth strong canvas with a width of 900 mm (the so-called mattress tarp). The narrower the fabric use is not recommended, as in this case, a vacationer at risk to fall out of the hammock among the sweet sleep in the fresh air. To a hammock could be used by both children and adults, the length of the cloth for the rug needs to be at least 2600 mm.
For rigidity the ends of the hammock reinforced with two struts — wooden rods with a length of 930 mm and diameter 30 — 40 mm. the Fabric shall be fastened securely. For this purpose the ends of the fabric are folded and sewn, and formed in the cross “sleeves” are inserted the rods. To them are fastened the rope stretches, possibly nylon, with a diameter of approximately 8 mm (instead, for this purpose you can use car safety belts). The length of the stretch of the hammock takes into account its length and the distance between supports.
Fig. 1. Hammock fabric:
1 —sun lounger (canvas); 2—caps: 3—spacers (wooden rod): 4—stretch (rope, straps); 5—cushion; 6—firmware
Fig. 2. End sealing of the hammock:
1 sunbed; 2—firmware with the caps; 3—spacer; 4—stretch
The edge of The fabric before flashing you need to pull up. This can be done on a conventional typewriter. With each end of the fabric is tucked in at 150 mm (thus, the length of the hammock will be 2300 mm).
Since the simple stitching of the fabric of the hammock it is impossible to ensure the reliability of the lines of the “sleeves” under the spacers, is recommended for this purpose additionally use metal caps with a diameter of 10 mm. They are placed in the middle of the stitched tuck. Each side must be at least nine caps, that is a total of 18 pieces. This is also a crucial part of the work. Both rows of caps should be placed at a distance of approximately 20 mm from the edge lines of the fabric.
Each inserted in the “sleeve” wooden rod, you must first make two holes with a diameter of about 10 mm at a distance of 75 mm from the end — for the passage through them of stretch marks. The ends of The bars must be round, and then the two spacers to varnish.
Attaching the rods to the “sleeves” of the lounger, mark on them the location of the holes for the ropes. After the holes in the tarpaulin will be cut, they need to sheathe and reinforce the caps.
As shown in the figure, the stretch is passed through the rod holes, and the length of the outer ends shall not be less than 1000 mm. Then both ends of the rope in contact so as to obtain a loop for suspension. In fact, the hammock is ready.
In the presence of balance sheet (length about 800 mm) it is possible to make a pillow cover for a hammock. This fabric is folded in half, and in accordance with figure 4, one end of the fabric to cover are folded and stitched (on this strip are holes and installed the rivets); the second also tucks and stitched, overlaid with a space from the first (for the formation of holes under the pillow), after which the sides of the cover are sewn together. So it turns out the “bag”, the hole where you can put the pillow.
Fig. 3. The end of The pillow cover and method of attachment:
1—”pillow case” canvas; 2—podvorot and binding the edges of the window; 3 — podvorot and piercing prictice with pistons; 4—lace-up
Fig. 4. End node of the hammock Assembly:
1 —spacer 2—sun lounger; 3—pillow; 4 pillow cover; 5—lacing; 6—piston; 7—stretching
The cushion cover is fastened through the caps to the hammock with a cord threaded as shown in figure 4. In the hole of the cover previously placed a foam or cotton pillow.
It remains to hang the hammock and test it for strength. On designed for hanging hammock loop stretch marks it is advisable to wear PVC pipe: this will prevent the rope from premature wear.
The height of the hanging hammock should not be too large, they could be used by children, without danger of falling.
Relax in this hammock, especially if it is made with their own hands.
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