Well known to our guys managed sledge “Chuk and GEK” called snegokat because it is meant for use only on the slopes of the snow hills. Rapidly — only the wind whistles! — rushing snow-cats down on their three skis. Front controlled, allows you to change direction to avoid obstacles. But as soon as the slope of the end — sled, Proskuriv some more inertia, will stop: on level ground they will not leave. Then on the old proverb: love to ride — love and sleigh to haul! The rope and the slide. But what is it? The distance seemed “Chuk and GEK”, which, having fallen down with the same speed continues to race on a flat snow field. Here the rider was a teenager deploys a cool scooter, and surprisingly others behind him opened hinged to the frame a motor and caterpillar. This is already a snowmobile. And it was built Moskvich Yu. Tereschenko.

Motonarty with a D-6 engine capable of carrying even the adult at the smooth snow with a speed of about 15 km/h they can easily overcome rises to 30°. There is a possibility of towing a skier behind them.
The snowmobile is equipped with electrophorous, tail lights, serving at the same time turn indicators. The gas tank located behind a semi-back seat, holds a supply of fuel for 4 h engine work.
Structurally, the device consists of a casing of the engine sub frame and crawler console — mover.
The first node is attached to the rear edge of the body of the sled. It is the Foundation of not only the engine but also the intermediate and drive rollers transmission associated gear soldered to the flanges of the rollers. The intermediate roller is desired to change the direction of rotation.
The rollers carry sprocket and chain transmission of the first and second parts of the transmission. The first link from the drive sprocket of the engine sprocket to the transfer roll; the transfer is cropped a Bicycle chain. The second of the sprockets on the drive roller on the rear sprocket drum tracks; there is also applied a short circuit from the bike.
Motonarty “Chuck for Huck” — an original upgrade of industrial snow.

The propeller consists of two reels with machined under the V-belt grooves. One of them is installed on the rear axle, the other on the front. The latter being the shaft of the front suspension, tension. Drums transferred through V-belts form the “tape”engine.
Both the drum axis and mounted on swivel levers and together with the support rollers are enclosed in a U-shaped casing. Its front lugs are for installation Jack bolt and the slot under the front axle of the drum.
U-shaped casing, a drum with a lever hoist can be moved up, fixing between the ski the snow — to ensure free sliding on skis in the descent from the slopes.
The lift lever is located on the front suspension, linked by a thumb lever on the right side and has a slit-lock.
Mover-caterpillar the most layered and time-consuming node. It is based on the reels with grooves and straps. For the last seven used V-belts by size 12X12X1120 — 1160 mm. you Can put other and say — 16X11X1120 mm (GOST 775813-76) used on the engines of the buses. But it will have accordingly to change the configuration of the grooves on both reels. Belts must be strictly identical in length, as excessive numbers of tension on the alignment of the tracks creates unnecessary tension in the body — frame of the propeller and hampers the rotation of the drum, which inevitably affects the speed.
For the manufacture of the drums will need to carve two aluminum or silumin billets with a diameter of not less than 115 mm and 140 mm length each. Because the drums is the most expensive and time-consuming part of the design, to their processing should begin after selection of kinorama. These same considerations do not pre-fabricate the frame of the mover. Please specify that the belts, the length of which on the inner contour of at least 1120 mm will not fit, as the factory design and dimensions of the body the snow “Chuk and GEK” do not allow to implement the proposed in this embodiment, the suspension of the mover.
Four arm the tracks are cut from aluminum bars (we have used the electrical bus).
Three carrier roller mover is made of galvanized plumbing pipe Ø 24 mm. Six ball bearings to them — with outer Ø 16 mm, inner 5 and a thickness of 5 mm taken from the hinges of the old drawing Kuhlman. You can install and other small bearings, coordinating the dimensions of the parts.
Mover motoart
Mover motoart:
1 — reverse drum 2 — from caterpillar belts, 3 — body, 4 rink, 5 — cutting drum, 6 — the node of the tension of the tracks.
1 — engine, 2 — sprocket shaft engine 3 — chain transmission, 4 an intermediate roller, 5″ roller intermediate sprocket, 6 — drive shaft rear suspension, 7 — lever rear suspension, an 8 — roller intermediate gear, 9 — gear drive shaft 10 is a sprocket drive shaft 11 — the caterpillar 12 — lift lever mover, 13 — arm front suspension, 14 — axis of the lifting device 15, and the cutting drum 16, the axis of the front roller, 17 — rear axis of the drum, 18 — rear sprocket drum 19 — back drum.
The body of the mover.
The body of the mover.
The engine cover from under engine frame
The engine cover from under engine frame:
1 — cheek 2 — bracket, 3 — under engine frame (tube), 4 — window chain.
Suspension arms
Suspension arms:
A — front (2 PCs), B — rear (2 PCs), In — suspension bushings.

On a lathe are made of six face washers — bearing rollers; aluminum clips for mounting of roller bearings, suspension and transmission; pritachivajut all the cushions under existing bearings. Other details of the propeller — sheet duralumin with a thickness of 2 mm and 20X20 mm.
For chain transmission taken two sprocket 16 teeth — from children’s tricycle (better transformed into a two-wheeled, detachable rear axle — it will come in handy for grinding rollers of the transmission).
Asterisk with eight holes for the spokes, reamed to Ø 4 mm, mounted on a leading drum tracks and sprocket long bushing (which is shortened to a length of 10 mm) is put on the drive shaft of the transmission. On the intermediate roller is seated a sprocket with ten teeth — exactly the same as at the leading of the chain transmission to the engine.
In the original scheme the snow “Chuk and GEK” provides for the suspension only front steering ski, two rear rigidly attached. We put the rear skid on simple hinges like door hinges. This increased the reliability of the design: skiing now “wrap around” relief road has decreased the shaking, there is no separation of the tracks from crust.
The drum track in the collection
The drum track in the collection:
1 — axis, 2 — sprocket (rear only), 3 — pulley.

Support roller
Support roller
Support roller (3 PCs.):
1 — axis, 2 — body, 3 — washer — bearing housing, 4 — Bush.

Front suspension
Front suspension:
1 — the lever of the lifting device, 2 — arm, 3 — axis levers.

Transfer site
The transfer site:
A — drive shaft: 1 — arm rear suspension, 2 — shaft, 3 — gear, 4 — starlet, 5 — a casing of the engine;
B — intermediate roller: 1 — star, 2 — gear.

In the sled used and the finished parts sold in parts stores for mopeds and motorcycles: 12 ball bearing No. 201, two gears from the gearbox of the motorcycle “Kovrovets” (53 teeth) headlight front light with the throttle tube and the valve for the gas tank, and two wires engine management: the core one is used for the manufacture of clockwork “cord”, and the second, cut in half, used to increase the supplied cables clutch and gas. Capacity is: to cut copper pipe from the stem of a ballpoint pen with length of 30mm soldered with two ends of the thin inner cable and a flexible outer braid gently (not to have soldered the inner wire) is soldered into the cut copper tube Ø 6 mm and length 100 mm.
Engine D-6 on the mini-motonartah can be started and “roll-forward”. But it is better to use the cord spooled on the drum, which is mounted on the motor shaft and fixed by screw. To install the barrel it is necessary to cover the large gear of the engine to cut out (in low gear) hole Ø 30 mm. will also Have to carve a new screw that secures the small gear for sizes that mimic the factory, but is longer by 10 mm. the Drum diameter of not less than 60 mm will serve longer if you carve it out of steel or brass: soft aluminum quickly erased clockwork lock, bumpers deform and will touch the frame for engine mounts.
For “flashing lights” turn indicators appropriate to apply an electronic circuit assembled from available parts. Attempt to use a standard device for flashing lights type RS-421 from motorcycles were not successful: designed for a large current to the heating element, it is not suitable for low-power supply circuit lights engine D-6. The dimensions of the parts and assemblies shown in the drawings.

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