Greenhouse extra strengthLiving in Siberia, without a greenhouse on the site not to do — the summer is short and not always warm, and vegetables home you want. Therefore, sooner or later, every owner of even a small piece of land think about the construction of the greenhouse.
Plenty naeksperementirovavshis with different kinds of film, come to the conclusion that its apparent low cost is deceptive: the material is ephemeral, every year you have to disassemble the greenhouse, and equip it again. In the end, I want something more substantial.

Built a greenhouse from a glazed frames, with many of its advantages, has some significant drawbacks. The main ones are the high cost and low strength against impact and weight loads. In the latter case, this refers to large hail and heavy snowfall that our seats are not uncommon. And to escape from the snow in the winter have to make a partial or complete dismantling of a greenhouse, or create an additional roof over it, which is not only time consuming but also expensive.

Therefore, creating a greenhouse, the main tasks set relatively low cost, sufficiently high structural strength and her all season, which would not dismantle the greenhouse for the winter.

The main materials used in construction, steel wooden bruski section 50×70 mm for the frame and covering sheets of a transparent and highly durable polycarbonate, sold usually a size 2000×6000 mm (commonly used nowadays in various designs and also as a roofing material for canopies on the building entrances). The cost of such a rigid and resistant sheet is not very large — less than 2,000 rubles, but the durability and ease of use and processing on top!

After Assembly the whole structure of the frame of the greenhouse trimmed with cellular polycarbonate, hard leaves of which provide the necessary strength of the greenhouse without the use of traditional braces and struts.

The junction of roof chosen for a reason rectangular. This allows you to use as a “ridge” of the standard angular connecting element on sale where polycarbonate. Though in his absence you can use a regular wide plastic or steel area, of which the excess in any hardware store of the type “Do it yourself”.

All wooden portions of the structure treated with a special impregnation that protects from rotting and other negative influences. Unfortunately, her name is not remembered (maybe “Teks” or “Senezh”), but with confidence I can say that for the past two seasons, she successfully cope with their tasks.

The edges of polycarbonate sheets best to close the plastic U-shaped profile, usually sold in the same place and the polycarbonate. This will not only make the edges netravmirovannymi and more aesthetic, but also protect the cellular sheet from dust, water and consequently dirt.

Greenhouse extra strength

Greenhouse extra strength:

1 — frame back side;
2 — intermediate racks;
3 — the frame front side;

4 — the roof part of the front frame;
5 — a ridge area;

6 — panels from polycarbonate;

7 — bars strengthening the frame (4 PCs.);

8 — ridge beam of the roof;

9— metal corners;

10 — Royal bar (2 PCs.).

A,B — connections of parts of a greenhouse

All connections made to self-cut. Let it is slightly more expensive, but sturdier and at the same time, be careful. And polycarbonate fastened with screws with flat heads — with them the pressure is more evenly. In addition, such fasteners can be just a couple minutes to remove, for example, leaves the back of the frame. This will allow even with the garden cart there free to call in for delivery or updating of the soil or the transportation of fertilizers.

For very cold weather conditions it is possible to provide “double glazing” by covering polycarbonate still and the inside. This will further increase the rigidity of the structure and will significantly improve the thermal quality of the greenhouse. Most importantly in this case — is not to miss the hot weather and to ventilate the greenhouse in these days, that plants are not “tired”.

If required under the greenhouse and the Foundation. Although in most cases such need is almost not there.

The wooden frame of a greenhouse also allows you to make further internal partitions, hangers for plants — but there is every gardener probably will determine that it needs.

The operation of my “plastic” greenhouses for two years showed overall good design, reliability and good weather resistance. The best proof of this was the emergence of similar greenhouses in the neighboring areas. Hope will be useful to my experience and the readers of “Modelstructure”.

K. KHLEBNIKOV, Krasnoyarsk

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