Amateur Builder V. N. Nazarov, who owns the project, is already familiar to our readers to interesting articles about the original room vegetable storage in the kitchen Cabinet, concrete mixer from the barrel, and country Desk-fireplace, was constructed on its site.A man of experience, V. N. Nazarov for several years has built 90 km from Moscow house in three levels, using only weekends and holidays. Realizing that it under force not to everyone, it offers the design of the house module, the main frame which was built with the help of construction companies, and wall and roof finishes would have to perform their own individual developer from available materials.

Here is what it looks like this home to the author of the project.
From ready-made building elements, except columns, beams and girders in the frame of the house module uses a reinforced concrete slab with dimensions 6300×1200 mm (type 2УНУ63) and 6300×1000 mm (type 2УНУ63-10).
The building module includes two main stages: the First — with the involvement of forces and mechanisms of construction organizations. This includes drilling holes for the columns and pouring the concrete supports under them After these preparatory works began assembling the frame — installation of the columns and connecting them with beams. Then laying concrete floor slabs, floor and ceiling. The last operation performed by the builders is to install a flight of stairs, and concrete panels attic boards Assembled in this way the house resembles a bookcase that consists of several concrete modules. In this construction the organization is finished (basic material costs will be much less than if custom built the entire house).
The second stage has the strength to perform to the developer. This includes Assembly and installation of the rafters and flooring of the roof. It is quite possible independent walls (on the picture from logs) and installation of Windows and doors. At its discretion, the developer performs finishing work. Quite affordable masonry furnace and heating system installation (if needed — by agreement with the masters). Depending on its capabilities, for example, can run walls and partitions made of boards, bricks, timber or logs.
Fig. 1. Individual frame house
Fig. 1. Individual frame house:
1 — a bolt; 2 — column, 3 — support columns; 4 — wall of basement of brick; 5 — wall the basement of the plates; 6 — rafter; 7 — panel attic, side; 8 — floor slab; 9 — the March stair, 10 — the wall of the log; 11 — groove of the column.

Fig. 2. The frame house of the company
Fig. 2. The frame house of the company “Lada”:
1 — column; 2 — bolt; 3 — floor beam; 4 — slab (patch from penopolistirol La); 5 — floor slab, attic; 6 — window beams; 7 — beam Foundation; 8 — floor screed, concrete.

A roof, for example, using roofing material, slate, tin, and even more modern materials.
Figure 1 shows a wall from logs. Given the known properties of the wood to shrink, you need a reliable seal of the junction of the wooden wall with the concrete: for this purpose, the columns provide vertical grooves into which enter the ends of the logs If the site is safe for groundwater, then the house can be the basement. Its walls can be made of concrete panels embedded in the grooves of the columns to the full height of the basement or in combination with masonry in its upper part. In the case of threat of approach of groundwater in the basement it is better to make solid, make the formwork and filling it with cement mortar with aggregate of gravel or expanded clay.
Maybe the proposed idea will seem not very real. However, in a recent building exhibitions in Moscow was shown to experience very popular in Povolozhe construction company “Lada”, including the construction of individual houses on the technology, interface with the circuit Assembly of the frame house module There also are columns with horizontal lintels of reinforced concrete beams which are placed on the floor slab, forming a “skeleton” — the skeleton of the house.
In addition to the possible material benefits for the developer and shifting to builders the most difficult and time-consuming part of the construction of the house, there is another, equally important factor is Remember, as usual mastered reserved for country homes land area? On his land, as on a chess Board, gradually there are different shapes-houses erected on the basis of who in what is ready. This project allows you to quickly lay down the basic “backbone” of the village of the houses-modules, the final appearance of which, despite the same “skeletons”, will not be of the same type, because to bring home every developer will be accepted in their own way and in accordance with their CAPABILITIES.

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