THE WINNING TRACK IAN TILKEThe first time he saw the race cars “buggy”, I remembered the frontline episode: on a country road, mutilated by bombs and shells, was speeding lorry. The road was exposed to fire of the enemy. Only people desperate bravery could decide to slip a completely open stretch of about a kilometer. And only extreme necessity could have forced him to do it. As it turned out, the driver of this lorry then volunteered to take ammunition to the infantry battalion heroically fend tank attacks of the enemy.

“The Goodies run out! The Goodies run out!” — frantically yelled into the phone the words conditional code, the duty signalman with the CP of the battalion, though he knew perfectly well that there are no miracles and before dark “gifts”, that is, ammunition, to fail. But a miracle happened: it was a miracle of human courage and samootverzhennost, coupled with an amazing driving skills, plus good knowledge of technology and its possibilities.
The lorry bounced on the potholes, cleverly maneuvered and, like enchanted, continued to move towards the goal. And walked away from the fire, in spite of all deaths and to the surprise of those who saw this episode. Sitting beside me in the shelter of the elderly commander of autobaht on her cheek gleamed a tear. He wiped her the back of her hand and turned away. I did not ask questions: words were not needed.
This episode, like in the movies, I was in front of me during the competition cars “buggy”. Also there were columns blown out by the ground wheels, as a cloud of black dust covered route, which with the roar of rushing unusual forms of machines that look like anything but cars in the usual sense of the word. Competition cars “buggy” — a severe test of endurance and survivability of these vehicles is no less moral and physical qualities of their drivers.
In protective suits and helmets, equipped not only with special glasses, but and protivopolojnym respirators, firmly tied to its “anatomical” seat reliable seat belts, they are like aliens, accidentally fell on our Land and capable of anything. Cars on a difficult track often face and even as under, that does not prevent them with no visible damage again to join in the race. This is ensured by the system of special devices — arcs of safety, strikers and fencing of the engine and the chassis. It is possible to tell safely: the competition cars “buggy” than any other form of motoring competition, contribute to the training of drivers and mechanics of the highest class.
Fig. 1. The overall layout and design of individual units
Fig. 1. The overall layout and design of individual units:
1 — longitudinal spine beam (rectangular steel pipe 40X40), 2 — windshield frame the body frame, 3 — wishbone front suspension, 4 — knuckle, 5 — bearing drive, front hydraulic brake, 6 — pin steering knuckle 7 — pedal unit, 8 — unit pedal, 9 — brake fluid reservoir, 10 — longitudinal side pipe of the body frame 11 — steering shaft, 12 — place instrument panel, 13 — lever pereklyucheniya gear 14 — steering wheel, 15 — sloping pipe system, arcs of safety, 16 — a cross-pipe !7 — longitudinal pipe, 18 — shoulder harness seat belts, 10 — fuel tank 20 — rear sloping rough arcs system security 21 — a diagonal pipe, 22 — rear cross tube 23, the air intake of the carb, 24 — motor, 25 — aft spinal tube, 26 — casing of the cooling system of the engine, a 27 — rear shocks, 28 — driving wheel (5X10), 29 — leading the drive axle, 30 — wishbone rear suspension, 31 — gear box (homemade) 32 — cylinder of the fire extinguisher (foam removed in the engine compartment), 33 — seat driver, 34 —lap belts, 35 —front wheel (removed along with the driveshaft and brake system), 36 — hose hydrocarbonous system, 37 — ball tip tie bar, 38 — key panel ignition warning lamp battery charging, 39 — gauge cylinder head temperature, 40 speedometer (from a motorcycle “Java”), 41 — the Rev counter (tachometer), a 42—panel switches of motors with forced cooling

The contest of the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” in class “buggy-350 cm3” was held during the open championship Latvian SSR in the car “buggy” may 22-23, 1976 in Riga. The competition was attended by 38 different classes of cars, of which the most interesting for young technicians present, of course, the car class 350 cm3 in the best available for production in Amateur conditions, as well as collectives of young technicians ‘ stations, and Palaces of pioneers. Not casually more than half of the cars that participated in competitions, it was built by young technicians from Moscow, Kharkov, Estonian and Latvian SSR.
First place in total score on the competition in the race over rough terrain at a distance of 10 km took the young driver from Estonia, Jan Talk, a year earlier became the champion of the Baltic States in this class. His elegant, very efficiently designed, bright and tastefully painted car was the center of attention of several thousand spectators. And the driving skills demonstrated by Tilek, above all praise: he was the first to go from the start, far ahead of its rivals and with surprising ease has overcome all obstacles encountered on the track.
This was the best car of 1976 in this class. We will remind readers: the winner of “K-75”, organized by our magazine, was “the Eternal Search Club” (Kharkov, a leading designer V. L. Taranukha).
What is the difference between “buggy-76” from its predecessor?
Ian Talk have created a fundamentally new design of the machine, firmly away from the stereotypical use of motorized С3А. This allowed him to significantly reduce the overall weight while improving durability and reliability. Unlike most built to date in the USSR “buggy-350”, in which almost no alterations used suspension sidecar С3А (frame, front and rear axles, main gear), Ian Tilk used a powerful Central beam of rectangular tube cross-section 40X40 mm, which serves as the backbone of the whole structure and bears the knots of the front and rear suspensions, engine, main transmission, roll over bar and all the rest of the equipment (Fig. 2). In combination with two longitudinal side tubes of circular cross section Ø 35 mm is obtained by a triangular farm, having a very high stiffness. Roll over bar welded to the side tubes and form a closed circuit. The frame structure of the chassis is widely used rectangular tube, which greatly simplified and improved technology of welding operations.
Steering type sector “the worm” taken from the “Lada”. For racing, this scheme was better than the rack and pinion used on the scooter С3А.
Wishbones suspension fabricated from a rectangular tube cross-section 25X25 mm, have significantly separated compared to С3А mount base to the frame (60 mm!) and equipped with silent-blocks on all the joints of the swing. Front suspension one suspension spring-hydraulic shock absorber each have two rear shock absorber of a motorcycle “Java-350”.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. “Buggy-350 cm3“.
Motor mount “IZH-350 Cross” is done directly to the spinal tube (Basque) with the help of cheeks as well as through silent blocks. This eliminated the need for the application of the “sled” provided for in the design of the power compartment С3А, which in turn saves weight. Weight saving Ian Talk generally paid a lot of attention, and in this respect its design is reasonable, you can call airplane: there is nothing superfluous.
The bottom of the car Ian Tilke, from the pedal unit to a fire bulkhead behind the driver, closed welded to the center sill and side rails steel sheet 1 mm thick, and the outside has a very smooth surface, which facilitates the overcoming of these sections of the route where the car can “sit on the belly”.
Noteworthy applied Jan Tilek suction system. He brought the suction nozzle is almost at the upper edge arcs of safety, providing a somewhat unusual but very efficient form of air cleaner in the form of a “double mushroom”. The forced elongation of the suction pipe of the carburettor contributed to his “setup” on optimal in terms of sporty driving modes of the engine.
Unlike most athletes, who are building a “buggy-350” using the tire size 5X10 mounted on widened rims, Ian Tilk is a supporter of the use of this rubber in combination with a normal rim, but the heavy duty disks. “Experience shows,” he says, ” that widened the rims, especially when it is not tidy their manufacture, quickly deform, tearing the studs and during a race can bring. And tires normal profile is very reliable and with some change in the shape of the protector (removal of part of the figure) works on the drive wheels of the machine even better than broadened”.
Brake system — hydraulic, two main cylinders, separately working on drum brakes front and rear wheels. The Parking brake on the rear wheels only, controlled hand lever with ratchet. The backing plates and brake drums improvised, wheel brake cylinders from the car “Lada”. Car instrument panel Ian Tilke is equipped with a speedometer, gauge engine rpm (tachometer), a thermometer showing the temperature of the cylinder head, thermometer ambient air, ammeter and clock with stopwatch. Steering wheel racing type traditionally, home-made, with a wooden rim on a lightweight base made of aluminum with a thickness of 5 mm. the driver’s Seat villacana sheet duralumin, individual anatomical type, with headrest and seatbelts aircraft model (waist and shoulder straps, the lock on the chest). Part of the panels inside of the car body is covered with a foam lining covers made of colored synthetic leather to protect the driver from injury during a rollover of the machine.
And another interesting detail: the engine is “buggy” Ian Tilke is not a traditional “blower” used for Cooling. “Blower — says the designer — is too much of a luxury: after all, it “eats” a three horsepower! In addition, its performance during a race difficult to regulate. A cold engine is as bad as overheated! Therefore, for cooling in normal conditions, I have provided a approach of air to the engine by a special guide from the bottom, and in difficult times, when the thermometer shows a critical temperature of the head, the work includes two of the electric fan, the impeller of which is located in the vicinity of the cylinder.”
In conclusion, it should be noted that the design of the car Ian Tilke today is justified only as a sports-racing. And for the preparation and training of young drivers, a practical driving in avtogorodok and children’s summer camps should be charged to use a motorized С3А with the minimum allowable by technical specifications alterations and tweaks. Only this way can provide the desired mass is a new kind of technical creativity and sport, called short word “buggy”.

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