The need to transport a sack of goods (e.g., potatoes) from the villagers, the villagers or gardeners-gardeners occurs quite often. For short transportation is quite suitable car for a more long need some kind of transport. Optimal in this case, the “freighter” could become a regular road bike. But his trunk for the Luggage is pretty flimsy, but still have to get the hand to keep his balance as the center of gravity of the vehicle and the muscular effort of the rider increased, and the speed and stability in this case, of course, reduced.
That’s when I for these purposes and made the bike ride-trailer, which for several seasons with success used until the rusted, and did not break the old pipe frame kept her in the open air.
Kids bike trailer, reliable and convenient in operation, easily and quickly detaches from the towing vehicle, turning into a one-wheeled wheelbarrow.
By design, the unit is extremely simple. The basis of it is an old frame of a Bicycle “Salyut”. (This node can be adapted from a similar vehicle of another brand, having cut the top horizontal pipe and removing the front fork.) The bottom tube is slightly bent. The wheel is also from “Salute”, but you can use any suitable bike, front or rear have been removed and the brake parts. In BB, the bushing is inserted the cross-bar of half-inch steel pipe and secured it with a M6 bolt through the drilled simultaneously in both parts corresponding to the through hole. Another segment of the same pipe 700 mm length is inserted at one end into the front tube of the frame and is curved along the radius 500 mm. To the other end of welded U-shaped bracket, curved 4-mm steel bars with holes into which freely includes two axle, welded in turn, to the hub. This sleeve is one (second) part of the coupling device. The other part of the l-shaped bracket that is welded directly to the seat tube of the Bicycle. For rigidity and reliability of the node, the two parts are connected by a strut. Material of bracket and brace — all the same half-inch pipe, and the sleeve is 3/4 inch. In order for the bushing to freely sit down on the bracket, the respective ends of the parts are made by the chamfer. If necessary, you can grind the bracket hook.

Cargo trailer-car:
1 — wheel; 2 — frame; 3 — pole; 4 — bike-truck; 5 — G shaped bracket with strut; 6 — bushing (steel pipe 3/4″); 7 — bracket (steel strip 4×30); 8 — strand (steel wire Ø2. 5, 5 PCs); 9 — additional thrust; 10 — mesh body (the frame of the wire Ø4 grid — Ø2. 5); 11 — load (top view not shown); 12 — axle shaft bushing (steel rod Ø10, 2); 13 — drive; 14 — axis thrust (bolt M6); 15 — stopper hitch (bolt M8); 16 bolt M6; 17 — cross member; details of the poses. 1,2,13 —Bicycle “Salyut”, POS. 3,5,9,17 — from thin-wall steel pipe 1/2″
Thus, the received coupling device in the form of a kind of universal joint, which allows movement of the drawbar relative to the bike in the vertical and horizontal planes, at the same time not allowing the trailer to lean to the side. At the first visits, the turns should be at a low speed, without tilting the bike. When you drive well in a straight line with a loaded trailer there is even improving the stability of two-wheeled machines.
Close to U-shaped bracket to the shaft bottom is welded the handles from old Bicycle. They make it easy to transport the trailer, using the latter as the cars, and without much effort to connect to the tractor.
For the convenience of cargo transportation made wire mesh basket. It is attached to the frame and the crossmember with wire twist.
To increase the rigidity of the trailer hitch can be connected with a stand frame of the trailer, additional rising the tubular rod.
Trailer car greatly facilitates the transport of such goods, as a bag (or even two) with agricultural products. If necessary, the mesh basket can be replaced by a hopper with solid walls and bottom (e.g. old plastic or tin children’s bath), and then it is possible to carry the bulk and even semi-fluid materials (mortar, concrete mix, etc.).
Vladimir GAVRILOV, the item of Inozemtsevo, Stavropol Krai