The scheme of formation of the hull plating:
1 — glass shell, 2 — foam filled, 3, 6 — elements of the longitudinal set of 4 — glass cloth inner lining, 5 — frame.
Side swiercz Assembly:
1 — swiercz (plywood 12 mm thick, covered with glass fiber epoxy resin), 2 — nut, 3 — dural hairpin.
Steering the Dinghy:
1 — rumple (beech, oak, cross-section 30X30 mm), 2 — tiller joint (bolt with nut smoketree), 3 — ballerina box (dural plate thickness of 2.5 mm), 4 — steering pen (plywood 12 mm thick, covered with glass fiber epoxy resin), 5 — loop hinges (pin M6).
Lateen sail of the Dinghy:
1 — front end (two dural plate thickness 3-4 mm), 2 — slats (plywood made of wood, the base diameter 60 mm, top 40 mm, length 3600 mm), 3 — gik (switching from wood, Ø 50 mm, length — 2600 mm), 4 — Parus.
Geometrical scheme for the construction of the sail.
The deck of the Dinghy is made of plywood or hardboard, although it can be done the same way as the shell plating. The only difference is that after covering the deck with fiberglass to glue the foam and the second skin “sandwich” should not from inside the body and outside. This, however, will require whiter careful alignment of the foam on the deck before the final preformance to her glass.
Inside, on the keel of the hull, near the mid-bulkhead is mounted the glass steps of the mast and flush with the deck clamp from a steel strip 3 mm thick: they form two supports rotatable mast.
Additional parts cut from 12 mm plywood. They are given products-streamlined shape, resembling in cross-section lenticular aircraft wing profile. Each of sverzov covered with fiberglass and after viskazivaniya primed and covered with bright paint. The axis of rotation shvartza dural is a stud threaded on one end. Swiercz it is fixed between two nuts. Fixing sverzov tube with nylon skertich that it is attached to the duck.
Steering pen 12-mm plywood. As well as additional parts in cross-section it constitutes an aerodynamically shaped profile. And just as the final operations in its manufacture are covered by the fiberglass, Vykurovanie, priming and painting with bright enamel. To the transom feather is attached with the mounted on the first hinge-brackets. They represent a unilateral threaded steel studs, bent in the form of the letter G and mounted on a transom Board nuts and washers. Of the same bent pins and mating loops reminiscent of safety pins with rings. Steering pen they are fixed in the drilled holes in the epoxy CA glue.
Rumple, of oak or beech slats. With the stock connect, it is best articulated. It will make managing more comfortable sailboat.
Rails and the boom of Latin sail — neravnovesnye. Rod length — 3600 mm, length of boom — 2600 mm. They can be wood, hewed out straight grained wood, or tubular, aluminum — for example, from the jump poles. Front slats and geek are combined dural plate providing hinged connection of these elements of the mast.
Rails and the boom connected with the mast nylon kartikami that turn into “figure eights” around those elements of the mast. Fixing the sail height by passing the mounting of Kartika through the hole in the mast.
Raked the boom the sail is connected with pockets is cut from thicker than the sail cloth. The placement of the panels of the sail from the tack begins his angle so that the first seam line made a right angle with the back foot. All the corners of the sail are enhanced with cloth overlays botami. To sail is more suited to fabric type “Bologna” or pillow tick. Suitable tent fabric.
In the first exit on the water set up the Dinghy. The main thing — to combine the centers of the sail and lateral resistance. A mismatch can be noticed immediately: sailboat at a neutral position of the steering wheel will either be given (to go luff) or evaluates (to go better to windward). To balance the Dinghy, or need to move (forward, back) of the sail relative to the mast, or reject (forward, backward) additional parts. Well configured sailboat has a small tendency to go luff; it helps in the squalls, or in emergency situations to transfer the Dinghy in position, head to wind — nose to the wind.
Several requests to novice sailors:
1. When there is a storm, don’t wait until the water will flood the cockpit in a timely manner rastraivaytes geek-sheets, and accordingly the sail!
2. When the yacht goes course before the wind (wind — back), try to avoid transferring the sail from one side to another is fraught with overturning or breakage of the mast. Choose the course so that the wind was not exactly in the transom, and a bit to the side.
3. Avoid turning before the wind, when the wind crosses the line of feed of a sailing vessel — in this case also happens rehandling sails with all the ensuing consequences. It is better to turn a tack, when the wind line crosses the nose of the sailboat. The sail is filled slowly, without jerks.
4. Even going out in the very short voyage, don’t forget to wear a life jacket!
B. Evstratov, yacht captain
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