CABIN “When you live on the shore of a large reservoir with a picturesque coast, it is a sin to spend vacation in foreign lands. Especially attractive the summer vacation on the water. Of course, it is necessary to have some kind of flotation device. In our family, for example, there is a cabin boat with two powerful motors, which for many years we proceeded Rybinsk reservoir up and down. Do I need to tell you what a pleasure and what impressions we receive from these trips?

Our homemade boat. Designed exclusively for pleasure-tourist voyages on the rivers and in the coastal zones of large lakes and reservoirs.


The payload capacity of a vessel depends on the volume of his body. By the standards of the American Association В1А (similar provisions adopted in the former USSR and the Nordic countries) the capacity is calculated from the keel to the plane of the “static navigation”. In the case of our boat this plane is delineated by a conventional water line, which runs from the top of the stem to the top of the bulkhead separating the engine from the niche of the cockpit.
The allowable load Q for the boat was calculated by the formula:
Q = 0,2(kV-G)
where is the density of water (1kg/dm3), V is the volume of the body (5900 dm3), is the mass of the boat (400 kg).
Thus, according to the rules В1А the maximum load capacity of our boats is 1100 kg.
This figure will become more clear if we Express it in number of passengers on Board. So, if derived from 1,100 kg to subtract the weight of the two outboard motors “Vikhr-M” (96 kg), two fuel tanks (160 kg) and battery (10 kg), the share of passengers and their Luggage will remain 834 kg. That is, boat can take on Board six people (the mass of each is equal to 75 kg) and 384 kg of cargo!
In the calculation are two “Vortex-M”. This is no accident. Standards В1А required engine power N depends on the parameter K, which is calculated by the formula K = TO 10.76 is essential,
where L is the maximum length boats, the maximum width of the boat at the transom.
In our case, at L = 5.4 m and H = 1.9 m, the parameter K = 110,4. With this value the motor power in HP
N = 2K — 90,
that is, for our boats N = 130.8 á. Closest to that value the total power of two “Vortex-M”. This suited us as “Vortices” are affordable and reliable.
Fig. 1. General view of the boat
Fig. 1. General view of boat.
Fig. 2. The layout of the boat
Fig. 2. The layout of the boat:
1 — housing; 2 — eye-pen bow; 3 — nasal clip; 4 — a cover of the hatch of the forepeak; 5 — forepeak; 6 — glazed cabin, front; 7 — the turret roof; 8 — cover felling; 9 — handrail; 10 — glazed cabin, side; 11 —the bottom of the cutting; 12,36 — seat cutting; 13 — signal sound; 14 — headlight; 15 — canopy windproof; 16 — control panel; 17 — Playground steering; 18,35 — fuel tanks (2×80 l); 19 — seat steering (“Kazanka-2”); 20 — mounting brackets foldable awning; 21 —the bottom of the cockpit; 22,31 —cockpit cushions; 23 —cover of Oh garpike; 24 — Board transom; 25 — the after peak; 26 — recess of the after peak; 27 — deck; 28 — railing aft; 29 — duck; 30 — battery rechargeable (6СТ120, 12 V); a 32 — seat of the Navigator (from the “Kazanka-2”); 33 — waved his right; 34 — fire running right; 37 — the pillows to the headboard (3 pieces, under the middle are pillows that fit into the passage, forming a third bed).
Fig. 3. Theoretical hull lines

Fig. 3. Theoretical hull lines.
Fig. 4. The construction of the inner contour of the frames

Fig. 4. Building internal contours of the frames.

Now directly about the design. The hull is all metal, made mostly of aluminum. Details of the power set of the hull and superstructure are interconnected and covered in dural (Д18П) rivets with diameter 4 mm, PLANO-convex and countersunk heads. Riveted seams are sealed with Thiokol pasta and Thiokol tapes. After Assembly, all metallic surfaces are covered with a pound and painted with waterproof paint.
Transverse power set of the hull consists of ten frames and transom. The second and tenth frames are bulkheads, ensuring the tightness of the nose compartment (forepeak) and aft nacelle (after peak) under tight partition (re-process). The sixth frame with doors, which isolate the cabin from the weather.
Longitudinal power set consists of six stringers of the bottom (three on each side from the fourth frame to the transom), and four side members (side and slanovich) and two cradle seats in the cabin.
The design of the case widely used a separate part of the motor boats “Progress-2” and “Moscow-2”. For example, the bottom and sides of “Progress”; the sponsons (they are drawn from the fourth frame to the transom) and door in the cockpit — from “Moscow”.
The rest of the hull, including frames and partitions, made of sheet duralumin stamps AMC in the thickness 1,5—2 mm.
The plates have a flange and are connected, as already mentioned, riveted seams. Side seams are strengthened: upper — dural area, servants, RUB rail, lower — improvised U-shaped profile Sprayhood.
Keel composite: from the nose to the fourth frame he made out of the same U-shaped profile, then from the fourth frame to the transom from the Y-shaped profile (curved brand).
Sealed bow compartment to the second bulkhead (forepeak) filled with foam and equipped with round removable hatch (motor boats “Progress-2”) to monitor the status of the compartment.
In the forepeak is a cabin. On the roof it is installed windproof visor, directional spotlight, sound an alarm, grab bars and ventilation (emergency) hatch. Edging for the glass cuttings taken from the truck GAS. Frames the side Windows (4 mm thick) is hand made. Inside, the cabin, located in the seat, which can be expanded and to provide overnight accommodation for three members of the crew. Under the seats there are large lockers for things needed during the journey. In addition, the ceiling has two light sources: a big traffic light (at the door) and a small “night light” (the front glass).
Behind the wheelhouse on the port side equipped with remote control devices and located the controls of the boat (the wheel) and the engines (levers, throttle and reverse). Next — seat steering. On the starboard side seat, so to speak, the Navigator. Next to the cabin (cockpit) there are two seats along the sides, with a little transformation, they (along with seats steering and Navigator) can serve as a place to sleep two more people.
Length max, m……………………………..5,4
Width max, m………………..1,9
The height of the boat, m……………………………………1,8
Board height on a midship, m………………………..1,0
Curb weight, kg……………………………..500
Load capacity, kg……………………………..1100
The volume of the cockpit on the sides is not empty: under the floor of the passenger and pilot placed the fuel tanks of 80 l each, over them, under the passenger seats — capacity for fittings and batteries (starboard side).
Next, behind the bulkhead of the cockpit (the tenth frame), the engine is a niche. It occupies the upper part of the space between the tenth frame and transom. The lower part of the cast in the stern sections, filled with foam and separated from the sealed motor a niche partition (recession) with the same removable hatch, as the forepeak. On the sides of the motor niche covered with aluminum visors, repeating the aft contours of the deck.
The transom is a structure consisting of a thick duralumin sheet, banded area and is bolted to the sheet powerful oak Board. To this Board and fasten your clamps outboard engines. In shallow water to the propellers did not touch the bottom of the pond, the engines can be tilted in the engine niche.
Fig. 6. Constructive design of a bulkhead of the deckhouse on the example of SHP. 5)
Fig. 6. Constructive design of a bulkhead of the deckhouse on the example of SHP. 5):
1 —jumper (AMC, s1,5); 2 — sidewall (AMC, s1,5); 3 — Board (AMC, s1,5); 4 — the bottom (AMC, s1,5); 5 — panel (Д16АТ, s1,5); 6 —rivet (Д18П, Ø4).
Fig. 5. Section of deckhouse and hull (between NR.5 and 6)

Fig. 5. Section of deckhouse and hull (between NR.5 and 6):
1 — roof (AMC, s1,5); 2 — filler (foam); 3 — ceiling (plywood s); 4 — padding (penoplen); 5 — tape tikalova; 6, 14 — rivet (Д18П, 04); 7 — Board logging (AMC, 51,5); 8 — bulwark (AMC, s1,5); 9 — block buoyancy side front (foam); 10 — seat; 11 — longitudinal side (dural area 30×30); 12 — seat 13 — the cradle (dural t 50×20); 15 — bar fenders (dural area 25×25); 16 — Board of the body (from Motorboats “Progress-2”); 17 — Sprayhood (AMC); 18 — school (AMC, s1,5); 19,21 —steps (from boats “Moscow-2”); 20—the bottom (from Motorboats “Progress-2”); 22 Kil (dural t 50×20); 23 — a lining (Д16АТ, s1,5); 24 — spar Elana (dural area 30×30); 25 — Elan (retinoidam); 26 — poslani (bakelite plywood is waterproof s5).
Fig. 8. Equipment transom

Fig. 8. Equipment transom:
1 — flange (dural area 30×30); 2 — transom (Д16АТ, s4); 3 — M8 bolt furniture (16 pieces); 4 — Board transom (oak, s40); 5 — rivet (Д18П, Ø4); 6 — prop transom Board (dural area 30×30); 7 — the bottom (from Motorboats “Progress-2”); 8 — unit of buoyancy aft (foam); 9 — recess of the after-peak (AMC, z); 10 — cover of the hatch of the after-peak (AMC, z); 11 — screw-tapping (brass, 12×4).
Fig. 7. Layout blocks of foam buoyancy in the hull

Fig. 7. Layout blocks of foam buoyancy in the hull:
1 —nose block (350 dm3); 2 — block side, front (2×90 dm3); 3 — block side, back (2×80 dm3); 4 — block feed (190 dm3).
Fig. 9. Longitudinal section of the roof of the deckhouse
Fig. 9. Longitudinal section of the roof of the wheelhouse:
1 — casing; 2 — jumper frame; 3 — stud; 4 — filler; 5 — ceiling; 6 — a screw-a screw; 7 — padding.


In addition, the boat has a pull-down awning on two dural arches. In the lowered position it is located on the deck around the cockpit; in raised — it covers the entire cockpit and helps travelers to wait out the storm.
Were not forgotten and security requirements. The boat has design features that allow it to maintain buoyancy even when fully flooded with water the body. In addition to the already mentioned forepeak and after peak, there are four seats, also filled with foam, is the side of the sinus behind the seat backs in the cabin and cockpit.
The required volume of foam buoyancy blocks were calculated on the assumption that the hull, engines and other equipment themselves displace a certain volume of water. The mass of the submerged boat with the motor is determined by the formula:
G=Gk R1 +R2 Gn +0,69G0 +Gg Rg ,
where Gk is the mass of the body (200 kg); Gn — weight of deck and superstructure (100 kg); G0 is the mass attached to the body of equipment (100 kg); Gg — mass of the engines (96 kg); R1 , R2 , and Rg are the coefficients of the density of the material (coefficient of Rg for outboard motors is equal to 0.55).
It turned out that G= 311 kg.
The required volume of buoyancy blocks is calculated according to the formula V = G + 0,25 Gл,
where Gл— mass of all passengers . In the end, V = 679 dm3.
For safety it is important to distribute buoyancy so that in emergency situation the boat was floating on the water in the “even-keel” and retain positive stability.
Therefore, 50 percent of the maximum buoyancy (340 dm3) according to the theory should be placed in the stern of a boat within a third of the hull length from the transom, 25 percent (170 dm3) — in the front part within a third of the length of the body from the nose, and another 25 percent (170 DM ) — on the sides of the boat.
In our boat the blocks were distributed in slightly different proportions: bow sermouse — 350 dm3, front and rear side of the sinus, respectively 180 dm3 160 dm3, feed vermouzek (under recession) — 190 dm3. That is a total of 880 dm3. Together with the foam on the inside plastered wall felling, this buoyancy is more than enough.
It should be noted that his boat our family is very happy. For many years he was with us, but there is still a sense of novelty: we look forward to each new season, make plans to leave and try they must to realize. With the help of our boats make it quite easy!
V. LEBEDEV, G. P s b I n s K, Yaroslavl region.

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