DINGHY Its high performance is a boat more suited to voyages on inland waters and small weight of the hull allows to deliver it on the upper trunk or the trailer car almost any “blind corner”. Chibis can be recommended to fishermen and campers for offline (up to two weeks) trips of two people or of hikes of the day the three of us. Will like this boat and the villagers standing along the banks of rivers and reservoirs, as an everyday vehicle, the more that the opportunities for installation of outboard motor, sails or oars makes it universal.

For ease of fabrication of the housing uses lines with a flat bottom. Due to this the boat has a shallow draft, which gives the opportunity to approach the shore closely and to overcome the move is shallow water and river rapids. The nasal extremity of the transom more is raised. From splashing in the excitement of it covered with a small deck. In the campaign under the deck and banks are placed inflatable bags-hermoupoli with equipment, providing the ship unsinkable.
All cross set of “Lapwing” is made of plywood 12 mm thick, but depending on the available material frames can be made from pine slats with a cross-section 20×40 mm, with reinforcing plates at the joints. The bow transom is made from two sheets of plywood, and aft between the sheets of plywood glued under engine Board with a width of 150 mm.
Frame Assembly the frame is made on the slipway the keel up. For the stocks selected well dried and straight boards section 4000x200x30 mm. the Contours are set by the table blazovich ordinate and theoretical drawing, which are control components of the kit and covering. After installation samotnych framework with temporal serging slats are laid out elements of the longitudinal set, which after the necessary malkivka are glued into place with the mounting screws or, where necessary, attract a rubber band.
If the boat you plan to use as a sailing ship, mounted svartby well. It is designed for the use of the centerboard “dagger” type and is installed between the 3rd and 4th frames.
The theoretical drawings,
The theoretical drawing
DP—diametrical plane of the OL—main line
DP—diametrical plane of the OL—the main line
Sail Dinghy
Schemes of the seams of the sail
Table blazovich ordinate
Table blazovich ordinate
Vorspiel, and transom are attached to the keel using the brackets on the bolts. The connection of the transoms with sides reinforced below deck with brackets. The cockpit perimeter is bordered by a wide coaming. In the rear of the hull on the keel is installed the outer keel. For hanging the rudder on the transom there are two bracket-“corner”
From plywood strips cut the required length at the place the sides and bottom, which are then attached to the set screws or nails in epoxy or other waterproof glue.
For plating of the hull is of conventional construction plywood thickness of 6 mm. Sold in the shops of building materials, the leaves are usually not longer than 1.5 m. the Most reliable method of interfacing connection “on a mustache”. This is done so. Collect a package of two sheets, and an auxiliary strap located “steps” depending on the value of the “zayavki” which determines the strength of the connection. Typically, a bevel edge at the junction is 12… 18 sheet thicknesses. In our case, when the plating thickness of 6 mm it is 80… 100 mm. Then it is necessary to prostragivat together both edges planed with a small amount of removal. Auxiliary strap provide a desired slope. After planing the leaves overlap each other and are glued together with an epoxy adhesive with the fixation bias with small nails. The joint should be placed under the load to not less than two days.
The finish is pasting it one-three layers of fiberglass or other substance epoxy resin. If you intend to use the Dinghy very often, and keep in closed dry room, then it is possible to do primer for exterior trim parts of natural linseed oil followed by painting pentaftalevyh enamel. The inner surface of the hull, the centerboard and rudder are primed with two layers of varnish and then covered with three layers of waterproof varnish, with intermediate Vykurovanie.
Dinghy Chibis:
1 —duck gaff-halyard; 2—mast: 3—swivel boom; 4—sail; 5—forestay; 6—jaw; 7—the top block of the gaff-halyard; 8—LVL; 9—false seam; 10 — the gaff-halyard; 11—guy; 12 — soft lanyard; 13 — gik; 14 centerboard; 15 — block ghica-sheet; 16—gate; 17—boom-mainsheet; 18—duck boom-mainsheet; 19—Sorlin; 20—stopper Carlina; 21 —tiller; 22—baller; 23—wheel; 24 vorspiel; 25—deck flooring; 26—keel cnica; 27—partners mast; 28—lip; 29—steps; 30—frame; 31 Kil; 32—svartby well; 33—Bank; 34—podlogar; 35—lateral Bank; 36—feed of the Bank; 37—transom; 38—bracket steering wheel; 39—aft keel cnica; 40—external keel, 41—soles; 42—polylysine; 43—coaming; 44—cnica

In the sailing version of the “Chibis” hafellner equipped with weapons of type “Gauri”. His choice due to the small length of the individual parts of the mast, which if necessary can be placed along the sides and quite a large sail.
The mast consists of the mast, Hafele and boom, made of pipes aluminum alloy D16T. The mast passes through partners in the deck and rests on the oak steps, fixed on the keel and flora of the first frame. The steps cut a hole depth of 20 mm.
The jaw rests on the mast mustache enfolded her in a semicircle, and rises with the sail of the mainsail-halyard passing through a block at the top and wrap the duck. Boom-mainsheet held in three Lopera using two blocks, one of which is on boom and the other on the keel aft of the cockpit. Standing rigging—forestay and shrouds — made of nylon cord with a diameter of 6 mm and full of simple lanyards made of steel rings.
a—mast: 1—lower knee; 2—stop (rivet ø 6 mm): 3 — high knee; b, the gaff; boom
Connecting the sheets of plywood
The connection of the sheets of plywood “on us”:
1—support plate; 2—plywood

For sails any sturdy fabric with a weight of 100… 150 g/m2. Before the reveal it must be soaked and dried in order to eliminate possible shrinkage. To preserve the aerodynamic performance of sails are laid a false seams, in increments of half the width of the material used. And for giving it a transverse elasticity and form—it is provided with three LVL plywood thickness 1,5… 2 mm. elements of the mast are inserted into the sewn in pockets Katarina. At the corners, with two sides sewn reinforcing plates. All the seams on the sail are carried out on the machine by double row of type “zigzag”.
Because Chibis are not intended for “conquest” large outdoor spaces, the ideal powerplant for this dvuhserijnyj outboard engine “Sputnik”. His regular place on the transom closer to the left side. The centerboard and rudder in this case removable.

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