A few words about how she was born. Children’s technical club in Moscow, which is headed by engineer Alexander Abramov took a simple machine for kids learning practical driving. Except scooters and vasomotoric D-4, at the disposal of Alexander was nothing.
— Try and see what happens! — decided to guys.
No sooner said than done: just over two evenings, with no welding machine, no lathe, Alexander and his team had built this machine. “Cheap and cheerful!” joked, its creators quickly realized that “duet” is exactly what you need for children of Junior age.
So, two of the scooter. The design, which is shown in figure 1, used scooters produced by the GDR, with the frame of thin wall steel tubes. Such scooters are not always on sale. But this does not mean that for the construction of “Duo”, you cannot apply another type, for example, stamped sheet metal etc. this will change only the system of fastening the connecting bridge and the frame of the scooters. However, we must remember that drilling any holes in the tubes of the frame should not — it can lead to rapid destruction of the whole machine, since its margin of safety is very small. Connect elements of the bridge and the frame is best done well fitting in place with clamps or ties. Shown in the figure, the connecting bridge made of plywood of 8 mm thickness on a frame of pine sticks with a cross-section 20×50 mm. In the transverse bar is made semicircular cutouts which, when the Assembly includes a longitudinal tube of the frame of the scooters. On the right side plywood panel has an overhang with a width of 120 mm, forming a footrest for the driver. Connection bridge attached to the frame of the scooters in four places with plates of steel strips with a thickness of 3 mm on the M6 bolts, ensuring high rigidity the base of the whole structure. Steering column is additionally connected between a dural tube Ø 25 mm, handlebars semi-detached transverse thrust, which with their ends bent 90° downwards, enters the hole of the tail feathers of hogs. This ensures the simultaneous rotation of the front wheels from the steering wheel to the right of the scooter.

Fig. 1. General view of the coaxial scooters:
1 — lug-bolt for tensioning the chain; 2 — bracket cushion foot brakes; 3 — seat, driver and passenger; 4 — protective shield-chain; 5 — front seats; 6 — engine D-4; 7 — the handle of gas; 8 — clutch lever; 9 — right steering lever; 10 — rudder; 11 — transverse tube that connects the steering column; 12—transverse thrust; 13 — neck tank; 14 — left steering arm; 15 — the left steering column; 16 — pinch bolt of the steering lever; 17 —a coupling bolt of the transverse pipe; 18 — front wheel size 121/2x21/4; 19 — bar petrol crane; 20 — bar frame of the platform; 21—the fuel pipe; 22 — the brake pedal; 23 — front mount of the engine; a 24 — dural area 40X40 carrying the rear wheel; 25 — tripping; 26 — driving wheel.

Fig. 2. “Duet” of scooters. The scheme in four different views (front view and the back shows only the main parts).

Fig. 3. A — transverse thrust of the steering mechanism; B — diagram of the brakes.
Set on “duet” waldwichtel D-4 no alterations were not exposed. It is mounted on the frame of the right scooter with the help of its clamps. As the driven sprocket on the rear wheel has a large gear of a Bicycle “Eaglet”. To adjust chain tension right rear fork of the scooter is cut off, and instead connecting bridge bolts M6 fixed two dural area 40X40 mm, the rear ends of which have a longitudinal slot to move the wheel axis. The stretch circuit is a standard uskovym bolts with lock nuts. Brake — the simplest type, the pressure plate running on the surface of the left rear tire, operated by foot pedal associated thrust wire Ø 5 mm with an intermediate roller mounted on the connecting bridge.
To accommodate the driver and passenger of “duet” has a seat bench mounted on the frame of duralumin pipes. Pillow made of polyurethane foam and covered with leatherette.
In addition to training machine can be used for all kinds of chores — transportation of cargoes with weight up to 50 kg, are placed on the connecting bridge to the left of the driver.