FROM FROM For many years since the entry into force of “Technical conditions” to build a home-made micro cars and sidecars the creators of these machines in their structures often used the main gear of the rocking rear axle and transmission from a wheelchair sidecars of various modifications. All the disadvantages of these mechanisms are stereotypically repeated in almost every home-made, significantly impairing their performance. Traced the pursuit of more utilitarian to fulfill this part of the design, almost nothing or nothing changing in the factory units, and parts and disguised all this slightly redesigned (compared to wheelchair) the body, fenders and other “decorations”.

Unfortunately, with the emergence of a new class of micro cars sport “buggy” traditional solutions were used here. Open circuits, weak transmission (usually a motorcycle), large losses in the main transmission, the abundance bias in mates rotating components of the drivetrain, bad approaches for adjustment and repair, the inconvenience of shift work (especially races) — all this taken together significantly reduced the reliability of micro cars “Buggy-350” and hindered the process of their further improvement. Other prospects were opened to designers in the case of the transmission from the car “Zaporozhets”: it would allow the use of different motors, irrespective of the scheme of arrangement of the cylinders and completely freed from the care chains, clutch, main gear, etc.
However, transmission “plows” are not docked to not only engines of type “Ij” of various modifications having a transverse crankshaft, but with engines of the boxer type. We needed some transitional device, allowing for the lowest power loss and with minimum cost to connect the engine to the transmission “Zaporozhets”.
One of the first this task was successfully solved by V. L. Taranukha. His “Buggy-350” with the gearbox, appearing for the first time on the race track, immediately attracted attention. It seemed that mounted it on the engine “IZH-Planeta-cross” not only works perfectly, but even the sound of a special smooth and steady at all ranges, without failures and jamming when shifting. The car, driven by racing driver Nikolai Titov, was among the winners.
At the request of the publisher V. Taranukha sent photos and drawings of the “docking station”, with which we introduce our readers today, enthusiasts of microelectrode.
Fig. 1. General view of an engine
Fig. 1. General view of an engine “IZH-the planet” in the block to the box from the car “Zaporozhets”.

It seems that the proposed scheme can be successfully used not only in the designs of sports cars.
The proposed design of the docking engine from a motorcycle “IZH-Planeta” is performed with use of the Carter fire pumps MP-800, which has several advantages in comparison with the standard sump Izhevsk motor and does not require substantial alterations. Mount it on the frame of the little micro-car is not difficult (it is the same as on the car ZAZ 965-966). the whole Assembly turns very compact and easy to maintain (Fig. 1).
To proceed we need the following engine parts ZAZ-965—966; culled Carter (back wall], from which it is manufactured adapter flange, handwheel, ratchet, native seal, dowel pins, flywheel mounting, sealing washer, bolt flywheel and clutch mechanism.
Details that need to be produced, shown in figure 2. This is the spacer between the flange ZAZ and Carter, bushing mounting the flywheel to the crankshaft, the sleeve of fastening of a pulley of a drive of the generator and fan, which pulls the sleeve and the pulley and bolt M10X1,5 hexagon. They are all under the power of Turner average skill.
Bearings, seals, gaskets applied from a widespread range of avtomotozapchastyna.
When assembling it is necessary very carefully to observe the alignment of the shafts with the exact fit of the sleeve of fastening of a flywheel to the crankshaft on the cone of the last and minimum clearances in the splined connection. All the rest of the drawing. To improve filling of the cylinder fuel mixture was made a special pipe for the carb, which allowed to set the carb with a vertical mixing chamber (a so-called “falling stream”). The alternator from the car “Moskvich-402”, starter ZAZ, fan — scooter “Cezeta-175”, without a casing. Practice has shown that with proper location of the inlet body and outlet pipes for the heated air to the casing becomes excessive.
Fig. 2. Node docking engine and gearbox
Fig. 2. Node docking engine and transmission:
1 — nut of fastening of a flywheel, 2 — spring washer, 3 — pins of fastening of a flywheel Ø 6X20, 4 — flywheel, 5 — a transition flange, 6 — spacer, 7 — bolt M12X1 hexagon 25 x 25, 8 — sleeve of fastening of a flywheel to the crank shaft 9 — bearing No. 209, 10 — oil seal Ø 50X25, 11 — o-ring under the oil seal Ø 62 x 52, 12 — engine, 13 — bearing No. 305, 14 — o-ring under the oil seal 62 X Ø 40, 15 — seal-root engine “IZH-Planeta”, 16 — a nut of fastening of asterisks, 17 — sprocket drive magneto, 18 — sleeve of fastening of a pulley of a drive of the generator and the fan, 19 — constricting sleeve, 20 — a pulley of a 21 — ratchet engine, 22 — M8X1 bolts of fastening of a pulley, 23 — crankshaft machined to Ø 148 mm, 24 — transition washer mounting cylinder 25, the cylinder 26 and spacer sleeve on the crankshaft, a 27 — seal root; the motor is rotated by 20° relative to the vertical axis.

Before commissioning you must perform the cold run of the assembled unit either at the stand or directly on the frame of the micro-car, only to achieve the minimum resistance to rotation, including consistently all gears and reverse. During the cold test on the frame of the micro-car, only the drive wheels need to be hung, and their suspension is compressed to a position in which the axle shafts are on the same straight line. To do this, the entire rear part of little micro-car is raised and set on sturdy trestles or boxes, and pendants cinch the rope or belt.
At run-easy to use crank when you turned the cylinder the spark plug or the V-belt through the pulley from the electric capacity of 500-600 watts. Needless to say that the box should be flooded with a suitable oil, and the piston of the engine during break-in should be periodically lubricated with engine oil through the plug hole. Only after this process is complete you can go to the track and test the car (better on the tug, and then their own). This sequence of operation will give complete confidence that everything is assembled correctly and the machine will not fail.
V. TARANUKHA, winner of the NTTM, Kharkov

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