For successful fishing it would be nice to to good gear added luck, but still; as they say, “gotta know”. And if luck is fickle thing, then the place where the fish, I knew. But to get to them sometimes was difficult, and “equestrian”, and even Hiking. and there was only one way — by water. However, this would have at least some boats. So I decided to make a simple fishing boat.

Before the construction of the boat (or rather, prior to designing) formulated the basic desired requirements. 1 — the stability; 2 status; 3 — rigidity; 4 economy running under outboard engine, 5 — little weight; 6 — transportability of; 7 — adequate displacement {payload); 8 — maneuverability; 9 — durability.
Requirements are many, and some of them. moreover, contradicted each other, which was forced to seek a compromise between them. Part of the reason the boat is made of different materials: metal (aluminum) and wood. Maneuverability is to some extent sacrificed the stability, and the capacity (displacement) small dimensions in order to tansportable.
As you know, the boat can float on water in displacement mode (e.g., floating self-propelled barges) or glissirovat (like speedboats). On small speeds it is economical swimming for the first mode. But at a relatively high speed, this mode is acceptable only when a sufficiently large ratio of vessel length to width (1/10 and later), and for small economical boat is a planing mode. However, this requires that for every 25 kg of weight of the boat with all the content it had at least 1 HP power outboard motor. But it! the figure, according to all estimates, I went easy.
On this basis, began to design the boat. The most efficient way was to give her bottom a form through which body by increasing the rate itself would rise over the water, so that the boat could have easily came out on plane. This form is known — ridanna. But the making of the ledge at the bottom in terms of home workshop — work is quite complex, and to navigate over stepped bottom is not very convenient. So I settled on a more simple flat-bottomed “ski” (with raised nose piece) — it is not in the race now on this boat to participate.
Homemade fishing boat Homemade fishing boat
Homemade fishing boat:
left is back view; right — front view
The result is simple. but a solid boat for intensive use with many years of resource, requiring virtually no maintenance, and any special storage conditions.
The boat consists of two parts: the forward closed end of the forepeak, and the rest of the open part of the cockpit.
The hull is made mostly from sheets of aluminum. For bottoms was used a sheet thickness of 1.6 mm. and for the sides, transom, bulkhead and front of bottoms with a thickness of 1 mm. All the details listed single cut (each cut from a single sheet), while the bottom and side, nothing prevents riveted composite panels, making the junction at the place of attachment thereto of the bulkhead (just don’t forget to add 20 mm margin on both the abutting workpieces). The base thickness of 1.6 mm are only necessary in the cockpit and the forepeak can be used and millimeter sheet.
It took 15 meters of aluminum parts with dimensions of 20x20x2 mm shelves and about 1,000 aircraft rivet diameter 3.5 x 10 mm. pine boards and galvanized self-tapping screws do not take into account (such. or similar materials is always on hand at homebrew).
The use of these materials ensured the lightness and sufficient strength of the structure. In addition, they (materials) are relatively easy to cut and processed. However, the connection of the parts by rivets, the method is time — consuming and I rebui I experience, but I have had time unseemly. Besides, now there are a lot of good adaptations that increase the efficiency and quality of riveted work.
Boat fishing
Boat fishing:
1 – the bottom (dural sheet s1,6); 2 — seat Bank (fir Board 160х20); 3 — bracket to install the seat-beams (dural area 30x30x2,5, 2); 4 — internal corner panel (aluminum, sheet s3, 4x); 5 — genesco oarlocks; 6 — a clamp of fastening of a petrol tank and cans (aluminum strip 20×2. 3). 7 — deck flooring (dural sheet s1); 8 — cover of the forepeak (dural sheet s1); 9 — handle-ring (tube Ø10); 10 — below deck longitudinal beam carlings (fir Board is 80×20); 11 — a cross beam below the deck-beams (fir 80×20 Board); 12 — gear box; 13 — Board (dural sheet s1,2); 14 -outer corner panel (s3, 2); 15 — plancher (fir Board 125×20, 2pcs.); 16 – front-pillers banks-seats; 17 – bulkhead (dural sheet s1); 18 — gloss bulkheads (fir Board 140×20); 19 — connecting frame time (dural area 20x20x2); 20 — transom Board (fir Board 135×20); 21 — under engine cover plate (steel, sheet s2); 22 — shock absorbing block (hard rubber 60x30x20); 23 — rivet Ø3; 24 — screw-screw; 25 — face (dural sheet s1)

Mounting rack (pillers) under the seat (jar)
Mounting stand (pillers) under the seat (jar):
1 — seat; 2 — resistant flange fasteners (screw, 4 PCs); 3 — thrust flange (made of anodized aluminum, round 60); 4 — stand-pillers (dural tube Ø20); 5 — peg (aluminum rivet Ø10); 6 — thrust washer (duralumin, sheet s3); 7 — the bottom of the boat

Patterns of main body parts (POS. details are the same as Fig. the General form)
Patterns of main body parts (POS. details are the same as Fig. the General form)
Angles are used as design elements with which a connection is made between the individual parts (panels) with each other in a single structure. At the same time they serve as a formative (frame) elements, and even some power. But the main significance of the hull of the boat.
Fir planks (can use wood and other coniferous species) laid on edge, enclosed the entire cockpit. This is the cover and the frame of the cockpit (stiffens the upper free edges of the panels, allowing them to bend). and at the same time uvelichivat! the height of the boards. Besides transom Board serves as a support for the outboard motor. and side for rowlocks oars and perform the role and ellershaw, fenders and bars.
The angles for the cheeks of the hull (the lines joining the sides and bottom) slightly unbend under the corresponding obtuse angle and, if necessary, ryhtuyut.
The dural connection of the sheets with parts below the waterline is with the installation of rivets in two rows in a staggered manner with a pitch of 15 mm, and above it — in a single row with a pitch of 20 mm.
The seam is laid a thin layer of mastic. You must make sure that the butt does not hit any debris or metal filings.
The dural attachment of the panels to the wooden parts of the structure is performed by self-tapping screws in one row with spacing of 30 mm of these compounds are high enough above the water.
Deck the forward end of the boat is made in the form of a semicircle. The bend area with a radius of 650 mm for stihaci sides and deck flooring is made in the direction of the horizontal flange pre-trimmed to a width of 12 mm
Deck the deck above the forepeak you performed a composite of the two panels cut from aluminum sheet of 1 mm thickness to support the deck from below are two beams: the transverse (for shipbuilding terminology — BIMS) and longitudinal (carlings). At the intersection of the beams connected “vpoldereva”. BIMS and carlings allow us to step on deck when mooring the nose and push. For mooring boats in its nose mounted handle eye. The first (front) deck panel is removable, this cover for access to the forepeak. To frame the area it is screwed by self-tapping screws, the Second (following) panel side edges fastened by rivets through the same angle with the sides and to the Board-the extension of the bulkhead is also screwed by self-tapping screws Bulkhead is also made of a millimetric dural sheet. To the sides and the bottom it is attached with rivets through aluminum parts, and the lower area corresponds to the intersection (overlap) bottom panels and side panels, if they compound it should be noted that the cross power set as such, no boat. therefore, the bulkhead serves as a bulkhead as. however, and transom.
Stern — transom that is ploskosrezannym. Made of sheet of aluminum of 1 mm thickness and redstavleny in the upper part of pine Board with twenty 125 mm wide. Here note that in order to raise outboard motor up higher above the water, the top edge of the transom Board made convex. However, the same was made convex and the upper edge of the Board extension of the bulkhead, but with a different goal — to give the deck bulge to hit her, the water flowed over the side and into the cockpit. In the middle of the transom Board put on the fittings of the steel plate thickness of 1 mm to a mounting bracket of the motor is not damaged the Board.
Although the boat is a double, but the seat (the Bank) one and installed it as usual — across boats, and along it in the middle and slightly obliquely. This arrangement banks are not only much more comfortable for fishing, but allows the helmsman and passenger to occupy any location in the cockpit depending on the congestion of boats and rough water, and if necessary to change places right on the water and even on the go boat risk-free to flip it or fall overboard myself. Accommodation in the boat of the fuel tank capacity of 5 liters, boxes for fishing tackle, drawer under clothes organized, if possible, so that the bottom Ostap almost completely free, that has improved operating conditions and habitability (if that word can be used for small area and open to all the winds of the cockpit).
Big and concentrated, the load on the bottom of the boat passes installed vraspor stand-pippers seat banks. Therefore, the lower end of the strut rests on the washer rather large diameter of duralumin sheet, 3 mm thick Washer placed at the bottom and riveted to the bottom of single rivet with a diameter of 10 mm. and. locking head made in the form of a peg, which is the locking position of the lower end of the tubular rack.
The wooden parts before assembling impregnated with hot linseed oil. Duralumin parts before painting are cleaned by the oxide film (at the same time, given the roughness of their surfaces for better grip), are degreased and primed. The entire boat after assembling its parts into a single structure will be painted with enamel.
Forepeak bale will not be sealed. Therefore, unsinkable boats provide placed in 20 plastic bottles with a capacity of 1.5 l and two cans of 10 l. mounted on the underbody in the aft cockpit of the boat and attached as tank, clamps to the transom.
Vespa tried to make durable, light. comfortable and unsinkable. Represent their design.
The spindle of the paddle is made of duralumin tubes with a diameter of 32 mm and millimeter wall thickness. In the place of connection of the oarlocks spindle increases from the inside cut thick-walled aluminum pipe with a wooden plug, fastened in there with epoxy glue Tube is required to prevent the ingress of water and paddle to the axle-bolt oarlocks not as intense smash a hole in the spindle. Also, to increase wear resistance on the axle between the fork horns of the oarlock and tube Val on both sides of the inserted Teflon washers.
1 — stick (birch); 2 — spindle (tube 32×1): 3 — tube (fir); 4 — amp (tube aluminum Ø30×3); 5 — bracket (pipe aluminum Ø32×4); 6 — rivet (aluminium Ø6, 3 pieces); 7 — blade (made of anodized aluminum, the sheet s2,5)
Nest oarlocks
Socket oarlocks:
1 — bushing for pin (steel pipe Ø15×2,25); 2 — panel (steel sheet s2, 2 PC.)

Rowlocks and the fee
Rowlocks and collection (parts of paddle POS. 5, 6 and 7 are shown conventionally in cross section):
1 — pin (steel 35, round Ø10); 2 — plug (steel 20, strip 20×3); 3 — axis paddle (М6х55 bolt with nut); 4 — gasket (PTFE washer, s2); 5 — spindle paddle: 6 — amplifier; 7 — tube

Finalization of the anti-cavitation agent alocrom plate on the outboard motor
Revision anti-cavitation agent alocrom plate on the outboard motor “Veterok-8M”
To get the oars are made of sheet aluminum of medium hardness with a thickness of 2.5 mm Along the blade, by bending the stream. Attaching it to the spindle is made not directly but through a transient insert — amplifier root portion of a spindle made of thick-walled aluminum tubes of an external diameter of 32 mm. also with cork. To be able to insert the amplifier in the spindle, one end of the first protochen to the inner diameter of the second. At the other end made the slot for the blade, the end flattened and riveted details. The amplifier is planted in the spindle on epoxy glue. For the strength of the joint in glue, you can add clean small metal filings or aluminum powder.
It is possible to manufacture the spindle oars of fir. In this case its diameter, and thus the distance between the oarlock horns of the fork should be increased in 1.5 times.
The mass of the boat does not even reach 20 kg, but the displacement (total weight of passengers and payload) was about 130 kg.
The boat is equipped with a modified outboard motor “Breeze” with 8 HP (went under the 12-strong). It is important that the penetration shaft of the motor. I have the motor lifted, and to prevent air suction plate anti-cavitation agent widened at the bow and sides to her bottom riveted plate. The planing depth of the screw is about 250 mm, which is sufficient grass and debris floating on the water, until the screw can’t reach.
Yet outboard engine Veterok dismantled the emphasis, and to the rear Board at the bottom of the boat riveted dural area with a block of hard rubber. This suspension of the motor not only dampens the vibration and shock but also reduces the load on the transom. From the latter point the motor mount is in the raised position also dismantled and the engine is now in this position rests on the left side and no stops.
Speed boat with motor “Veterok-8M” 8 HP — 30 km/h, and with 12-horsepower motor — up to 40 km/h.
One driver even under 8-horsepower engine the boat is easily out and on Glossary mode, and under engine capacity of 12 HP, her hull almost completely out of the water. Further riding in economical gliserna mode (fuel consumption) for the motor.
It is seen that in the presence of the water ripple speed to run the boat on plane increases. Happy voyage to you or. as sailors say: seven feet under the keel. Just remember to wear your life vests even if you can swim well
R. NIGMATULLIN, Neftekamsk, Bashkortostan

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