The reaction of readers to these articles exceeded all our expectations. The first responded a lover of Kuibyshev on the Volga, Igor Alexandrovich of Scaredof: at home he built a “river Vyatka” and, together with his sons the whole summer — during the holidays and days of rest — rode in it on the Volga.
Igor spoke enthusiastically about the new ship.
The next signal came from Novosibirsk: the club of young technicians of the campus hydrocortison grew serious. There was established the section of hydrocortamate, experimental shipyard. Hydrocorti built not only in the descriptions published in our magazine; we developed some of their own designs. Spent a few competitions, which showed that hydrocutting the potential to become the most popular form of water-motor sports. And now, in the space of the Ob sea, among the usual motor yachts “classic”, if I may say so, the types each year there are more and more petite, elegant hidrocaribe. Schema Novosibirsk hydrocardon was published in our magazine.

Fig. 1. Scheme hydrocort “Hope” of a class of 250 cm3 and table blazovich ordinate.
Hydrocorti created in CUT Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, the main parameters correspond to international standards. However, hydrocorti, which so successfully cultivated in the Donetsk region, according to the international classification not hydrocortone and hidrocharme. This is determined by the steering device and the driving position is: as you know, hydrocare supposed to have the steering wheel motor (boat) type, and the driver must be accommodated on the deck seat with backrest. But this discrepancy in any way does not detract from the initiative of the Donetsk enthusiasts hydracarina: as they say, the first step is the hardest. But the beginning of a good and the technical development of these ships is a simple matter, as well as clarifying the rules of the competition, the methods of training of drivers, etc. it seems to Us that not far off is the establishment of the section of hydracarina of the Federation of motorboat sports of the USSR, and may be independent of the Federation. This is prompted by life, because hydrocutting will surely become a mass driver training school small fleet.
Donetsk maps “Hope” class of 250 cm3 is a planing hull with a flat bottom and two long V-shaped sponsons that extend to the transom (Fig. 1). In this scheme, under the bottom is formed a closed longitudinal tunnel width 400 mm with the average height of the vertical wall 100 mm, so it can be called a catamaran with asymmetrical hulls V-shaped type. Small dimensions (2380X1100X380 mm) and light weight (35-40 kg) make hydrocort “Hope” is very transportable and handy. For example, lovers, loners, who built such hydrocorti for personal use, successfully transported them over long distances on krysevych the trunks of their cars.

Fig. 2. An exemplary circuit for competitions on figure driving (dimensions in meters).

Fig. 3. Scheme hydrocort “Start” class 250 cm3.
In addition to hydrosart “Hope” in Donetsk, created several variants of the new courts — hydrocorti “Forward”, “Hound dog” and “Dolphin”. They were all tested on the water and showed good performance.
Donetsk section hydracarina developed a draft classification of vessels of this type, which we present here in full and hope that other enthusiasts hydracarina to tell us their opinion about it, make comments and amendments. Here is the project.
1. Hydrocardon to consider sport boat under outboard motor with the housing completely closed (sealed or with filler) design, to ensure the flooding;
2. The position of the driver — riding on a longitudinal bench. ‘
3. Steering — remote type steering wheel — only bike (or motorcycle) type.
4. Engine — consumer outboard motor (no debugging are not permitted, except for polishing of the propeller and the underwater part). Cubic capacity of engine: for class A — not more than 175 cm3, for the class B — not more than 253 cm3, for the class In not more than 500 cm3.
5. The minimum weight of the hull without engine and equipment in class A — not less than 40 kg, in class B and not less than 50 kg.
Body length in all classes — not less than 2400 mm, width — not less than 1100 mm.
1. Speed circle at a distance of 25-30 km.
2. Figure driving.
3. Sprint 500m on the spot.
Track figure driving offered by comrades from Donetsk, is shown in figure 2. It does not require large areas and can therefore be recommended for the competition of this kind. The entire route is easily visible from shore — and this is very important where there are no stands for spectators. For marking trails it is best to apply baby synthetic balls Ø 25-30 cm, often s sale. Put them in easy mesh and put in an anchor weighing 10-15 kg. you Can also use floats made of light foam, painted with bright colors.
Figure 3 shows a diagram of hydrocort “Start” class 250 cm3, corresponding to the international classification. The project Start developed in the Moscow public Bureau “M-K” under the guidance of the author of this article.
G. MALINOWSKI, master of sports of the USSR