HOIST DRUMIn the GDR skiing designed the lift with a drum on which is wound a pull cable. To do the same, you will need a moped engine with a working volume of 50 cm3, its exhaust transmission from the motor car, homemade rope drum and band brake to it.

The frame can be welded from metal angles or channels. Drum fit a section of steel pipe. One side it is necessary to close a cheek around the material at hand, and on the other to put the drive band brake. Through the center is passed the axis of rotation in two end bearings, which are mounted on frame bolts. On the drum is wound with about 80 m steel cable with a thickness of about 4 mm.
Force from engine to gearbox and from there to the rope reel is transferred by means of two Bicycle type chains. The first tension is provided by movement of the engine, and the second specifically set the tension pulley.
The fuel tank of the scooter is fixed above the engine so that the fuel flowed to the carburetor by gravity.
To install the lift on the slope on the frame has four pointed pin deep within the snow. Then one of the athletes is taken for a loop on the end of the rope on the sled or the wads descends from the mountain, checking the track. Who controls the lift, adjust the speed of his descent, slowing down the drum band brake. Next pedal or kick start the engine, and you can start lifting.
Hoist drum
Hoist drum:
1 — frame, 2 — bearing, 3 — brake band, 4, 7 — circuit transmission, 5 — idler roller, 6 — gearbox, 8 — brake lever, 9 — engine, 10 — fuel tank 11, a bracket for towing lift, 12 — pin, 13—tape fuel tank mounting, 14 drum with a traction rope.
The only disadvantage is the need to have “regular” towing rope. However, it is easy to get rid of, if you make the cable endless, installing under mount reverse unit.
We need only remember that the key to the smooth operation of the unit is easy running of the drum, so it is, first, it is necessary to establish without bias and, secondly, and often well-lubricated bearings.

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