THE CEILING OF LEAVESIs it possible to make sound insulation of the ceiling? For this purpose, will serve a suspended acoustical ceiling. It performs several functions, it reduces the energy of the reflected sound absorbs noise and improves room acoustics. And as the sound-absorbing material used slabs of thin mineral fibers. It is important that they are porous.

Ceilings lined with foil absorb sound worse than their options with painted or fabric surface sheets, which have lots of microscopic pores. The space between the suspended ceiling and floor slab should also be filled with insulator without it, the design will transmit the noise from the apartment upstairs.
Suspended ceilings can be made of drywall sheets (GCR). They are usually not structural (load-bearing) elements of the building, and is designed primarily for problem solving of decorative finish and acoustic insulation of the premises. But thanks to the ceiling increases the fire resistance of load-bearing structures and ceilings.
Installation of ceilings must start during the period of finishing work when finished “wet” processes that can significantly improve the humidity in the room.
Fig. 1. Fragment of the ceiling of plasterboard (on a metal frame in one level)
Fig. 1. Fragment of the ceiling of plasterboard (on a metal frame in a single level):
1—the attachment of the ceiling, 2 load— bearing profiles of a suspended pogaca; 3 – guide profiles of the suspended ceiling; 4 wall; 5—ceiling; 6—wall profiles;
a— distance (1000 mm) between the points of attachment of the suspension (1) to the ceiling; in— the distance (500 mm) between the support profiles; s— distance (1200 mm) between the main profiles; d is the distance (1200 mm) between the wall axis and the extreme main profile. The frame is mounted based on wall profile

In the General case the installation is performed in the following sequence:
applied to the wall mark the design position of the suspended ceiling frame,
mark the ceiling (basic ceiling) the location of the main fastening profiles or bars and fixing brackets;
is the attachment of the hangers to the slab by means of anchor elements;
hangers are fixed on the basic profiles or bars, are aligned in the same plane (for hangers with clip adjusts);
to the main mounting profiles (bars) mounted auxiliary bearing profiles (bars);
installed plasterboard (with backups) in the design position, attached to the frame with screws in increments of no more than 170 mm (optional 500 mm in the first layer of a two-layer skin during installation of both layers in one day), are sealed joints between plasterboard sheets, primed front (bottom) surface of the suspended ceiling.
Some of the requirements in the production of works
Work on the device suspended ceilings shall be run in dry or normal humidity conditions and temperatures below +15°C. In areas of high humidity (bathrooms, kitchens), it is recommended to use moisture resistant plasterboard gypsum PLASTERBOARD.
The screws holding the drywall to the frame, must be in the sheet at a right angle and penetrate into the metal profile to a depth of not less than 10 mm, while the wooden bar is 20 mm Head screws recessed into the sheet to a depth of about 1 mm and zashpaklevyvajutsja; curved, incorrectly wrapped the screws need to be removed and replaced at a distance of 50 mm from the former.
The leaves usually are edges perpendicular to the supporting profiles or bars. The joints of the first layer of two-layer plating may be conducted without the reinforcing tape. The joints of the ends of the drywall sheets should be located on the host profile or the bar and are offset from the joints in adjacent sheets not less than 400 mm.
The location of the electrical wiring in the space frame ceiling should preclude damage to the sharp edges of the frame elements or screws during fixing plasterboard sheets.
Fig. 2. The elements of the ceiling
Fig. 2. The elements of the ceiling:
A — on a wooden frame; — metal frame construction; metal profiles in level two (numbered in the table):
1 —leaf; 2—basic; 3—guide; 4—main block; 5 — carrying bar; 6—wall profile, 7—duplex connector profiles; 8 single —level connector profiles; 9—suspension with pull and clamp, 10 straight hanger for bars; 11 —the screw for fastening of sheets to the frame: 12—the screw for the connecting bars; 13—the anchor fasteners; 14—dowel for fastening wall of the profile; 15 reinforcing tape with putty seams

The characteristics, sizes and materials used for the ceilings that use metal ceiling profiles section 60x27x0. 6 mm, wooden bruski section 30×50 mm, plasterboard sheet with a thickness of 12.5 mm in a single layer.
Some clarification of the FCL. This sheet is one of the basic building elements of suspended ceilings. It consists of a gypsum core with its enclosing layers of cardboard. Produced several types of such sheets: (regular gypsum Board), moisture resistant (gypsum PLASTERBOARD) and fire (PLASTERBOARD).
For fixing commonly used ready-made elements metal frame profiles : ceiling PP 60/27 and guide MON 28/27. Profiles are lengthy elements of U-shaped cross section with a length of 3.0 — 6.0 m galvanized steel coil thickness of 0.6 mm.
Material consumption is given by 1 m2 of ceiling dimensions of 10,0×10,0=100 m2 (excluding loss on cuts)
SETS of MATERIALS FOR the DEVICE of false CEILINGS material Consumption is given per 1 m2 of the ceiling size 10,0x10,0=100 m2 (excluding the loss on cuts)
The ceiling on single-level metal frame
Main frame profiles (2) attached using brackets directly to the base ceiling, and the guide (bearing) profiles (3) to which is attached gypsum Board, located at the same level (see Fig.1,2,B). The weight of one square meter of the ceiling is about 13 kg.
The ceiling on two-level wooden frame
The frame of wooden bars of rectangular cross section (Fig.2,A). The main bars (4) attached to the ceiling (ceiling to base), and the supporting bars (5) to which is attached gypsum Board, located in different levels. The maximum distance between the fixing points of the frame to the base ceiling — 850 mm; between the axes of the bearing bars — 500 mm; between the axes of the main bars — 850 mm. Distance between the wall and the axis of the main bar extreme — about 100 mm. Weight per square meter of the ceiling about 13.5 kg.
The ceiling on two-level metal frame
Frame — steel ceiling profile (see Fig.2). The main profile (2) attached using hangers to the base ceiling, and the supporting profiles (3) to which is attached gypsum Board, located in different levels. The maximum distance between the fixing points of the frame to the base ceiling — 900 mm; between the axes of load — bearing structures- 500 mm; between the axes of the main sections of 1000 mm. Distance between the wall and the axis of the main profile, extreme — about 100 mm. Weight per square meter of the ceiling is about 13.5 kg.

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