The sled with the motor for the little ones. Before to introduce the following proposed material, I want to remind small note in No. 2 of our journal in 1979 — “Folding sled”. Because the author of the two designs is the same — our reader from Kazan E. Zakharov. Technical creativity pushed his little boy, who every morning had to carry to kindergarten. A regular sled because it’s bulky to travel with changes in transport are not very good, and E. Zakharov builds original furniture, the type of walking cane-chairs, now enjoys great popularity. Folding sled has interested many of our readers who have decided to make the same: it is not only convenient in use but also during storage.
As the son grew and his father designs him a new motor. In essence, it is the smallest of the published us motionart. Here is another nice confirmation of the unwritten law of technical creativity: who once touched him, remain faithful and active ascetic.
I wonder: what design will be the third? What it will be — we now believe!
The design was created under Cycling engine D-4. She showed good ride quality, well managed, overcomes the rise of 10-15°, speeds of 7-8 km/h On compacted snow motoaki carry even an adult.
However, because they are designed still on the “driver” of six or eight, the administration is reduced to a single pedal of “gas — grip”. When removing the feet, the return spring raises the pedal to its original position — throttle and disables the clutch, which simplifies the problem of control for a small driver. However, when starting the engine can still control the “gas” regardless of the clutch. The engine start cord.