MINI TRACTOR MADE IN THE FAR EASTOur magazine has repeatedly written about Krasnodar, Stavropol, Ural tractors, motologic, milling rippers, electrocore created in the circles of young designers. These machines – good support and on the school grounds, and on experimental plots and in the field.
Mini tractor Amurchonok, which is described on these pages, built in the far East. Its author-the mechanic V. N. Lukyanenko – elected when creating a machine the most efficient way: the maximum used serial components and assemblies, arranging them in a sufficiently strong, tough, nimble and very modern on external forms of design.

The whole structure of a mini-tractor (Fig. 1) was developed under the engine PD-10A complete with gearbox and clutch inclusions from decommissioned tractors DT-54A. Use the advanced gearbox from the car GAZ-51 allowed us to obtain eight front and two rear speeds. The scheme of connection of power units shown in Fig. 4.

The tractor engine has undergone a small alteration. Cylinder head cylinder clipped to the compression ratio has increased somewhat. Additional shaft is allowed to extend the shaft of speed control, thus ensuring the drive of the fan, pump and generator. For the convenience of starting the engine is the starter solenoid switch from car 3ил-130.

Operation of the control gear unchanged; the gear shift lever is deployed on 180° and connected with a thrust arm control. The drive to the transmission chain.

Cooling system – water. Forced circulation is ensured by the pump from the truck MAZ-200. Fan with bracket and base for bearings – self-made. The radiator from a mobile generator film projectors remade.

Fig. 1. Mini tractor Amurchonok

Fig. 1. Mini tractor Amurchonok:

1 – the base of hydromancy; 2 – turn indicator and brake light; 3 – tank; 4 – lever control clutch; 5 brake pedal; 6 – shift lever; 7 – shield of devices; 8 – a Pitman arm; 9 – the drive belt of the fan; 10 – turn indicator; 11 – tool box; 12 – rear axle; 13 — a gear shift; 14 – gear; 15 – pump GAS-93; 16 – generator DT-54A; 17 – reduction gearing; 18 – longitudinal steering rod; 19 – engine PD-10A; 20 – thrust gear; 21 – pedal reducer; 22 – pedal oil pump

Fig. 2. Mount the rear axle and gearbox to the frame

Fig. 2. Mount the rear axle and gearbox to the frame:

1 – levers of hydromancy; 2 – mounting bracket power cylinder; 3 – rear axle; 4 – flange; 5 – pump; 6 – sprocket driven transmission; 7 – mounting bracket transmission; 8,11,12-mount reducer; 9 – frame; 10 – mounting brackets front axle; 13-box transmission; 14-rear axle; 15 – mounting bracket rear axle; 16 – power cylinder hydromancy; And – the scheme of fastening of the engine


Fig. 3. Steering control scheme


Fig. 3. Steering control scheme

Fig. 3. Steering control scheme:

1 – beam front axle; 2 – axle sleeve; 3 – knuckles; 4 – bushing axis; 5 – node of a movable mounting of the front axle; 6 – the steering mechanism; 7 – front wing; 8 – right swivel arm; 9 – axle; 10 – front wheel hub


Fig. 4. The scheme of connection of power units

Fig. 4. The scheme of connection of power units:

1 – rear axle; 2 – flanges of the transmission and the rear axle; 3 – bracket system; 4 – bracket reducer; 5 starter; 6 – solenoid / starter switch; 7 – the engine PD-10A; 8 – magneto; 9 – a pulley of the fan; 10 – clutch lever; 11 – reducing gear; 12 – right bracket reducer; 13 – lever downshift; 14 – chain; 15 – CAT; 16 – pump GAS-93


Frame (see Fig. 2) is made of channel No. 10. Its the middle of the two welded cross-bar for fastening the steering column to the gearbox of the engine. Rear axle is fixed to the frame rigidly.

Suspension. Rear axle (Fig. 2) from the GAZ-51 is shortened, as shown in the figure. Beam front axle (Fig. 3) homemade, from a pipe with diameter of 36 mm.


Brake hydraulic. Brake master cylinder and other braking components from the GAZ-51. Rear wheels from GAZ-51, front – seeders, they are size 4. 5×9.

Steering (see Fig. 3) consists of serial and improvised parts. So, the column is taken from GAZ-51, the longitudinal thrust from the sidecar, SZA, and the steering wheel and lateral pull homemade.

Detail of facing of the tractor, as well as the gas tank made by yourself. Other parts were chosen from different production vehicles: the battery – from the ZIL-130, generator – DT-54A tank, the fuel pump from the boat motor “Moscow” and the silencer from IZH-56. Is on the “Amerchant” even the hydraulic drive: the hydraulic cylinder from the wheel harvester and pump GAS-93.

The tractor was designed and built in just a year. He became a reliable assistant when working in small areas where big machines to use irrational.


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