OFF-SEASON ATVOur magazine was one of the main popularizers of the recently introduced family of ATVs — vehicles for low pressure tires. All season, excellent permeability, the ability not to disturb the vegetation when moving through the forest or the tundra — the dignity of vehicles of this type immediately attracted the attention of lovers of Amateur technical creativity. And after the publication of the drawings one of the most successful designs — terrain vehicle “Harp” Vyacheslav Laukhina (see “M-K” № 5, 1984) — in our country there were hundreds of machines of the same scheme.
Today we want to acquaint readers with the all-terrain vehicle “Rysik”, created by the students of the College in the town of Tchaikovsky of the Perm area under the leadership of M. I. Psarev. Curiously, this machine was built in 1983 — before the authors learned about the “Harp”. And despite the quite close to its counterpart scheme, it has several advantages: more compact, the presence of a spring-mounted steerable wheel, detachable cab.
Get started designing this vehicle, we primarily proceeded from the desire to make all-season and four-wheel machine, which would transcend the swamp, snow, any terrain. Experience in the construction vehicles at our mug at the Polytechnic University of light industry have already been made by us about the family of snowmobiles has been told in the “M-K” No. 11 in 1980 and No. 11 for 1981. However, once in the press flashed a message on the Rover cameras at low pressure, we wanted to try to make such a transport.
The Rover
Regardless Tulyakov we came to a scheme similar to the “Harp”. However, as a base selected nodes of the motor scooter “Vyatka”. Small capacity of engine (5.5 HP) and the low predetermined capacity; the latter is allowed to make the machine very compact and easy to store.
“Rysik,” as he called the Rover boys, a three-wheeled, single seat with a rear engine. The body is made of wood. The manufacture of the frame went to the pine plank section 50X20 mm (vertical posts and the stringers). The frame is sheathed with plywood with a thickness of 6 mm (side) to 10 mm (bottom). As a result, the body is pretty strong and light, and the total mass was small — about 90 kg.
The Rover
All-Terrain Vehicle “Rysik”:
1 — engine “Vyatka-150M”, 2 — bracket engine mounts, 3 — damper, 4 — driven sprocket Z=62, 5 — cap with seal, 6 — axis, 7 — thrust kick, 8 — differential, 9 — sprocket Z=12, 10 — brake drum, 11 — frame, 12 — nut M16, 13 — bushing, rear wheel, 14 — M6 hairpin of fastening of a belt, 15 drum wheels, 16 — stringer bodywork, 17 — wheel 18 — ski, 19 — strut mounting fork, 20 — lever kickstarter, a 21 — housing of axle, 22 — bearing N9 205, 23 — coupling, 24 — bracket-ski, 25 — wheel (summer) 26 — shock absorber fork, 27 — tie rod, 28 — spare tire.
Frame, rear axle transmission elements.
Frame, rear axle gears:
1 — cross-beam, 2 vertical stand, 3 — axis, 4 — coupling, 5 — under engine bracket 6 — mounting bracket axis is a launcher shaft, 7 — bolt engine mounts, 8 — longitudinal beam 9 — front differential housing, 10 — brace 11 — body axis, 12 — bushing-eccentric to adjust the chain tension.
Axis wheels in the collection.
Axles-wheel Assembly:
1 — shank bevel gear differential, 2 — slotted coupling, 3 — shaft, 4 — the bearing № 205, 5 — thrust, 6 — keyway for mounting the coupling half.
Front with the steering components.
Front with the steering components:
1 — steering column 2 — tie rod 3 — strut mounting plug, 4 — plug attenuator, 5 — split spacer, 6 — bracket-ski, 7 — ski 8 — Kant (area 25X25 mm), 9 — axis, 10 — wheel (model V-28).
The scheme of installation of the differential.
The scheme of installation of a differential:
1 — the shank of bevel gears 2, 7 — front differential housing, 3 bearing housing, 4 — driven sprocket Z=62, 5 — through-stud, 6 — ring for attaching the brake disc 8 gland. 9 — bearing No. 205, 10 plug Windows differential.
Diagram of the device for starting the engine.
Diagram of the device for starting the engine:
1 — crankcase 2 — launch shaft, 3 — bracket, 4 — thrust kick, 5 — the lever of kick starter, 6 — spacer, 7 — axis of kickstarter, 8 — frame rear axle, 9 — the mounting bracket of the launcher shaft, 10 — bushing (bronze).
The frame is welded from tubes Ø 25 mm (struts Ø 16 mm) and installed in the rear part of the body. The engine is attached to a special sub-bracket. The transmission is a single stage chain drive (sprocket Z=12 and Z=62). The drive shaft consists of two axes and is installed between differential from motorized FDD. The latter mounted on ball bearings inside special housing, without sump. The window in the differential is covered by aluminum plugs. The brake disc is installed inside the differential housing on a special ring. The drive of the brake cable, though possibly the use of hydraulics, for example, from the same sidecar. System throttle control of the carburetor, and gear shift are stored in the same way as on a motor scooter “Vyatka”.
Start the engine using the kick starter. The system’s launch, it is clear from the figure.
The drive wheels on the cameras low pressure we got like two drops of water similar to the wheel “Harp”, so describe their design not worth it.
The front driven wheel is borrowed from the map (model 28). It is installed in a makeshift fork with two shock absorbers with springs from a moped. The axis plug passes through the sleeve attached to the body on the struts. Steering wheel with gas and brake gauges! taken from the “Vyatka”.
In the winter time instead of the wheel set ski of thick plywood, edged around the perimeter with steel corner section 25X25 mm. Practice has shown that instead of a bracket of fastening of skis better to use the spring.
For the movement in the water in summer or on water and snow (spring thaw) can be manufactured ski-float. This will make the vehicle amphibious.
In conclusion, the years of operation our universal confirmed its high reliability. However, engine power was insufficient for steep climbs and hard terrain, though flat areas, the speed reaches 40 km/h So the motor ought to be replaced by more powerful — for example, from scooter “Tourist”. It is also possible to equip the vehicle electrical system — battery and headlight.
M. PSAREV, Tchaikovsky, Perm region.

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