SAILINGThose who live near the water, the boat is as necessary as for other bike or car. Of course, experienced shipbuilders-fans are unlikely to descend to the boat, we want to bring to your attention, but for beginners shipbuilders design of this boat is what you need. It is simple, technological, besides allows on the basis of one case to build a row boat, and a sailboat.Before you start building housing on a large sheet of plywood it is necessary to draw Plaz — at least, to portray the theoretical section of the housing.

The construction of the building begins with manufacture and Assembly of frames of pine sticks section 100×25 mm plywood thickness 6-8 mm. Docking frames produce section, with epoxy or casein glue. The joints are fixed by galvanized steel or brass screws. Technological crossmember are installed on the frames also overlapping and attached only with nails.
The frame Assembly begins with the manufacture of the pile is a rectangular frame made of wooden bars section 100×50 mm. Below the frame of the boat turned out strictly symmetrical, the axis of the pile pull a nylon line that help to combine the axis of symmetry of the frames with the diametrical plane of the future corps. The frames fixed to the bench by nails and in addition fix a rail-brace, ensuring perpendicularity of the plane of the frame to the plane of the bench.
The housing Assembly start with mounting on the frames and longitudinal members of the stringers. First, with screws and epoxy glue set the bilge stringers (under their frames to pre-cut grooves). Then out of plywood with a thickness of about 5 mm is cut out of the workpiece plating of the boards (configuration of workpieces specified by using a sheet of thick paper or cardboard, applied to sheathed part) and epoxy or casein glue with the reinforcement of galvanized screws fasten them to the frames. Side stringers (RUB rails) fixed to the frame on top of the skin. Finally, assemble the hull bottom, cut out of plywood with a thickness of 6-8 mm. At this preliminary Assembly of the housing complete.
After this process part of the frames are cut through the side stringers and the frames are treated, as shown on the drawings.
A rowing boat on the basis of the universal body
Rowing boat on the basis of universal housing:
1 — the bars of longitudinal slipway (pine, Board 100×50); 2 — sheathing Board (plywood B5); 3 — gate; 4 — screws; 5 — stem (pine bar 90×65); 6 — timber fenders (40×20 pine bar); 7 — the elements of the longitudinal set (pine bar 40×20); 8 — Bank bow (plywood vu — 12); 9 — hull bottom (plywood s6 — 8); 10 — Central Bank (plywood s10— 12); 11 —the support of Central banks (40×20 pine bar); 12 — end of the keel (steel strip s2); 13 — support of fodder banks (pine bar 40×20); 14 — keel (pine bar 75×30); 15 — the covering boards transom (plywood 8— 10); 16 — the strengthening of joints (fiberglass); 17 — oar; 18 — elements of the frame bottom (40×20 pine bar); 19 — lateral elements of the frame (pine bar 65×20, L550); 20 — processing side of the frame; 21 — cross member of the frame, technological (wooden block 100×50); 22 — Klondike reinforcement (plywood s6-.8); 23 — frame transom Board (pine bars 65×20); 24 — piping of the scupper (aluminum tube).
The centerboard-well

The centerboard well:
1 — guide the centerboard-well (2 PCs); 2 — the wall of the centerboard-well (2 PCs); 3 — trim the upper edge of the centerboard-well (2 PCs); 4 — base of the centerboard-well (2 PCs); 5 — screw 5×30.

Now you should decide what type of vessel you need a sailboat or a row boat? The second option, of course, easier. Just need to get three cans-benches, oars oarlocks Yes. To build on the basis of this hull sailboat is more complicated. But a sailboat is more versatile, it is an elementary turns into a rowing boat, it is only necessary to remove the mast but to learn from the centerboard-well, retractable centerboard.
So, choose a sailboat. The first thing to build is already mentioned the centerboard well. It is collected from pine sticks section of 30×30 mm and plywood of 6 mm thickness the Assembly is made with the help of epoxy glue and screws. Special attention should be paid to the installation of the centerboard-well in the case: the connection must be absolutely tight and durable. To strengthen the dock on the bottom fasten the two tie bar.
The centerboard is cut out of plywood with a thickness of 12-15 mm. On the dinghies profile shver-that usually resembles an aircraft wing, however, on our sailboat, the centerboard is a simplified cross section of an elongated hexagon with rounded front and back edges. After processing the centerboard piskureva, cover with hot linseed oil, putty, again treated with sandpaper and painted with enamel — alkyd desirable.
Another affiliation of the sailboat is the keel, which required Board thickness of about 30 mm.
If the boat will be used mainly as a sailboat, it makes sense to do the deck in front of the body (up to the third frame) and to build balneoclinic, as it is shown in the drawings. Deck flooring in this case is cut from a 4-5-mm plywood, and the first, second and third frames are closed convex rail section 50×25 mm.
The steering gear of a sailing vessel consists of the rudder, the steering tiller and the pen. Tiller and rudder are preferably constructed of oak slats, power steering feather — from 10 mm of plywood. Loop better to make home-made, detachable, allowing you to easily hang steering gear on the transom of a sailboat. After assembling the steering device is impregnated with hot linseed oil and covered with two layers of oil varnish.
Sail boats — Reiko-howling. The advantage of it is that even at low mast, the square sail is big enough. Anyway, to get a sail of the same area during the Bermuda type weapons would require a mast almost twice the length.
Mast sailboat wood, hewed from a pine bar section of 50×50 mm. In the processing of procurement should take the form of a truncated cone, the larger base of which has a diameter 48 and smaller to 30 mm In the lower part of the mast is processed seat is another cone that allows to fix the mast in its hole in the bow Bank and the crossmember. Remember that the mast of a sailboat is turning, so it should be easy enough to rotate in the socket.
Reek is a circular rail with a diameter of 24 mm, hewed also out of a pine bar. Made from pine and the boom, in any case, the cylindrical section. Trim, by means of which the boom rests on the mast, cut from 12 mm plywood.
The sail is sewn from pillow tick (the illustration shows a sail made from panels width 750 mm). All Katarina sail banded nylon or cotton tape. Along the front and lower skinoren every 200 mm fixed eyelets — brass caps with holes for fastening the sails to the mast and boom. In the absence of the eyelets can be of nylon thread to fix the sail metal ring and to penetrate inside the holes.
The slipway for Assembly case
The slipway for Assembly of the case:
1,4 — longitudinal bars of the bench; 2 — the plane of the housing, diametrically; 3 — frame transom Board; 5 — lateral elements of the frame; 6, the longitudinal frame element; 7 — stem; 8 — crossbar technology.

Sailing on the universal housing
Sailboat universal housing:
1 — the grotto; 2 — rail; 3 — mast; 4 — start; 5 — plate of the boom; 6 — shaft boom; 7—boom-mainsheet; 8 — block; 9 — the centerboard-well; 10 — the centerboard; 11 — the terminator of the centerboard; 12 — rudder; 13 — tiller; 14 — cross-member; 15 — rudder stock.

The sail has a few laderman, in which are inserted wooden plates with a thickness of 4-5 mm — plate that gives shape to the back foot.
To control the sail will need a nylon or any other durable rope with a diameter of 8-10 mm — boom-sail sheet, and a movable mounted on the boom, and stationary, mounted on a swivel on the keel of a sailboat.
If you want to improve the handling qualities of a ship, equip it as one more sail — staysail. The sailboat will be fast and able to move a few luff, which is important when tacking, i.e. sailing against the wind.
Nice to make for the boat and a couple of oars — they need not only for rowing but can prove invaluable in a calm, or, on the contrary, in stormy weather. This would require a Board thickness of 45 mm. Can make a paddle and composite — made of round rods with a diameter of 45 mm, the blade is made of plywood with a thickness of 8-10 mm. in the first And in the second case, the finished paddle is impregnated with hot linseed oil and covered with two layers of oil varnish or enamel paint.
According to the magazine “Ezermester hobbi” (Hungary)

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