We can say that in the mid 30-ies of the aircraft wing went down from the sky… ice. It was then that ka “ice birds” high — speed snowmobiles — instead of sails began to put aerodynamic wings are very similar to aircraft. But it took another few decades, and airfoil on the ice in the truest sense of the word was on its feet. Moreover, skaters it just became to put on… coat.

The design of his volume, that is, the athlete is inside in the cabin. And the front part of the hard — truncated palukanos of Plexiglas with a height of 2400 mm back from normal tissue. Instead of Plexiglas can be used, for example, plywood or sheet aluminum, but then you need to build a transparent insert, for example, of Mylar film window for review. Astrodynamicist profile is symmetrical, the thickness of the section at the top 15 and bottom 20%.
The wing has spars and ribs constituting the frame. The first designs of our sails are two vertical aluminum strips with a width of 20 and a thickness of 5 mm, put on the edges of the front part: they are attached to her every 100-150 mm seven main bolts” auxiliary M5 and M8. The frequency of mounting is explained by the fact that the spars are like likes under them during Assembly refuel front minovanii luff of the sail. Ribs — three frame front and rear armor. The frames bent from the pipe d 12X1 mm — two lower and 15X3 mm upper. Its tapered mallet ends on the bolts they are attached to the side members, and a middle pair of bolts each to the frontal part of plexiglass.
also pipe (15X1) and also the front put on the M5 bolts on the side members, mo only the bottom of kik have Pat the pockets passing on the edge of katarin, and they are supported by topenant. Latest runs diagonally from the top to the Shkotovo corner and made hard. In short, this is no ordinary rope, and made up of two pipes d 31X1,5 and 35X1. 5 mm, included in one another: thus regulating its length, it is possible to change the “belly” of the sail.
Fig. 1. Cutting the frontal part and the installation position I, II, III frames.
Fig. 1. Cutting the frontal part and the installation position I, II, III frames.
Fig. 2. Open your sail
Fig. 2. Open your sail:
1 — cloth, 2 — window, 3 — eyelet, 4 — boat, 5 — luterman instruments.

R and p. 3. Profiles of frames
R and S. 3. Profiles of the frames:
1 — lower frame I 2 is the average no 3 — upper frame no. 4 — tapered part of pipe frame, 5 — arm, 6 — tie.

To make it easier for the athlete to “carry” a sailing coat, provides a padded shoulder straps that are worn over the head and fastened at the topenant and middle frame. On the last attached handle for it is entire structure held hands.
When setting up the sails it tight through the upper opening, locking nylon strings they are passed through the eyelets or just sewn on the back foot. Set topenant: on the top it is worn that top axis (tube d 10X2 mm, length 100 mm, both ends of the cotter pins) passing through the hole of the spar (it is put on the grommets fans of the corners of the panels], and the bottom leans her end of the rotary rod on the other axis (pipe ø 15×1 mm), inserted in the eyelets kotovych angles and zaspirtovanny for them. Rod is fixed with a retaining ring.
The total area of a sailing coat (the front part together with a sail] is 5 m2. Weight depending on selected for all materials — 10-12 kg.
Fig. 4. Profiles lat
Fig. 4. Profiles lat:
1 — lower, 2 — two medium, 3 — top.

Fig. 5. Bearing frame
Fig. 5. Bearing frame:
1 — lower frame. 2 — medium frame 3 — upper frame, 4 — rails, 5, 7, 8, 9 — plate, 6 — topenant, 10 — shoulder strap.

R and p. 6. Node armor
R and S. 6. Node armor:
1 — LVL, 2 — cloth sails, 3 — spar. 4 — bolt, 5 — litres luff, 6 — frontal palukanos.
R and p. 7. Host web
R and S. 7. Host web:
1 — cloth sails, 2 — frontal palukanos, 3 — spar 4 — lined front leech of the sail, 5 — frame, 6 — bolt.

On the move are guided normal to the sails by the traffic rules, using apparent wind. Ready to start, or become the face back to the wind, and raising up on his hands coat, trying to the wind, put on, putting on the shoulder straps. Their length should be such that the bottom of the foot were at a distance of 50-60 mm above the surface of the ice. Expanding, then sail to the wind angle the greater, the weaker the wind, gradually gathering pace, simultaneously reducing the angle of attack is set. Try some zakryvat design in the direction of the wind — to the wind, tilting the body — “going to sail.”

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