Bicycle makers, both professionals and Amateurs, have long been trying these “broken” cars and more “tame”, that is, to use hands. But since a Bicycle hands are occupied keeping balance by finely balancing the wheel, then to implement it without deterioration of the stability (and, hence, traffic safety) is very difficult. Nevertheless, the idea promises in addition to the physical development of upper limbs and even a significant increase in non-motorised power car.
In the described structures manual drives managed to minimize the deterioration of the stability, while maintaining the ability of the hands to manipulate the wheel and at the same time to help the feet to move the bike.
Actuator push-pull
The technique of bike riding with this drive may figuratively be called “push-push” design and drive the next. On seatpost rack loosely fitting steel sleeve. To the bottom of the sleeve tangentially welded rocker, the ends of which is articulated through thrust of duralumin tubes of one hundred swarm the cots associated with the wheel. For swivels the rocker arm, linkage and steering wheel, drilled the holes for the M6 bolts.
To the top of this sleeve perpendicular to its axis welded round rod with diameter 16 mm with thread on the end. The rod freely, as well as the bushing on the bar, wearing two rings and fixed scontrino nut. To each ring with their ends welded to the notched levers bent from a steel half-inch pipe. Pipes bent in a cold state with a preliminary trimming of the internal radius and the subsequent welding.