CATAMARAN OUT OF FOAM...On the waters of the Urals in recent years began to appear a catamaran out of foam. They are unsinkable, easy to operate, durable and simple to manufacture. The figure shows the design of this catamaran. Dimensions: 3750×1600 mm, plate thickness from 40 to 150 mm, the height of the float 200 im and a width of 400 mm. Weight of 1 m3 of foam plastic is about 20 kg. Plates are cut on a special fixture with a nichrome wire heated to 200-250°, or on a special machine, the design of which is described in No. 9 of the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” for 1971.

Aperture bow (2), walls (4 PCs.), frame (4 PCs) made of plywood with thickness of 12 mm. Coupling pipes which are used to fasten parts — dural, however, an thin-walled steel; suitable for dural also tie rods Ø 10-12 mm. the pipe Thread 1/2″ cut clopam or a die, and rods — die with a basic metric thread (M10).
Before Assembly of floats across the surface of the plates is covered with oil paint or epoxy glue and tighten the steel pipes with the nuts. Then the outer surface paste over with a thin calico or fiberglass in two or three layer epoxy SL>OPE or on an oil paint. The nose of the floats of the catamaran is made separately from the aluminum corners 25X25 mm and is sheathed with thin (0.5 mm) sheet aluminum. The metal structure has a plywood diaphragm, bolted with M5 parts, parts aluminium cladding is connected by rivets.
Cover of plywood or sheet aluminum in the thickness of 1-1,5 mm are attached with screws to the corners of the bow. The bow section placed on the ends of the through pipe and secured by nuts, as shown in figure ka. Then it is filled with pieces of foam and close the lid.
Superstructure (deck) is assembled from wooden bars and rails. The whole structure is attached to the frames with eight bolts and nuts. To move through the water in the stern the boat is installed motor power HP 1-5 (e.g., “Seagull”, “salute” or “Surf”), and you Can swim at the oars, made of thin-walled duralumin tubes. There are also catamaran oblique sail area of 3 m2.

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