TRICYCLE TKH-200On the roads of Kharkiv, there was one car with the familiar letters of the COI — “Club eternal”. The automotive laboratory of the centre of scientific and technical work is headed by the laureate of many competitions NTTM Valerie L. Taranukha. This time in the neighborhood of the letters KVP caused the index of the TX-200. And the car, unlike all previous is built via a three-wheeled configuration, using the whole back of the scooter T-200. In this part is the main “rational” of the new machine, created the “Club of the eternal search for” V. L. Taranukha, together with the candidate of technical Sciences Y. S. Hojnowski. Hence the index — TX-200.

Many owners of older scooter “Tula 200” set them “on a trick” riding a new horse, say the authors. So we decided to give him a “second life”. Examining previously built tricycles, fairly detailed drawings which were published in the “Modeller-designer” (“Friendship” Bykovskiy, G. Malinowski and B. Horev, “donkey” A. Ignatov, “Start” L. Fox), we came to the conclusion that, while maintaining the rear of the scooter T-200 the task of creating a little micro-car-tricycle can be solved much easier and more efficiently than it was done the other authors. Indeed, the leading independent manufacturer of the unit is much harder and the results less reliable than establishing a corporate Assembly, passed long-term test. But we made the location allowed without any significant increase in size to accommodate an additional one passenger (recall that all the previous trikes were double). Turned triple tricycle that wags immediately dubbed the “three plus three” — meaning three wheels and three seats in the back of the TX-200.
Our machine has passed extensive testing and strict inspection to the traffic police. She’s officially put on the account, has a city license plate and the technical passport. The car had a good performance in operation, so we decided to share with the readers of “Modeller-designer” experience of the work done.
Little micro-car is made using the principles of “wagon”. The body — supporting structure of the open type, without doors, Welded steel pipes in the form of spatial farm; the sides and front (below the windshield) made of sheet steel with a thickness of 0.5 mm. Fixing to the pipe frame screws-samorezami. To the front of the frame bolts front axle of the sidecar С3А; instead of making brake drums for pads and supporting discs from T-200 we put the drums and supporting disks, taken from the rear of the rocker sidecar С3А. To replace car shock absorbers, mounted wheel suspensions С3А applied! the shock absorbers of the motorcycle “Panonia”. The Manager of the brake cable, foot pedal, acting on all three wheels. The system provides leveler tension and block fittings for adjusting the length of cables in the event of their hoods. In addition to the foot pedal, a hand (Parking) brake with cable actuator on the right front wheel.
Rack-and-pinion steering — front axle С3А. Since or rendered within the front subframe to the body, had to rotate it 90° and to transfer the force to the steering tie rods of the front axle via a steering rod from the ZAZ 965 and the pendulum arm, mounted on bracket from the same car. The steering wheel of the sidecar С3А, with a modified form of a Central sleeve and…

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