The readers of “M-K” has long been known to experienced lab simulation and design club of young technicians of the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. A development of this laboratory is reflected in the pages of our magazine. We offer you the latest, very, we think, interesting design that was exhibited in the summer exhibition at the VI all-Russian meeting of young rationalizers and engineers. This triple car “March-77”. On his device, says the head of the laboratory of M. L. Larkin.
Once it was in the autumn of the last year our laboratory received two old motor scooter Vyatka VP-150.
As you know, “break — not to do”: armed with wrenches, screwdrivers and rods guys together dismantled bangers, parts and assemblies are washed in diesel oil, rubbed to a Shine and spread out on racks.
How to use fallen unexpectedly upon us “wealth”? After a heated discussion it was decided: it will go on the car. Agreed that each of the young designers at home and think over your option and to the next lesson bring your own project car, so then by process of joint discussion to choose the most appropriate for our conditions layout.
Not surprising was that none of the proposed designs, the guys are unable to fully satisfy us. Decided to go the other way: from each formulation were selected the best and together build a shared car. The main thing that drew the most attention, is the fullest use of units and units of “Vyatskaya”. In particular, managed without much trouble to “bind” to the future car front and rear suspension scooter, engine, gas tank, headlight. I went to the course, even the brake pedal is one of them and left brake, and another adapted for clutch control. The throttle had to build themselves. Had to combine all of the above durable spinal frame.

Fig. 1. The overall look of the car “March-77”.

Fig. 2. Frame:
1 — hinge front swivel pin, 2 — rear crossmember 3 — pendulum rear suspension, 4 — bushing fortified right wheel, 5 — support of shock-absorbers rear suspension, 6 — sleeve of fastening of the drive wheel, 7 — eyelet fastening pendulums, 8 — the main tube of the spinal frame, 9 — node mounting arm winding engine, 10 — front cross-member.
The result was a car “March-77” — small triple machine open type. All its four wheels scooter “Vyatka”.
Two-stroke petrol engine mounted on a left wheel of a car the same as on a scooter, without a chain of transmission. Exterior metal, panel, sheet steel cold-rolled steel.
“March-77” is designed for primary school students learning to drive.
To build such a machine can be in almost any circle of technical creativity. We have Cute with this task successfully coped pupils of the seventh to ninth grades.
Now about the design of our car. It is based on what we have started is frame.
For her we picked up a tube Ø 40 mm and length 1600 mm. Welded to the ends of two crossbars of pipe of the same diameter and strengthened by four steel gussets. To the ends of the front cross member tacked welded steering knuckles — two cut pipe Ø 40 mm with pressed in a bronze bushing. On the rear crossmember in the same way mounted steel plates 6 mm thick and eyelet articulated pendulums rear wheels. Had to mount two damper with gidrolizatami — it is in the rear of the frame welded vertical pipe Ø 40 mm and length of 350 mm is installed in the upper part of the steel area is 40X40 mm and length 750 mm. In the area drilled holes Ø 8 mm and four bolts secured two “Votkinsky” of the shock absorber.
Front axle. For the suspension of each wheel, we used the lower patesserie elements from the front fork of the scooter, however, one of the forks had to turn and digest. For levers of a steering trapeze it came calculators. Left to join their cross-section rod, install axle with wheels, and thus, the front axle has been completely assembled. The steering on our car lever type.
Rear axle. Its Assembly was primarily concerned that the eyelets of the rear cross beam were hinged two hinged pendulum rear suspension “Vyatka”, While the left together with the motor and the wheel — without any alterations, and right without the engine — turned. The upper ends of the spring shock absorbers secured on some of the steel area, and thus, the Assembly of the truck chassis was completed.
The body is assembled from 14 flat panels of cold rolled steel sheet 0.6 mm thick. they are connected by M4 screws, but would fit perfectly for this purpose rivets, if you neglect the collapsible body.
First, cut out two side panels — painted steel sheet in their path and sprinted to 30 mm on each side of the flare. After cutting and Stripping flanging bent back at an angle of 90°.
The third panel is the hood connecting the front side panels. It is made using the same technology. When connecting panels it is best to consistently fasten flanging, hand tisochki, then drilled a hole and put chetyrehkilometrovoy screw; the vise is then drawn in the following plot, savelives hole and so on.

Fig. 3. Knot front suspension.

The fourth panel is the aft wall. With sides it connects exactly the same as the hood. Generally when docking panels, you should pay attention to. care connection, avoiding the overhead of the seams: they spoil the look of the machine. The only panel that is attached to the body section is the front, with the headlights and sidelights, it is pressed against the sides and the hood screws-tapping screws.
The location of the internal parts of the trunk, supports the rear seat and the panel, which includes a pedal throttle, brake, and clutch should not encounter difficulties — all this is secured in place by appropriate internal flanging. The same dock the bottom front tray and dashboard. The wheels are mounted last.
Support the rear seat and the body are connected with four bolts M6. They are the main retaining elements of the body to the frame. The front seat is placed directly on the bottom.
It seems to us that using the main principle of designing of the vehicle on the basis of the scooter, can create a lot of interesting machines in for various purposes and of various forms. And the simplicity of this car make it a kind of avtokonstruktor for beginners.