Motorists know that cars happen such failure when towing on a rope may not (when there is a fault in the steering control, brake system) or impossible (with some damage to the powertrain and running gear).
For such cases I made the tow truck. Loaded a faulty car on her partially — rolled only the front or rear axle. On the trolley can accommodate any passenger car, and transporting him at speeds up to 30 km/h.

Bogie frame is rectangular with size 700×600 mm. longitudinal beams (longerons) and “rays” of the triangular drawbar I made of steel channel No. 6.5 size 65x36x4,4 mm with a parallel internal flange edges. The connections of these parts on the top and bottom reinforced welded plates of 6 mm thickness frame Cross-beams (traverses) from channel number 5 (they go in between the shelves of the spars). At the convergence of “rays” of the drawbar thereto with butt welded steel 10 mm plate dimensions 70×70 mm with Central hole diameter 28 mm for earring stud traction device.
Coupling in the form of earrings was chosen because according to the rules of the road as a towing vehicle can only be used in a vehicle having a load capacity at least 1.5 times greater than a towed car. And these machines are usually equipped with a tow bar, or special eye.
Stud and earring made from single cut of steel rod with a diameter of 27 mm and a length of about 550 mm. One end of the rod bored through to a diameter of 24 mm and a length of 40 mm and cut the appropriate thread here. The other end to half heated in a forge on a mandrel with a diameter of 65 mm bent into a ring and welded. Close to the ring on the rod put on and welded a steel washer with a thickness of 10 mm with an outer diameter of 50 mm.
Trailer hitch — shock absorbing. It is provided with damping node, normally a stretched spring, an inner diameter of 28 mm, made of 8 mm wire. The spring on the rod is slightly clamped between welded from the inside to the channels of the drawbar retaining plate and the limiting washer from zaspirtovanny nut M24. The bearing plate pre-manufactured cardboard template, cut the place.
The sides of the front part of the drawbar welded brackets for safety chains, and the top is steel plate with holes for mounting the winch.
To the side members through the drilled in holes their shelves are attached with step-ladders of springs of the car “Moskvich” tubular axis length of about 1 m with the wheelbase. In order to avoid deformation of the axis is placed under the side members on the axis of the steel plate and got them welded to the ladders. With them welded more limiters to exclude lateral displacement of the axis.
The first truck I installed a decommissioned wheel of the helicopter — they fit perfectly, but later, unfortunately, was lost. Had to adjust the wheels from agricultural cultivators, although this greatly increased the height of the truck due to the large diameter tires.
On the frame mounted cargo platform, consisting of a rotary device and two transverse cantilever beams with the cradle between them for the wheels of the towed vehicle.
The mounting platform had to start with the installation on the frame of a pair of high transverse braces of channel number 12, which increases the loading height of the vehicle. It was undesirable, but necessary to ensure rotation of the platform to the cradle are free from the wheels of the truck.
The turning device I made from a collapsible wheel rim of the vehicle ZIL-130 (rim consisted of a side ring and a split V-ring-the-shelf). To do this, set the ring horizontally on a low shelf baclosan sharp edge up slightly enlarging the incision, and threw on his side of the ring..steel smooth rod with a diameter of 10 mm bent Hoop (“bearing”) and welded it solid weld to shelf. A sharp edge of a shelf, protruding above the Hoop, removed the cutting torch. Then from a steel sheet with a thickness of 6 mm cut round outer diameter of the Hoop and connected them by welding along the entire circumference. Inverting node, set the circle on the cross member and also welded. From the top to the onboard ring welded and a turning area the size 620×620 mm, made of the same 6 mm sheet steel. (Rubbing the surface of the rotary device in the future, before each tow, smeared used motor oil.)
On the turntable mounted two transverse cantilever beams with a length of 1800 mm from the channel number of 6.5 (this size includes the distance between the outer sidewalls of tires of the wheels of the car “Volga”). Back beam mounted shelves down to reduce the height of loading of a faulty machine, and the front — side on the shelf. The distance between the beams “in the light” — 480 mm. the Ends of their jointed lengths of 50x50mm area, which act as external constraints. Internal limiters — steel 20-mm rod, the distance between them that could fit the front wheels of “Zaporozhets”.
Tow truck
Tow truck:
1 — earring with rod (steel rod s27); 2 — front panel (steel sheet 10); 3 — thrust plate (steel, sheet s10); 4 — spring (d44x8, L70); 5 — castellated nut M24; 6 — winch (I = 40); 7 — pole (channel № 6,5); 8 — longeron (channel № 6,5); 9 — lateral (channel No. 12); 10 — round (steel, sheet s6); 11 — the turning device (demountable wheel rim ZIL-130); 12 — swivel pad (steel, sheet s6); 13 — planking (channel No. 12, L1500,2pcs.); 14 — traverse (channel № 5, 2); 15 — the ladder from the springs of the car “Moskvich-412”, 2); 16 — axle with a pair of wheels; 17 — upper pad (steel, sheet s6); 18 — an internal limiter (steel, rod d20. 2); 19 — stopper outside (steel, angle 50×50, 2); 20 — the cradle (steel, sheet s6, 2 PCs); 21 — connecting rod (steel rod d24, 2 PCs.); 22 — loop hinges (steel, pipe 34×4, 4 PCs.); 23,24 — rear and front beams (channel № 6,5); a 25 wrap (“bearing”)

Between the outer and inner limiters have waril lodgements of 6-mm steel sheet, pre-arching them on the rolls on the outer diameter of the tire “Volga”.
For loading a faulty car on a cart made of channel No. 12 two planking with a length of 1500 mm (operation showed that it is better to make channel number 16 or even No. 18 to set up the shelves, using as troughs for the wheels). The rear ends of the trapyky cut on miter, and the front is pivotally connected to the channel of the loading platform. Hinge joints — segment pipe diameter 34×4 mm. the Pins of the hinges from steel rod with a diameter of 24 mm. One end of them is bent and serves as a stopper arm, the other drilled for pin. The planking can be moved on the pin within the width of the cradle, driving under the faulty track wheel of the vehicle. When transporting the truck trapyky bolted on “rays” of the drawbar, which those in the other drilled the appropriate holes.
To pick up the faulty machine on a cart, a tongue mounted winch from the truck with a gear ratio of 40:1. The cable from the winch steel with a diameter of 10 mm and a length of 5 m, with hook at the end. During transport, the hook is left in the mesh (for insurance), slightly loosening the rope.
V. BARANOV, Novosibirsk, Russia

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