Electrolytic capacitors of the type K50-29 or similar. A field-effect transistor ВЅТ70 can be replaced by ВЅ170 or the like. Both resistor — type MF-25. Diode VD1 can be replaced by KD522, Д220, KD503 with any alphabetic index or foreign equivalent 1N4148. Sound capsule NA1 with built-in AF generator at any voltage 3 — 6V, for example TR-1203Y. Capsule be sure to include as indicated on the polarity diagram. Instead of, or in parallel with it you can turn even low-current electromagnetic relays with a supply voltage of 5 V, for example TRU-5VDC-SB-SL. This solution can be useful for the future (see text below).
The electrical circuit of the electronic alarm device
Elements in the circuit so small that the PCB I designed, implemented a standard perforated “billet” metalized holes in the conclusions, and the inter-connections are made using wire MGTF-0,6. The photo shows the hull ready indicator (on the right — earpiece-alarm HA1).
Features and prospect of use
The device responds well to an open flame; at a distance of 0.5 m, the alarm is triggered even in a lighted match. From this we can draw a simple conclusion that on the basis of the proposed device can produce a fire detector. The principle of operation is the same from open flame, and the efficacy of the operation of the indicator is the same as that night: because the device does not respond to light, not for heat, not for the flickering flames, and the infrared component in the spectrum of fire, and it is the time of day depends Especially need such a detector may be outdoors, in open spaces, in forests, in towns, on the street. In these areas conventional fire detector responsive to smoke, are practically useless. In cases when you want to manage powerful load (current up to 6 A at 220 V), the load should be connected across the relay. For example, a submersible water pump.
The device can also be useful for controlling the operation of all remote controls (“catches” both direct and reflected off the walls “invisible” to man the IR beam); for Troubleshooting and monitoring the operation of computer peripherals and cellular phones with infrared port; for the “monitoring” space, the vault, which may be installed invisible man, alarms, triggered when crossing the infrared beam (like in the movies about the agent 007) and in many other cases. The device is simple to build.
A. KASHKAROV, St. Petersburg