Bee venom — a valuable and irreplaceable raw material for many drugs — get different. For example, when using the device “Jadwiga”. It takes on a special frame-dosborne placed in the hive, annoying the electric impulses that cause bees to defend. Jala frame, winged healer leave on her own, fast crystallizing venom (see “Mo-delist-Konstruktor” No. 12’92 6’99).
Flattering describing the possibilities of “Jadwiga”, the beekeepers, however, are unanimous that the increase of the output power (and hence the number of connected part-dosbarrios) the device does not interfere. Based on these requests have developed and successfully tested a three-channel variant of the electronic bee venom collector “Jadwiga-12”. If necessary, part of his twelve regular part can be disabled, removing the supply voltage from one or more channels of amplification. In addition, even in case of failure of two stages, the device continues to operate, albeit with reduced performance. Triple reliability inherent in the design, is not superfluous in field conditions.
“Jadwiga-12” — electronic device that produces adjustable “bundles” of pulses of audio frequency 50-15, 000 Hz with a duration of 1-60 s, and with amplitude 100 V. the Pulses on twelve of the special part, placed in the hive. Frames can be grouped into cassettes of four frames each.
The duration of parcels and pauses, frequency and signal amplitude are chosen experimentally. Beekeepers with experience are most often recommended to set the device mode: sound frequency of “packets” of pulses 100 Hz, amplitude 30 V, duration 1 second, pause between the “packs” — 6 S.
The device consists of an audio oscillator DD2, DD1 clock generator, the expander of the three emitter follower VT1, VT4, VТ7 with parallel inputs and three low-frequency amplifiers DA1, DА2, DA3, each of which covered its cascade automatic gain VT2-C9, VT5-C24, VТ8-C37 and loaded on its own step-up transformer with a one to four frames. In the “Jadwiga-12” also includes the AC adapter and stabilizer, the outstanding voltage of +9 V and +15 V.
Electrical schematic of the device
A circuit diagram of the device “Jadwiga-12”
The audio oscillator produces oscillations whose frequency is governed by the resistor R19. The form of oscillations at the output of the generator of the meander.
The generator is controlled by DD2 DD1 clock generator, generating parcels, the duration of which is 1-30 with an adjustable resistor R1, and the length of pauses between resistor R4. Timing capacitors C1 and C2 connected in series to meet each other, as a kind of “bipolarism” high capacity with small dimensions. Thanks to a special stage, assembled on Tran-
SISTORE VT3, the endorsement process of the high output resistance of the chip DD2 with lower input impedance of the coupler. Resistor R21 is regulated by the amplitude of the output signal.
On chips DA1, DA2 and DA3 collected three identical low-frequency amplifier. They are made according to the standard scheme with frequency correction (L1C14, L2C22 and L3C41) of the signal at the output of the device. Transistors VT2, VT5 and VT8 are implemented, the cascades, the automatic gain control.
The main path of the amplified audio signals to the primary windings of the output transformers T1, T2 and TK. But there is an offshoot designed for “auditory” control. It leads through the switch SA4.1 to the telephone earpiece BF1.
Working pulses transformed in the direction of increasing the voltage received at the scope of the collection of venom. For visual monitoring of amplitude is gauge PA1. Through the bridge diode detector is connected sections 2 and 3 of the switch SA4 to the secondary winding of any of the T1—TK.
Setting “Jadwiga-12” special difficulties, as a rule, not causes. The stabilizer starts to work immediately when connected to a household electrical outlet or to the battery (the battery cell 12— 24V). The frequency range of the generator DD2 is set by the selection of R20 and C15 at the slider of the variable resistor R19. The duration of packets and pauses between them is adjusted by changing capacitance C1 and C2, and resistors R1 and R4.
The operation of cascades is to bypass the input circuits DA1 open collector-emitter transition of the thyristor VT2 when applying for its base the control voltage through the capacitor C9. The operation of the remaining stages (VT4, VT8) is similar.
The sensitivity RA1 is regulated by selection of the resistor R35. It is necessary to limit the deflection of the microammeter PA1 was observed upon reaching the voltage on output 100 (slider position of potentiometer R21 on the maximum amplitude). Trimmer resistors R9, R25 and R39 serve to align the output voltage on all three channels.
Topology of printed circuit boards and audio clock generators (A), the channel gain audio frequency (B) and a stable power supply(In)
Topology of printed circuit boards and audio clock generators (A), the channel gain audio frequency (B) and a stable power supply(In)
The design uses a chip К176ЛЕ6, К176ЛЕ10, К174УН7. Semiconductor triode КТ312Б can be replaced by КТ301, КТ306, KT315, КТ316, КТ342, transistor КТ803А – КТ805, КТ808, КТ908. Fixed resistors the most common type MLT-0,25. Instead of the Zener diode Д814А accept any of Д807, and analogue Д814В can serve Д809.
The microammeter PA1 with a current full deflection 100 µa. But it is permissible to replace the gauge with similar parameters. However, this will require an adjustment of the nominal value of the resistor R35.
Speaking of other parts, it should be noted that in the original “Jadwiga-12” used a phone earpiece TONE-2 full coil resistance of 1600 Ohms. Switch SA4 app, designed for three positions and the same directions; the toggle switches SA1—SA3 and SA5 type TV2-1.
As transformers T1 —TK suitable weekend from domestic tube radios. They only included the opposite: low-voltage windings — to-chip, and high-voltage — selection poison. Any power transformer of capacity not less than 50 V and an output voltage of 15-20 V. Inductors L1—L3, containing eight turns of wire PEL-0,27 wound resistors MLT-0,25 nominal value of not lower than 100 kω.
The device is mounted in a rectangular case. Bodies of management and control brought to the front panel and output terminals and fuses at the rear. The printed circuit Board of the device and the stabilizer is made of one-sided foil fiberglass 1.5 mm thick.
Frame collection venom is a plate made of glass dimensions 400x260x3 mm (a detailed description of its construction see № 6’99 of the magazine). On the long sides of the plate with a wooden plank with a groove into which is inserted dosborne glass.
On top of the wooden framework each of the plates wound wire “nichrome” thickness 0.2—0.3 mm in two 50-turn coils so that the coils of one are located between the coils of the other with a pitch between adjacent wires is 4 mm. the Opposite (outer) turns of the coils connected to the terminals to which is supplied the output voltage. The inner ends are free.
“Jadwiga-12” — a device that requires careful and cautious handling. Otherwise, it can “sting” just as painful as a real bee.
The technology of collecting bee venom using the “Jadwiga-12” complexity is no different. Success is guaranteed by the presence of the equipment, including the pulse generator, dosborne, connecting the two-wire line, the filter (200 holes per 1 cm2), a 12-volt battery box for cleaning glasses. It is also desirable to have the scraper bowl with a capacity of 100 g with a glass stopper, gauze (respirator), refrigerator, scales with measuring accuracy of 0.1 g, vacuum desiccators or glass jars W l c a wide mouth and plastic lid, children (pentoxil, tealit or silica gel, 300 g), wax, or blue tape.
Preparation for work — placement framework, the poisonous materials UV free no-collections in the hives (pre-inserted glass should be rinsed with alcohol, canvases and PetroChina removed), connect the line to the generator and deploy it so that beside each of the treated hives were the socket, and connecting the generator to a power source. Cover of the hives should be moved for ventilation. Then connect to the line first, close to the generator dosborne.
In case of a heavy bribe bee venom is not recommended to collect the Most productive time to obtain the most pure poison — 4-5 hours in the morning, when the bees have not had time to process the bribes, brought the day before.
The procedure for such action. It is necessary to configure the generator mode with the amplitude of the pulses 30, lasting “bundles” of 1, the duration of the pause Bey a fill rate of “bundles” of 50-100 Hz. We can recommend also the option with the following parameters: 30 V, 2 s, 2 s, 500 Hz. Which of the modes to give preference, to decide for himself the beekeeper, based on my experience and productive characteristics of bee colonies. (Note: adjustment WORKING and PAUSE should be set by using the stopwatch, focusing on triggering the audible indicator.)
If bees were to sting the glass (and no their case), then you can continue working and taking advantage of adjustable AMPLITUDE, to choose the optimal mode of the generator. Then, connecting each of the remaining bee, need to make sure that any dosborne not shorted line (defective frame is subject to immediate disconnection from the device and replaced with a regular one!). The characteristic short circuit — absence of a sound signal generator when the suspect load.
Session duration receiving bee venom should not exceed forty minutes. The frequency of taking the venom from a single bee — once in 7-10 days. After a session detach the frame from Li-
NII, to shake of bees (the use of brushes is possible!) and put the scope in a portable box. Then turn off the generator, collect all the equipment and ados-Bonnici attributed in a cool dry place.
Front panel and layout of the collector bee venom
The front panel and the layout of the collector bee venom
The production of bee venom — it is possible to say that the delicate, requiring careful compliance technology. It is strictly forbidden to hold glass plates of poison in the sun. If the bees go on the frame (this can be observed already after a few sessions), it is recommended to blow on it or gently tap the hive. When taking the poison, it is useful to glance at the thermometer: temperature of the ambient air must be at least 15°C. otherwise, you can chill the brood.
When cleaning glass also has its own characteristics. First, you need the appropriate equipment. And this is made of plexiglass box size 600x400x350 mm without bottom, but with two holes for hands, equipped with armlets; a respirator or a four-layer gauze bandage over your mouth and nose, scraper with replaceable razor blades (one for cleaning each dosborne — edge quickly become dull), and a glass wide-mouthed bottle with a capacity of 100-200 ml with ground stoppers.
The essence of the removal and primary processing of the poison is that by putting “bitten” by the bees the glass insert on the table and covering it with a plastic box, remove the scraper from the glass already crystallized poison. (If describeany need to avoid places with obvious contamination, whether it be pollen, nectar, etc., anything with them scraping.) Then skip the shot raw material through a sieve and pour into the bottle. This bottle of poison (not closed!) should be placed for final drying in the upper part of the desiccator, and at the bottom to pour the desiccant is preheated and then cooled to room temperature in a sealed container.
If no desiccator should be full of freshly harvested bee venom to put on a paper plate in a glass jar with desiccant. The lid for hermetic recommended fasten tape. Exposure — 24 h at a temperature close to zero.
Note that when osypanie new batch of bee venom in a bottle out of the refrigerator, condensation can form. To avoid this, you must first stand the bottle for 4-5 h at room temperature and only then to fill up the poison.
Finished bee venom it is necessary to weigh to the nearest 0.1 g pour into a clean bottle and seal it, dip the cork in melted wax. On the label to indicate the weight (tare and poison), date of collection, location of the apiary. To store this bottle, with its valuable contents should be in double-layered fold of opaque black paper in the bottom of the refrigerator.
Evidence on the quality of the poison: white or light yellow, moisture content — not more than 2% and the impurity content is not more than 2 percent, the activity of phospholipase And at least 140 units to gather such adequate standards of pharmaceutical raw materials from thirty bee colonies, it takes about ten hours.
To forward bee venom must be packaged in sealed glass containers (not more than 100 g in one container), carefully wrapped in opaque black paper. All this is placed in a parcel box along with the accompanying cargo documents and data deliverer.
V. RUBTSOV, Kazakhstan

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