COSMETICS BRUSHA paint brush is probably the most common after a hammer is a tool, and perhaps the most short-lived. And fleytsy and trimming often prematurely fail due to improper care. So, after the brush is dipped into the paint, in a container with solvent or water, forgetting that the performance of this tool depends not only on the softness of the bristles, but also on its shape. Shaft of left upright in the Bank, their weight will bend the bristles and to return the brush to its original shape almost will not succeed.
If breaks in work a small brush to put served her term, it should be left in the tank in limbo. It is enough to drill in the handle hole under a wooden pin or pencil. Drawing the ends of the sticks on the edge of the banks and not reaching its bottom, the tool will remain in usable condition for as long as the Bank is solvent or water.
When using fast drying colorants bristles gradually razbushevalsja due to paint drying in the upper part. To avoid wasting time on washing the brushes during operation is possible, using the two hands alternately, one in, another in the Bank.
For dissolution (or dilution) of each of the types of paints recommended for your solvent, it can also be used for washing hair.
For oil paint is turpentine, spirit, special solvent, gasoline; for nitrocellulose NC — solvents 646, 647, acetone, gliftalevyh and pentaftalevyh varnishes and enamels GF, PF solvent, xylol, white spirit and mixtures thereof; urea melaminoalkidnye and enamels ML, MCH — solvent, a mixture (1/1) acid and butyl alcohol, the solvent No. 651, xylene; for alkyd, polyvinyl acetate, phenol, polyacrylic enamels and varnishes — MS, FL, FA, as-the solvent, xylol, ethyl alcohol, RKB, butyl alcohol; bitumen-oil, an oil-asphalt and oil varnishes and enamels BT, MA — solvent, xylol, white spirit, mixtures thereof and SR-2; for primers and fillers used the same solvent as for the enamel of the same basics.
Processing paint brush prior to storage.
Processing paint brush prior to storage:
1 — preparation of the solvent, 2 — washing brush, 3 — wiping cloth, 4 — rinsing in water, 5 — comb, 6 — wrapping in paper.
It is useful to remember that the wash brushes are best not immediately after work, and to bear them in advance in a solvent, with from time to time it is necessary to press the brush, as if progresiva the bottom of the jar. Then hair carefully wipe with a cloth and washed in hot water with soap or detergent composition. Shaking off the water, instruments should be wrapped in paper as shown in the figure. This envelope protects the bristles from bending, and so it remains soft, it should be cleaned with castor oil.
Brush from under oil paints conveniently cleaned in a large jar with a tight-fitting lid, this vessel can be kept in limbo for a long time. Moreover, since the dye will precipitate on the bottom, the solvent will remain clean and suitable for washing other brushes.
Sticky clean bristles can be brought into working condition by hanging the brush for at least two hours in a bowl of hot soapy water (this will help to straighten and zakruchivaetsya hairs). And the use of parts of the comb will provide smooth work when sing cover.
So, by following these tips, it is possible to lengthen the service life of the brush. But sooner or later, the bristles will still become stiff and begin to fall out the brush will lose its original shape. However, such a tool will serve you to remove dust and dirt, application of anticorrosive coatings, cleaning of metal parts.
According to the magazine “Earmaster”, Hungary

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