Wooden “patterns”.When you choose a material for the floor, you must consider its ability to resist the damage that may be caused by coating an active life in the house, as well as its ability to maintain an attractive appearance. The most suitable material there was always a tree.

Well decorated, it is extremely durable, lasts for many years. This material goes well with almost any décor, and it does not pose serious difficulties.
Wooden floors can be laid in straight strips, “braids” or in the form of various ornaments.
Floors must be laid on a flat dry surface on concrete, wooden or plywood base.
There are many ways of flooring: some wood floors are glued to the ground, others laid dry.
Lay the first Board, leaving a gap at the wall of approximately 6 mm. Later it will be closed plinth. For rough fixing of the boards using the nails that reduce the likelihood of splitting. For boards with thickness of 19 mm nails are used with a length of 55...65 mm; avoid to apply too thick: clogging them, it is possible to split the nearest butt profile.
Lay the first Board, leaving a gap at the wall of approximately 6 mm. Later it will be closed plinth. For rough fixing of the boards using the nails that reduce the likelihood of splitting. For boards with thickness of 19 mm nails are used with a length of 55…65 mm; avoid to apply too thick: clogging them, it is possible to split the nearest butt profile.
To provide minimal joints, the boards should fit as tightly as possible one to another with a simple homemade wedges, pressed through the wooden strip to each lag.
To ensure minimal joints, the boards should fit as tightly as possible one to another with a simple homemade wedges, pressed through the wooden strip to each lag.
Carefully cut boards of equal length. To prevent damage to edges, tuck up your next Board using a small bar with a cutout that follows the profile of the Board.
Carefully cut boards of equal length. To prevent damage to edges, tuck up your next Board using a small bar with a cutout that follows the profile of the Board.
Every Board carefully customize the place before you score and drown nails. Before finishing recessed nail heads should be sealed with mastic.
Every Board is carefully customize the place before you score and drown nails. Before finishing recessed nail heads should be sealed with mastic.
Along the wall or existing skirting boards draw a line, separated from them by 12 mm. it is Convenient also to fix around the perimeter of the room foam strip width of 12 mm. make Sure that the gasket never deviate from the line of the wall.
Along the wall or existing skirting boards draw a line, separated from them by 12 mm. it is Convenient also to fix around the perimeter of the room foam strip width of 12 mm. make Sure that the gasket never deviate from the line of the wall.
Apply adhesive mastic, leveling it with a spatula on the area corresponding to approximately 2-3 square parquet boards.
Apply adhesive mastic, leveling it with a spatula on the area corresponding to approximately 2-3 square parquet boards.
In older homes meet wooden floors, which need updating; in other homes the owners want to have wood floors. Elements for wooden floor — the so-called “sexual Reiki” — can be purchased ready made in many specialized stores; this type of floor is most convenient to work with for beginner craftsmen.
There are two types of floorboards: with straight edges (in this case, the Board simply adjusted close to each other) and grooved. The latter form a more reliable joint. Both boards are stacked the same way. The advantage of the grooved boards that each is fixed to the joint along the entire length, which virtually eliminates warping them. Laying boards in place is not difficult. It is important that the moisture content of the wood is balanced with humidity that is necessary to prevent shrinkage after laying, which can manifest itself in the appearance of cracks and opening of joints. Buy Board always in advance and maintain them in the pile so to allow air circulation between them.
Hide the wiring in two ways: either by the baseboard of wood soft rock, fortified on the rails with the indent from the wall, or that is used more often lay it between the joists or she crosses them.
Hide the wiring in two ways: either by the baseboard of wood soft rock, fortified on the rails with the indent from the wall, or that is used more often lay it between the joists or she crosses them.
Stow and secure the floorboard, ensuring the correctness of their mutual arrangement. The last Board in each row should be pre-cut exactly to the desired size.
Lay and press the floorboard, ensuring the correctness of their mutual arrangement. The last Board in each row should be pre-cut exactly to the desired size.
From a roll and tiles
To wash the floor in the kitchen and the bathroom have very often, and accordingly selected the type of coverage. Linoleum — ideal a warm, moisture resistant floor which is easy to keep clean. It is relatively inexpensive, durable. Styling it can be done independently. Floor hallways and lobbies will fit carpeted or tile (PVC).
We should start building with training grounds.
If the subfloor is plank flooring, the first step is to score all the protruding nails, tighten screws and drown. Acting head of the nail or screw can quickly push through the coating and cause the appearance of cracks or holes. The cracks between the planks should be caulked or spackled. If their width is 2-3 mm, the slit can be left, but if more, their score is wooden slats. Sealing strips of one or two cracks rational, but when they are numerous, it makes sense to cover the entire floor with a thin wood-fiber plates — hardboard (see Fig. 2).
The concrete floor is first necessary to wash with soap and water. Then cement mortar cement the largest depression (deeper than 5 mm). To increase the adhesion of the solution with the floor, lubricate the latter with white glue. After this, cement is applied to the bumps and leveled with a trowel. The solution is kept for 12 hours and then begin the paving.
Laying of PVC tiles should start from the middle of the room. 99 times out of 100 its interior walls do not form a right angle, and if you start the installation from one of the walls may be slit along the other walls.
Hardboard substrate should be laid rough side up, to increase grip with decorative cover. Hammer nails along the edge of the hardboard with intervals of 10-15 cm and Then drive a row of nails across the plate every 5 cm in the direction from the middle to the edges. The joints of the plate should be placed vrazbezhku.
Hardboard base should be laid rough side up, to increase grip with decorative cover. Hammer nails along the edge of the hardboard with intervals of 10-15 cm and Then drive a row of nails across the plate every 5 cm in the direction from the middle to the edges. The joints of the plate should be placed vrazbezhku.
Linoleum sheets can be too bulky, so it is convenient to first cut them roughly, before finally clarify the contours of all the details. When cutting you need to leave a margin of 5-7 cm on all sides. Press the sheet to the wall with a lump of wood to Refine the form of the cut.
Linoleum tiles may be too bulky, so it is convenient to first cut them roughly, before finally clarify the contours of all the details. When cutting you need to leave a margin of 5-7 cm on all sides. Press the sheet to the wall with a lump of wood to Refine the shape of the cutouts.
That the linoleum was not a scraggly, cut angles up to the final adjustment, as shown in the pictures. Thus, when you will press the sheet to the floor, forming an angle in the form of the letter V, which is tightly lie on the plinth in both directions.
To the linoleum, bristled, cut angles up to the final adjustment, as shown in the pictures. Thus, when you will press the sheet to the floor, forming an angle in the form of the letter V, which is tightly lie on the plinth in both directions.
Define the center, take the floor plan a simple rectangle, not including the projecting parts of the walls. Measure the length of each wall and snap the middle. Grate chalk drawstring and clip buttons on its ends at two points on the middle of opposite walls. Pull the cord sharply and let him go, so he lay on the floor, left of the chalk line. Also note the second line between the midpoints of the other two walls. At the intersection of these lines is the center of the room.
To transfer the exact contour of the wall on vinyl chloride sheet, the required marking block. Lay a sheet in the plane of the floor and move the bar along the wall, align the pencil to its outer surface. Cut the sheet on the scribed line with a sharp knife and Reiki. Push the sheet so that the cut line tight against the wall.
To transfer the exact contour of the wall on vinyl chloride sheet, the required marking block. Lay a sheet in the plane of the floor and move the bar along the wall, align the pencil to its outer surface. Cut the sheet on the scribed line with a sharp knife and Reiki. Push the sheet so that the cut line tight against the wall.
To handle the outer corner, press the sheet to the corner and fold the excess material. Then incise the sheet so that it could be in place, and finally cut off the extra piece.
To handle the outer corner, press the sheet to the corner and fold the excess material. Then incise the sheet so that it could be in place, and finally cut off the extra piece.
To make the cutout for the strut, you will need the template from hard cardboard. Measure the square around the pipe riser, having imposed its lines on all four sides, and watertite it on the cardboard. In the center of the square put a coin with a diameter equal to the diameter of the pipe; draw it on the contour and cut a round hole.
To make the cutout for the strut, you will need the template from hard cardboard. Measure the square around the pipe riser, having imposed its lines on all four sides, and watertite it on the cardboard. In the center of the square put a coin with a diameter equal to the diameter of the pipe; draw it on the contour and cut a round hole.
For the design bases of plumbing fixtures in the toilet and in the bathroom you will also need a template. Trace the outline with marking bar on the cardboard and transfer it to the linoleum or use patterns.
For the decoration of the bases of the plumbing fixtures in the toilet and in the bathroom you will also need a template. Trace the outline with marking bar on the cardboard and transfer it to the linoleum or use patterns.
To determine the required number of tiles, obmerte room and multiply the length by the width. Find the area of projections (pilasters) or releases (Bay Windows) and, accordingly, add or subtract it to the total area of the premises. Calculate the area of the stack of tiles. To determine the required number of packs to cover the floor, it is necessary to divide the floor area by the area of one bundle. Add over a certain amount of material to insure in case of possible errors.
To work you need the following tools: hacksaw to fit plates, tape measure, a pair of wooden sticks, pencil and glue. When paving close to pipes or plumbing fixtures in the bathroom will need stiff cardboard for a template with which to cut the contour for the curve.
Before you start the final layout of the plates, lay them starting from the center, in four perpendicular directions. If the gap between the wall and the last tile in each row was not very large, Central tile, move a few inches to equalize the gap with a gap at the opposite wall. Too narrow strips cut tiles arranged around the perimeter of a room can look sloppy. If you are satisfied with the layout, start gluing.
Roller synthetic material (linoleum) to cover the entire single sheet, no joints, which is important for kitchens that do not allow the accumulation of dirt and dust in the joints. If however you will not be able to avoid the intersection, try to place it as far away from the door, that is from the area where the floor coating will wear out first.
Before work flatten out the roll in the room for which it was intended. Leave it there for two days to give him the opportunity to warm up. Cold plastic is more brittle and uncomfortable in the treatment.
To the labels of the tiles put them in the dressing room
Up stickers tiles put them in the dressing room “the cross”, starting from the center of the floor.
To fit the outermost tile (A) which would not fit in the row, put it on the last fit, and over — one (B). Mark lines along the edge of tile B on tile surface and cut along this line.
To fit the extreme tile (A) which would not fit in the row, put it on the last fit, and over — one (B). Mark lines along the edge of tile B on tile surface and cut along this line.
If you choose flooring with ornamental pattern, it should be stacked in such a way that the lines of the drawing stood at right angles with the direction of the entrance to the room.
According to the magazine “Practical Householder”, England

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