PRESS THE BIBLIOPHILEIn every family there is not one book, which is read, that is, to the holes. We carefully stored the logs of past years for the sake of one or two written in them of favorite pieces. “Twist!” — sigh master of the house. Deterred by the apparent complexity of bookbinding, no fixtures. But the point is not so tricky.
In bookbinding, bonding cardboard, paper, thin sheet of non-metallic materials use a variety of presses, clamps, clamps or just the yoke. If you are going to do this work, make a simple lever press. It is convenient, compact, lightweight and allows you to develop a great effort.
For base and caliper press pick straight grained bars without knots and cracks, apply them to the specified drawing dimensions.
On the rack go bars of smaller dimensions. Their edges should be rounded, and along the axis (see drawing) drill some holes for the connections of the columns with the base to thrust the caliper pins.
Device lever press.
Device lever press:
1 — base 2 — stud placket, 3 — calipers, 4 — lever, 5 — stand, 6 — thrust pin, 7 — pin mounting.
Lever, installed in the longitudinal groove of the caliper can be cut from a sheet of plywood or solid Board thickness 15 mm, soshlifovat then to a size of 14.8 mm. hole for the axis is shifted by 8 mm in relation to the longitudinal axis, so when you rotate the lever moves the push bar down.
To build the press into the holes of the base, insert the stand and fix them cross pins and glue. Put on top of the clamping bar, and then the caliper with the lever.
For uniform force distribution, place the processed item between two durable sheets of plywood, and the whole “sandwich” between the base and the pressure plate. When the left (in the drawing), the position of the lever will lower the caliper down in the next hole racks resistant insert pins. As soon as you turn the lever to the right, his eccentric and with force grip details.
According to the magazine “Melody techniques”, pnrm.

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