If you are going to travel, a tourist photographer carefully selects and packs its fotoscaseira. From a wide variety of fixtures, optics and assistive devices with you is the most essential, reliable and proven in operation. Depends on efficiency, quality, and overall impression of the hike — after all, a broken camera or broken the flash will not throw that has the hapless lover reluctantly to do the filming instead of moving to a precious, but, unfortunately, useless Cargo. To avoid this, the equipment should reliably protect from possible trouble: shaking, bumps, drops, dust. Regular same packaging that did not fit.
As shown by the experience of several pet mountain and Hiking 2-4th category of difficulty with these tasks copes protective bags they are Made of thick nylon type fabric avizent, or a thick tarp. Well suited for this purpose soft PU leather dimension covers are selected based on the dimensions of lenses or cameras.