Now about how to make this “palette” for the light. Let’s start with raster. To get it to do the matrix. Take any rigid plate of suitable size and wrap it a wire with a diameter of from 0.5 to 1.5 mm — tightly, turn to turn. This is the matrix. The very same raster is applied to the sheet of clear Plexiglas, which is first softened over an electric or gas hob (burner don’t forget to cover with a sheet of tin). Kai only it becomes plastic, place it on the matrix and covering the plexiglass smooth rigid plate (e.g., DSP), squeeze the “sandwich” with a force of 70 kg. or equal to 8 will Receive a uniform undulating surface.
Such a plate can be used as a bitmap in any lamp. Driven by the concept of it, which will allow you to collect your desired option or upgrade an existing projector, the illuminator, making it appropriate nozzle-tube.
R and with . 4. Receiving raster:
1 — a rigid plate, 2 – wire. 3 — heated glass, 4 — plate, 5 — weight.
R and S. 5. Manufacturer filter:
1 — glass plates. 2 — drop paste, 3 — adhesive tape. 4 — cargo.
In the case (see picture) found: the spherical reflector (you can use household foil), and the cartridge lamp (conventional lighting, minion movie), two PLANO-convex lenses (say, condensor magnifier), the raster plate; on the outside, the output light flux tin fasten the slider — holder filters. Poloski can dvigatsya and before raster: effect of staining and the color distribution is retained.
On its option to verify the Schema I have used ready lens Assembly from the projector “Etude”. This required only to separate it from the body. The unit is convenient because you do not need to split hairs with the holders for the filters — you can insert them into the frame of submission of slides. Tilting petal-ohranitel on the guide, take out the personnel frame and (as an option) instead DIGEM package of raster and filters. As for the case of block Assembly I used a large tin can (from green peas of the company “globe”), taking care of ventilation.
For filters you can use any colored glass, plates painted Plexiglas, which, by the way, well painted with a diluted paste of the rods from ballpoint pens. The same paste will help to filter and glass plates (e.g., plates washed). Should only drop one of them to cover the second plate and leave them under load for a few hours, the paste will be spread in a thin film, like a colored strip. Will only turn over the resulting filter strip of masking tape.
V. GAVRILOV, engineer, Minsk
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