Intensive cleaner

Before any home master sooner or later face the challenge of cleaning workshop. However, it is not always possible to make do with a broom or brush. The optimal solution could become a household vacuum cleaner. Of course, the shops selling various electric instrument you can find a special cleaner for workshops, but their prices unacceptably high.

At the same time, the capacity of musoroprovodnaja household cleaner annoyingly small, at least for the amount of waste that accumulates in the Studio after working with the wood. This is especially true of vacuums foreign, most of whom, despite their very decent power, muzarabani ridiculously small.
To solve this problem in two ways: to make from household items cleaner special cleaning device for the workshop with moderateincome capacity or to make household cleaner optional external muzarabani.
The scheme of Maxi-cleaner
The scheme is Maxi cleaner (with domestic details, b — foreign):
1 — hose; 2 — mount hose; 3 — cover; 4 — bolts of fastening of a cover; 5 — a frame with filters; 6 — compressor unit; 7 — suspension; 8 — guides for the filtering system; 9 — ribs; 10 — vacuum cleaner foreign production

In the first case, you will need the following parts household cleaner: compressor host motor, hose attachments, the attachment hose in the housing, the engine control unit. And wheel compressor with switch and cable can be rented as a whole, the more that vacuum cleaners of the Russian production they mounted in a single Assembly and even with the fastening elements. Almost all this can be taken from the household vacuum cleaner (if it is a Russian production about foreign later), or find in the relevant stores, and bazaars in the
the traders in the market all sorts of things that are likely to be in more or less a big village.
To the above left to produce sufficient capacity capacity and equip it with a knot for fastening a hose, filter system, mounting hardware compressor unit and furniture wheels.
In my case it’s a box with a capacity of about 360 l (1000x600x600 mm), assembled from sheets of 12 mm plywood on the bruski section 40×40 mm. And the box walls reinforced with diagonal bars to stiffen the structure. (In the initial version of the wall during operation, so much inwards under the action of external pressure on the tightness of fastening of a cover could not out of the question.)
Inside the box, near the compressor unit, there are two frames with filters. As a prefilter, use a plastic mosquito net, a thin clean piece of knitted fabric. Frame made of bars section 20×20 mm, connected by a simple lock vpoldereva on glue. Fabric and mesh mounted so that it is possible to quickly replace the filters if damaged or washing.
The compression set is located on one of the walls of the box. Cover musoroprovodnaja sealed on a box of twenty bolts with wing heads. The tightness of the provided foam gasket around the perimeter of the cover.
The attachment hose is taken vacuum cleaner and glued to the wall, the opposing wall with the compressor node at the top of the box.
As the chassis is convenient to use the swivel wheels on the stroller, preferably of large diameter. However, I have quite approached the furniture casters.
To the box attached handles to carry the collected waste to the nearest trash can. Although it is possible to place in musoroprovodnaja a special bag to collect waste, but it’s a matter of taste.
It should be noted that such a construction can be performed in a stationary form, with moderateincome much greater capacity. But we should remember that in the process, the vacuum creates a very high vacuum and, as a consequence, a large load on the vessel wall. It is therefore necessary to provide stiffness and structural strength of musoroprovodnaja.
All this mostly applies to cases when there is a vacuum cleaner of the Russian production.
But what if the cleaner foreign production, which is the only removable element is the filter, which is a bag the size of a child’s mitten?
Here the solution is largely similar to the previous, wait only difference is that to the newly-made garbage-the receiver must not dock a compressor node, and a vacuum cleaner as a whole. For this purpose in the wall of the outside of the filtering system is necessary to secure the site, providing a regular mount nozzles on the hose of a vacuum cleaner, taking advantage of any underutilized nozzle that comes with the cleaner, kleiv it into the wall of musoroprovodnaja for filter elements. In the end, the new Muso-repreent will be essentially a kind of additional attachment to an existing vacuum cleaner.
In the drawings I deliberately did not cite a specific size, as it is practically impossible to consider all possible options of designs depending on the characteristics of the existing vacuum cleaner.
I. DEMIN, Krasnoyarsk

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