CIRCULAR SAW I’m a subscriber “Modeller-designer” already since 1972. Much of that time has changed, but the content of the magazine, I (and not only me) are quite satisfied. Let increased its subscription price (which is of course not pleased, but not scared — I understand the difficulties of the editors), I’ll write a journal, yet it will exist. Not going to list those topics in it that interest me the most is all that can be done in a home workshop, ranging from simple stools to, for example, motoriety. I also do many things with their hands (friends call me by this “local Kulibin”).

Answering the call log to the craftsmen to sponsor, I want to offer to the readers of their development — not the usual woodworking machine. I did back in 1986, but he acts today. Since that time the machine was manufactured a lot. Judging by the statements of friends, who watched me work on the machine or personally had manufactured it necessary for himself details, the design turned out well. Each of them would like to have one, and three even made their own kind, with slight modifications. To the description and drawings, I attach two pictures, really Amateur. At the moment I have made some improvements in the machine, although not fundamental, but improving its performance. In this regard, the described design is slightly different from the pictures.
According to the principle of the machine is a circular saw, but working on it — the blade — in contrast to conventional, rotates in a vertical plane and in a horizontal (like a circular saw “on the contrary”). In addition, there is the possibility of using two types of cutting tool: shaped cutter (or combination of cutters), and a dismountable nozzle with replaceable knives. If necessary, the machine can be configured as a wheel grinder for sharpening, such as knives for planer, blade width up to 250 mm.
Details woodworking machine made in the home workshop, with the exception of those that require turning and milling. Welding has also made himself a machine “Anode” (VSB-81) DC. The design uses some ready-made products, such as frame and movement mechanism motor. But since you buy them, not everyone, I have developed and presented in the publication of drawings of similar parts and components of available materials that do not impair the characteristics of the machine.
The base-frame is assembled from cast-iron legs from a sewing machine, connected to increase rigidity four (also cast iron) lintels (not included in the article drawings of parts of 40×40 mm). On the frame fixed table cover, made of chipboard, reinforced by two longitudinal angles 30×30 mm. But first, the cover is drilled the necessary holes. To do this, turn the lid, put on the base frame, and further the Assembly produced from the top — so comfortable. First preporacuvam to the lid bracket using the four screws and nuts M8, it — based adjustment mechanism, then assemble the mechanism and its plate with four screws and nuts fasten the electric motor. Now the top of the table again overturn and fasten it on the frame, and the lower stop. Check the perpendicularity of the motor shaft to the top of the table.
Woodworking machine with a horizontal cutting tool
Woodworking machine with horizontal cutting tool:
1 —frame (the area 40×40); 2—block launcher equipment; 3 —cover (chipboard, s20); 4 — adjustable stop; 5—working body; 6 — nozzle: 7 — motor; 8 — movement mechanism; 9 — upper bracket; 10 — control panel; 11 — lower bearing; 12 —a box of ZIP

Adjustable stop
Adjustable fence:
1 — emphasis (pine, timber 100×40); 2 — guide rod (45 steel, rod Ø16,2); 3 — thrust bearing (St3, the sheet s4, 2); 4 — guide bushing (Assembly: pipe 26×5, area 50×50, 2); 5 — stopper (screw M8); 6 — 5×15 screws (6 PCs.)

The movement of the working body
The mechanism of movement of the working body:
1—flywheel (Carbolite); 2—setscrews, M6; 3—lead screw (45 steel, rod Ø18); 4 — bushing screw (45 steel, rod Ø35); 5 — emphasis (St3, sheet s5); 6 — base (45 steel); 7—support bracket (45 steel); 8 — plate (duralumin D16T, sheet s6); 9—the screw M6 (3 units); 10—lock nut M6 (3). 11 —screw M6 (2 pieces); 12 — clamp (steel 45, sheet s5); 13—uterine nut (steel 45)

On top of the set table moving the emphasis that serves as a limiter of departure of the working body. (When the workpiece is pressed against the stop and move the table toward the rotating working body.)
On the guide rods of an adjustable emphasis is put on the guides set the fence parallel to the longitudinal centerline of the cover and perevorachivaet guides to the cover with screws.
In the machine used motor АОЛ21-2 (N = 0,6 kW; n = 2800 rpm./min) included in the scheme of a triangle with a capacitor in a home network with a voltage of 220 V. motor Control is push-button station with magnetic starter. Directly on the motor shaft with the lock screw M6 fixed nozzle, machined from steel. The nozzle with reduction sleeves are fixed to the various working bodies, a change which can be made within minutes, with a maximum of two.
The mechanism of movement of the electric motor is applied as ready — from the band knife, but you can take the same from the lathe.
System for removal of sawdust and shavings from the treatment zone consists of a notched casing and padded sleeve, made of dense fabric and is fastened on the casing.
Woodworking machine has really versatile features that allow you to use them widely in the processing of wood for domestic use. Great help this machine can provide any home wizard when performing carpentry or finishing work of wood materials.
Thickness produced on the machine of rails, beams, planks from 1 to 40 mm (if you change the size of the nozzle can be increased to 60 — 70 mm). The maximum width of these products is 100 mm when using a circular saw with a diameter of 150 mm and a disk of 200 mm to 140 mm. the dimensions can be changed smoothly: the thickness of the hoist motor, the width of the flight of the disc blades of the end stops. Accuracy of installation dimensions ±0.2 mm.
Lower bearing positioning mechanism (25x25 area)
The lower support mechanism displacement (area 25×25)
Upper bracket movement mechanism (St3, sheet s5)
Upper bracket positioning mechanism (St3, sheet s5)

Collapsible nozzle with replaceable blades
Collapsible nozzle with replaceable blades:
1 —nozzle (45 steel, rod Ø40); 2—flange (steel 45, the range of Ø80, s9,2); 3—notched knife (СтР6М5, s2,3); 4 — spacer (tube 35×4, 6 PCs); 5 — washer (steel 45, the range Ø30, s4); 6—nut M 18×1,5 (45 steel); 7 insert-“dummy”

Mounting circular saw blades
Mounting circular saw blades:
a—transitional bushing; b — pressure washer

A circuit diagram of a drive machine
Schematic diagram of the drive of the machine:
M1 —motor АОЛ21-2 (0,6 kW, 2800 rpm./min); CP—condenser М6ГО (20,0 µf x 400 V, 3). KS—button station PKE 722-2У2; MT 1 magnetic contactor P6-121У 3; FU1, FU2 — fusible EAP-6.3 A (220 V)

When using as a working body of the disk cutters (or combinations thereof) with a diameter of 80 and 100 mm and a thickness of 8 and 3 mm, respectively, it is possible to choose on the boards, bars etc. slots, and a quarter of 3 mm or more and to produce floorboards. As an example: I have these boards done the ceiling a total area of 27 m2.
When working with shape cutter in both of the groove are inserted into the same shaped knives.
Disk mill (milling 80×8 mm metal) is slightly modified: it removed sand around every second tooth.
If the working body of the machine to use a collapsible shell mill with replaceable knives, boards, bars and rails can be produced different profiles. My kit consists of ten interchangeable blades, all bilateral. The work in this case is performed by one blade of one knife. The second groove of the flange when it is inserted “dummy” plate of the same thickness and height as the knife, but with a length slightly less than the length of the groove.
A. ANIKIN, the city of Atkarsk, Saratov region.

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