HIGH DRIVEWhen using a circular saw with a saw to obtain a smooth cut surface modelers often use so-called “silk” discs, in which the cutting teeth are almost divorced. Sometimes for this purpose use a thin disc cutter. However, to saw wood them is not easy: due to the intense heating the wood ignited. The reason is in incorrect sharpening disk. To overcome this difficulty.
Fig. 1. Finalization of the disc cutter
Fig. 1. Finalize disc cutter:
1 — disc 2 — old tooth of the disc cutter. 3 — the new tooth.

The first step of the disc cutter to cut almost new disk with the increased height of the tooth. This can be done ka elektrotochilo, setting ia a stone Tina “plate”. Cut off, as shown in the figure, every second tooth. Received the teeth should be of equal length — check is a simple template out of plywood or plastic.
Fig. 2. The scheme of sharpening the cutting edges of the teeth
Fig. 2. The scheme of sharpening the cutting edges of the teeth.
Arrows indicate the direction of rotation of the stone.
The same stone to sharpen the cutting part of the tooth. The leading edges of all of the even teeth mowed down in one party, odd — in another. Note also that the direction of rotation of the stone must be the same as pokazanova figure. Under this condition, on the cutting edge and on the side it formed a Burr that serves as a wiring on a conventional blade disc. Once the burrs solefood, the disk will again begin to warm up. Thus, the disc again needs sharpening.
Fig. 3. Sharpened with a stone type
Fig. 3. Sharpened with a stone type “plate” for sharpening circular saw blades.
V. MIKHED, master of sports of the USSR

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