MULTI-TIERED TOOL KITThe most common variant of a tool box like the pros, and Amateurs tinkering — usually just a wooden box with carrying handle. Respectively, and its contents, as a rule, is what is called bulk: tools, fasteners, accessories— all mixed up. Not out trying to make a branch or attach additional boxes to use is still uncomfortable. Appeared in the sale of imported boxes with embedded sections, allowing you to restore domestic order, but their price is often more than any power tool.

Meanwhile, our reader from Ryazan B. Potapov came out of the situation without foreign purchases, designing a simple and original multi-level drawer, roomy and very easy to use. The device is quite versatile and will be useful not only for, say, carpentry needs, but also for any woodworking, plumbing, and other toolboxes and supporting tripe. And for the home worker this almost solves the problem workshop: his whole Arsenal is stored in one place.
For years I use your tool box and very happy with mm. As shown, he is deprived of many shortcomings of existing designs and noorat has the advantage. And, above all, that he stacked, each component of this “skyscraper” box offline freely remove and used independently. In addition, the boxes can be of different sizes depending on the purpose.
The basis of the whole structure are the ground box and is attached to the end walls of the two racks, between which on each other are established the rest of the boxes. On the bottom of each of them have legs-clamps made from wooden planks, to prevent the assembled side and end shifts boxes. At the top of the uprights is attached a tubular carrying handle.
Ground the box because it is basic and is designed for large and heavy tools can be made of thin boards or plywood of 8 mm thickness (sides) and 12 mm (end walls), the bottom is made of plywood thickness of 4 mm. Racks are mounted from the bottom using nuts and bolts, and superior to them with screws. Wall and the bottom connect the Xia between small nails, greasing before that of the joints with a joiner Clem or PVA.
Multi-tiered tool kit
Tiered tool kit:
1 — drawer basement; 2 — leg support; 3,4 — boxes average; 5 — drawer top, sectional; 6 — cover digna; 7 — stand; 8 — tubular handle.
Details box
Details box:
1 – the bottom ( plywood s4); 2 – leg resistant ( timber 12X12 L200); 3 – wall of the lower box end (plywood s8); 4 – (timber 40Х20, L500); 5 – screw fixing M10; 6 – (plywood s4); 7 – screws 3Х40; 8 noicy retainers ( timber 12X12); 9 – snake guide (timber 12X12 with a longitudinal groove); 10 – boss mobile; 11 – handle ( tube Ø16); 12 – wall of the front boxes Tarceva (plywood s8); a 14 – walls of the front drawers, side (plywood s4); 15 – fin gain ( 12X12 timber); 16 – cover vidbirna ( plywood s4).

Programming sequence of the multi-tiered box

Programming sequence of the multi-tiered box.
The rest of the crates plywood (but the sidewall thickness of 4 mm), they are going well with the technology or with viscous spikes. Due to the fact that they have thinner sidewalls, the upper edge of the inside of them can be strengthened in thin wedges.
Slightly different design of the top drawer. First of all, the fact that it has a retractable cover, which side bars is provided with longitudinal strengthening grooves and are guides. The inner space of the box is divided by partitions into cells in which it is convenient to keep fasteners and small accessary items.
Ready tool kit for the insulation from moisture should be several times impregnated with hot linseed oil, and if you want enamel paint non-staining color.
B. POTAPOV, Ryazan

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