VERTICAL DRILLINGIn the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 4 for 2008 have already been published, one of my small bench drill press. Now offers readers a different, in my opinion, a more versatile and interesting design. Meanwhile, this upright drilling machines single-spindle work hard also not hard to make yourself, having practical skills in machining metal parts and metal build, and some of the most complex parts can be ordered as a master-technician.

The purpose and principle of the proposed drilling machine similar to such structures. The difference is in the details. The lathe has three spindle speed. To do this, to transfer the belt from one of the streams of pulleys to the other, which is done very easily.
The main components of the machine — table, Desk, console from the tool head. Of course, it is necessary to include the electric motor, but this is self — Assembly and prefabrication, and therefore I will mention only its characteristics. Motor type — CD-50У4, the power is 60 watts, rpm — 2750 per minute, the supply voltage — 220 V.
Table — a relatively heavy steel or cast iron stove. In this design he used for the channel No. 14 with a short milled shelves, it’s only because at the time of making stanochek he was the most suitable of the available material. But if stanochek not required from time to time transfer, then it is better to use the stove. With a massive base machine will not “dance” of vibration on the table while working. In the plane of the table is made of three through threaded holes M5 for fixing the rack.
Stand is made of round steel rod with a diameter of 20 mm. below it is welded to the thrust bearing in the form of a truncated washer located appropriately (as in the table) smooth holes. It is important to ensure strict perpendicularity to the axis of the strut to the plane of the thrust bearing. With the help of a thrust bearing strut and fastened to the table with three screws M5.
Fig. 1. Table verticalinstabile single-spindle machine
Fig. 1. Table verticalinstabile single-spindle machine:
1 —Desk (channel No. 14); 2—bearing flange (45 steel); 3 — front (steel 45, range 20); 4 console (cast iron MF-21); 5—electric (CD-50У4); 6—panel for switch and backlight (PCB or aluminum, sheet s5); 7—drive pulley of the motor (made of anodized aluminum, round 54); 8 — mount drive pulley on the motor shaft (screw M3); 9 — belt (rubber ring); 10—cover pulleys and belts, duralumin, sheet 1); 11 —the drive unit spindle; 12—upper spindle bearing (No. 18); 13 — Cup (steel 45); 14—spindle (steel 45); 15 — lower spindle bearing (No. 200); 16—a clamping tool holder (10); 17—handle (rubber); 18—arm (St3, round 10); 19—fastening arm (screw M6, 2 PCs.); 20—washer (4 PCs); 21 —led; 22 — the switch (three-position toggle switch); 23 — mount the bearing housing to the console (screw M3, 3). 24— locking mechanism of the console; 25—mount reference rack flange to the table (screw M5 3 PCs.)

Stand is used for vertical movement on her console. The console is made of rather massive billets of grey cast iron grades 21-40, and to facilitate the details of the average of the maximum tapered — here is a big quirk. Of course, the console can do steel, but cast iron has better anti-friction properties and friction surfaces do not even need to lubricate. In the end parts of the console, drilled two core through holes with diameters of 21 and 32 mm with a centre distance of 95 mm: the first rack and the other for a glass spindle. If someone flight cartridge will seem too small, then the console can be done with a large centre distance between the holes for the stand and the tool. But then some of the dimensions need to be adjusted accordingly.
The glass spindle is made of steel St45. Below the glass is moved downward by a predetermined conveying distance 42 mm, along the second (larger) hole in the console on one side milled a groove width of 6 mm and a length of 60 mm.
The pulleys on the motor and the spindle applied semi-detached, trehrozhkovye. They are made of duralumin, although you can use plastic (textolite), and pick up ready-made (even steel). V-belt of the required size to pick up failed, and therefore to transmit rotation used rubber round belts (hydraulic machinery). By the way, this elastic belt even gives the advantages — it is easier to reinstall with a stream on the stream, and not require a tensioner.
One of the blocks of the pulleys is mounted directly on the motor shaft and is fixed here with a M3 screw, screwed into a corresponding hole in the shaft end. Another block of pulleys of the spindle onto the drive sleeve and is fixed to it by screw M3 flat head screws through the corresponding threaded hole drilled in the middle stream of the block pulleys.
Fig. 2. The drive unit spindle
Fig. 2. The drive unit spindle:
1 —slave (drive) pulley (made of anodized aluminum, round 59); 2 — gear spindle sleeve (steel 45, range 18); 3 — the connector of the driven pulley and the drive sleeve (screw M3 flat head screws); 4 — the bearing housing of the driven pulley and the drive sleeve (steel 35, round 57); 5 – bearing (No. 1000902) of the driven pulley and the drive sleeve; 6 —inner snap split ring; 7 — external retaining split ring; 8—spindle (“furnished”)

The spindle in the glass is mounted in two ball bearings: No. 18 (dхDхВ = 8x22x7) and No. 200 (10x30x9). Bearings you can pick up and other, preferably closed dust-proof washers. The spindle end has a shortened Morse taper under self-centering Chuck 10. Cartridge ensures mounting of drill bits with cylindrical portion from 0.3 to 6 mm. At desire it is possible to make the spindle and chambered for the room above, designed for fastening of the drill to 10 mm, but note that for drilling in steel parts holes of such diameter power nominal motor may not be enough.
The Assembly of spindle Assembly is performed in the following sequence. On the drive bushing is pushed bearing No. 1000902 (15x28x7) and locks the inner locking ring. Further, the bearing (spigot) is inserted into your housing and fixed in it the other (outer) retaining ring. The bearing housing by four M4 screws with countersunk heads can be screwed from above to the console. Thereafter, the sleeve is mounted the pulley and is fixed here screw M3 flat head screws through the hole in the middle stream.
The upper part of the spindle length 75 mm has flats on opposite sides, and in the sleeve there are two corresponding side ledge. Thanks to them, when working together pair “bushing — spindle” is possible simultaneous rotation and feed mounted on the spindle Chuck with the tool.
The bearings are lubricated with petroleum jelly or Ciation.
The motor selected is quite common, used in household appliances, CD — 50У4. It has capacity N=60 watts, rpm — 3000 per minute. The engine is mounted at three points sideways to the control panel. On this same panel is installed and the three-position switch.
Stand has a height of 300 mm — for drilling holes in small and oversized items that is enough. If the item is high, then process the console should be rotated 180 degrees, and the machine set on the edge of the table (bench) and fasten here a counterweight of an additional massive cargo or clamps.
To hold the console at a predetermined height at the front is a locking mechanism consisting of a clip, which is a half of the studs (or screw without head) M10 with a small cut on the diameter of the strut and the respective weld nuts with washer. The clip is installed in the blind hole of the console, and only a small threaded end comes out. The most curious is that not see how to work this site.
Fig. 3. The details of the mechanism toporek console
Fig. 3. The details of the mechanism toporek console:
1 —clip (steel 45, range 10); 2 — washer (St3, circle 20); 3—notched nut М10х 1

Fig.4. Circuit diagram to connect the machine to a household mains
Fig. 4. Circuit diagram to connect the machine to a household mains
Handle feed is performed from a round steel rod, she pushed the handle of the dielectric. The handle is bent slightly to the side — this improves the overview and enhances the convenience of controlling a work tool. At the end of the handle drilled a hole for the axis with which it connects to the console. Axis — screw M6. In the middle part of the arm is a flat ground (both sides are run flats) and cut a long groove. Along the slot to move the body screw M6 screwed into the Cup of the spindle. By tightening this screw is the retaining Cup with the stem in the console, that is, the cartridge will not move — this is required when the flow need not be implemented by the tool and the workpiece.
About wiring the motor connections in a domestic network the magazine mentioned several times, and no difficulties in this matter. In addition, the motor housing reinforced plate connecting it to the network 220V. But in the scheme of the proposed drill has its own characteristics. For example, it includes a led diode, signaling willingness to work. The machine is equipped with a backlight with a reflector, attached to the side of the console (not shown) which turn on simultaneously and in conjunction with an electric motor, a three position switch (toggle switch with neutral position) to enable the reverse. Additional lighting in the work area significantly affects the quality of the work, especially when drilling holes of small diameter.
To make the machine aesthetic appearance it needs to be painted. Color according to your taste and to avoid water stains, it is advisable to do a risograph. Don’t paint only the front, the glass of the spindle and the outer surface of the table.
This product faithfully for the first year serves me in the shop. All of which repeated the design I wish you success in work!
I. ROSTOV, mechanical engineer, p. Sazonovo-1, Vologda region

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