ADJUSTABLE STOOLEqually uncomfortable to sit and when feet do not reach the floor and if the seat is very low. I think everyone has noticed that, sitting behind the piano, the pianist is rotating the seat, adjusting its height to your height. The wooden stool offered by the Polish magazine “Throb himself,” no moving parts, however, its height can be adjusted. The way the stool follows.

His four legs have their upper parts are connected so that they form a square window, through which passed a similar section of the strut with holes and a round seat Mounted on top to the desired height, the rack is fixed with a metal finger (steel rod) that is inserted in the nearest hole to the legs.
The legs are made from boards in the thickness 20 mm and length 650 mm In the upper part they have a bevel cut that allows them to dock with each other at some angle, which provides the necessary stability to the stool legs are Connected to each other using screws and glue (PVA).
The front seat is a wooden beam with length 400 mm square section (with a side of 50 mm) along its length in increments of 50 mm are drilled holes located crosswise in a checkerboard pattern, Their diameter corresponds to the diameter used by the locking finger.
Adjustable height stool
Stool adjustable height:
1 — legs 2 — front seat with holes for adjustment but height, 3 — fixing of burning; 4 — bars supporting a seat pad. 5 —seat, 6 — screws, 7 — strip-bearing

In the upper part of the stand is enclosed on all sides by small bars, forming together with the rack base plate for mounting the seat the Latter may be made of plywood with a minimum thickness of 12 mm or chipboard 19 mm, seat diameter is 300 mm. it is Attached to the rack with screws with countersunk head head and adhesives (joinery and PVA) deposited on the base plate.
Before final Assembly all the parts of the stool necessarily processed an emery paper and painted (or covered with a furniture varnish best dark, possibly pre-impregnated with dark stains).
To the legs scraped the floor, they need to glue the bottom strips of felt, cloth or felt (but not rubber it will leave dark stripes).

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