AND THE DOOR — AS NEW!This is a rare “phenomenon” can not be called: stops normally to close the door. If a bit has settled in the loops — it is easily fixable. It is enough to enclose under it a sheet of sandpaper several times to close-to open to bottom steals the desired layer. For more severe the drawdown, the door should be removed and the loop to attach the appropriate thickness washer, but does not help to resort to using a plane to shave from the lower edge of the desired layer (Fig. 1).

Sometimes, that can sometimes be skewed door frame — for example, when the lees holiday home or veranda. To correct a box is difficult, so it’s easier to adjust to her change of the door itself. This will require the door to be removed, knocking out the axis of the hinges (Fig. 2) removing or retaining loop screws.

Carefully promeris the door frame (Fig. 3), to transfer the results of measurements on the door leaf (Fig. 4), taking into account its angular change, which is easy to remove with a cardboard template (Fig. 5). When filing “surplus” is advisable to use a guide for a handsaw in the form of strips, temporarily fills on the door leaf (Fig. 6).


After the door customized to perekalivatsja box, it is better to hang again — as it is done for the first time. The most important point is to correctly identify and install the hinges. For marking the door inserted into the door frame and secured with wedges (Fig. 7). Then at the same distance from the top and bottom edges make risks on the doorframe and the door itself (Fig. 8), while being careful that they do not coincide with the old samples under the loop.


Fig. 1. The trimming of the edges of the settled door by plane

Fig. 1. The trimming of the edges of the settled door by plane


Fig. 2. Prefabricated hinges can be taken apart, knocking them from axial rod

Fig. 2. Prefabricated hinges can be taken apart, knocking them from axial rod


Fig. 3. Control measurements of the door frame

Fig. 3. Control measurements of the door frame


Fig. 4. Transfer the measurements to the door leaf

Fig. 4. Transfer the measurements to the door leaf


Fig. 5. Measurement of the skew angle of the box by using a cardboard template

Fig. 5. Measurement of the skew angle of the box by using a cardboard template


Fig. 6. Filing doors with guide rails

Fig. 6. Filing doors with guide rails


Fig. 7. Temporary installation of fixed door using wedges for marking for hinges

Fig. 7. Temporary installation of fixed door using wedges for marking a loop


Fig. 8. The application ticks under loop

Fig. 8. The application ticks under loop


Fig. 9. The delineation of the bed halves of the loop

Fig. 9. Delineating the bed of a half loop


Fig. 10. Preparing the bed the hinges on the door frame

Fig. 10. Preparing the bed the hinges on the door frame


Fig. 11. Sample bed hinges with a chisel

Fig. 11. Sample bed hinges with a chisel


Fig. 12. Drilling the holes for screws

Fig. 12. Drilling the holes for screws


Fig. 13. Setting the ladle loop

Fig. 13. Setting the ladle loop


Fig. 14. The door after fit

Fig. 14. Door after fitting

New selection mark with the help of the loops themselves. To do this, applied to risks that are alternately put a half loop and outline it (Fig. 9) as on the box or on the door leaf. Next, using a hammer and chisel breaks the first circuit loop of the future bed, and then multiple crossbars inside it (Fig. 10) to make it easier to choose deeper under the loop (Fig. 11). Giving it half of the loop and making sure that the box corresponds to the thickness of the loop, without taking the past and using it as the conductor through its holes is marked and then drilled with a drill (or drill) holes for screws (Fig. 12).

It remains to put all the halves of the hinges in its place (Fig. 13), screwing them up and hang a door: it will open and close easily as new (Fig. 14).

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