ANOTHER FOLDABLESuch desks there are a number of things. One of them is the ability easily, disassembled for parts, to move from place to place, for example to put in the garden, in the yard. Younger children (preschoolers or first-graders), it will seem a lot attractive when you provide it to transport a frame cart on wheels. The older she’ll get, obviously, the fact that during holidays, folded and put in the corner, against the wall, takes up minimal space.

To make a folding Desk is best made of plywood 10 mm thick. To the lower side of the sawn-off piece of plywood had burrs and flakes, as it usually happens, you can use any of the following methods. For example, hold the hacksaw at an angle of 35-45° to the surface, to saw; to cut through the back of the sheet ia one layer deep with a knife or cutter under the cut line of the future; put in the same place a thick Board, cementing with plywood clamps. More carefully also treat the lower side, or rather, its edge with a file and sandpaper. Finally, put the detail of this inward design.
Game front panel, round the top corners with a small radius and mark the places for the vertical slats on the left side and a long piano hinge on the right. The bar should be under the left loop, then when folding desks — when the “collapse” of the side walls, fastened with hinges, the right one will close the left. So, strap height must be greater than the thickness of the sidewall (15-20 mm).
On the side walls, but the internal “notch”, are still the grooves. Their width should exceed the thickness of the plywood, which is bunk, only a minimum value, permitting the Assembly of its parts without much effort. So don’t be afraid to spend time — OIO pay off handsomely and make the pattern as shown in figure 2 (the thickness will depend on the selected material). Now, pressing the template clamp, you can rest assured that the grooves should be of equal width and straight along its entire length. When assembling them on the front enter the grooves of the cover and shelves desks, and on the back — seat. Lid and seat with slightly rounded corners. Shelf on the inner side has a plunging neckline. It is done so that the student was convenient to sit and legs should be free to sleep under the Desk, knees not to touch the shelf.
Fig. 1. Parta-carrying
Fig. 1. Parta-carrying:
1 — front panel 2 — lid, 3 — shelf, 4 — piano hinge, 5 — seat, 6 — vertical plank, 7 — side wall.

R and p. 2. Template for cutting out grooves.
R and p. 2. Template for cutting out grooves.
R and S. 2. Template for cutting out grooves.
All parts are just loops for the screws Yes vertical strap on the front panel, besides it is also glued carpentry or casein glue. The remaining connections — in the grooves.
Before Assembly, don’t forget to round (say, a file) the edges of all parts to avoid scuffing.
If guys don’t enjoy some time by the Desk, take it apart, put the parts together n tie. However, it is better to have a permanent “box” frame. Its easy to do according to the pattern shown in figure 3, made of thin boards and plywood parts. First he lay the front panel — it will rest on the crossmember. On the other hand all the parts will hold the stretchable cord (say, from the expander) and bottom corners.
To det Yam would be easy to carry the Desk, place the frame on the wheels. For this purpose, the bottom Board, attach the simple loop, at least from bent nails, insert them under the axle wheel Ø 150— 250 mm (from the pram or cot) and asplenia them. On top of one of the sides for the convenience of the screw handle.
If you will be painting a desks, this is done as follows. First, you need the surface to be impregnated with hot linseed oil. While it dries, prepare the putty. The composition of 1 kg of finished product take 10 grams soap bar, 30 grams of wood glue and 500 g of dry fine chalk, 20 g of desiccant, and 180 g of linseed oil. Cook in 0.2 l of water glue, Add the soap, stirring carefully, pour linseed oil and sikkativ. Add a chalk, mix again. Keep in mind that the increase in the number anfy in the preparation of the putty makes it more liquid, filler — chalk, — on the contrary, more thick. Sometimes add 25 g of turpentine.
The putty is applied hot, leveling with a spatula. When it dries, grind with emery cloth. The next step — primer — re-puttying and re-polished and need re-primed. Only after that start to paint, usually in two or three divided doses. You can also recommend to walk on the paint one or two coats of varnish.
For all paints and enamels can be applied to the purchase putty PF-00-2 (yellow or red), under nitroemali Tangier. NC-00-9 (yellow), per-paws the vinyl chloride-2, oil-glyptal No. 175 and No. 185. To seal cracks and joints is epoxy putty e-4002. Prime you can also Suriname, Kron, whitewash.
Fig. 3. The sheath-frame for party
Fig. 3. “Case”-frame to the Desk:
1, 7 — sidewall, 2 — bolt loop for a cord, 3 — plywood corners, 4 — wheel, 5 — a bottom Board, 6 — loop for cord, 8 — stretchable cord, 9 — stick, 10 — top Board, 11 — cross member.

For decorative coatings use of different enamel: glyptal (GF), pentaphthalic (PF), etc. If they are varnished, it is necessary to check the conformity of the basics of enamel and varnish. The latter also differ between GF and PF. Universal pentaftalevyh varnish parquet PF-231 — it fits well and stays on all enamels and paints. It is usually applied in two or three layers.
When painting furniture, it is necessary to know the drying time of certain dyes. So, at the temperature of +20° oil paints to dry 72 h, GF and RF of the enamel — 24 hours nitroemali — 1H, lucky GF, and PF — 72 h, putty — 24— 48 hours, nitroshpaklevok — 1-2 hours

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