ATTIC WITH COMFORTIn a wooden house, the attic is always somehow seems low, dark and cluttered room. And if a little dream and to imagine him as he is shown in our drawings? Look, another one, and maybe two comfortable living rooms will be at your country house or dacha, it is only the room under the roof to turn the attic — cozy and bright.

But before you proceed to the improvement of the attic, you need to get acquainted with the state of load-bearing elements of the ceiling ceiling and roof: they must be reliable and durable. Making sure that the beams and rafters never touched the beetles-borers or rot, moleno to make the first move .— to consider how to rise to future second floor. The experience with similar types of houses shows that a ladder with steps is better positioned indoors — for example, to raise it from the vestibule.
Fig. 1. Stairs with a vertical support
Fig. 1. Ladder with vertical support
The ladder is composed of two or three narrow marches, so it occupies a very small area somewhere in the corner of the room. It is best to run from the tree. The workmanship stands vertical or inclined elements (stringers) and steps, exterior finish of all the parts require special care: because the stairs will become an integral part of the interior. Often left unpainted using for decorative purposes the natural beauty of the wood. Or than her Proskuriv, treated with stain to highlight the pattern of the fibers, and then coated with varnish. Depending on the design and layout of the room where a staircase can be also applied oil paint, it is better one color.
Fig. 2. The device window in the slope of a tiled roof.
Fig. 2. The device window in the slope of a tiled roof.
In the drawings, the variants of the device of the stairs leading to the attic. For the safety of the marches are attached to the railing. The dimensions of all the parts is the place.
The ladder is ready, and she immediately begins to serve. The first thing to consider in interior arranged the upstairs room is the design of inclined walls. If the house is a relatively recent construction and the rafters with a little cosmetic revision can “fit” in the interior, the easiest way to cover the space between them, smoothly planed boards or plywood sheets. And do rafters to cover a dark varnish. Paul made a wooden attic: boards nailed directly to the joists on top of insulating backfill.
In the case where it is assumed to use the attic and in the cold season, it is necessary to establish effective wall insulation — mineral cotton plate, filling up the space between the rafters. Then covering of boards or chipboard is on top of them, forming smooth walls that have Wallpaper or paint with latex, oil paint.
R and p.3.A variant of the device window for the roof from slate:
R and S. 3.An embodiment of a window for a roof of slate:
1 — inner lining — “the wall”, 2 — insulation, 3 — slate, 4 — sheet metal (hydro), 5 — window box. 6 — window


It is very important in the attic window. It is placed in a vertical front wall or in the roof. Light openings in the roof let more light than vertical walls. In cases where it is necessary to reduce light flow into the space, provides sun protection — decorative tension curtains, blinds.
The design of window boxes in the vertical end walls of the attic plain and requires no special solutions. Certain difficulties may occur when installing and securing the window frame in an inclined roof. This is largely dependent on the material of the roof and the CE coating — slate, iron, tiles. Device and insulation of the box and transom Windows are also associated with the angle of the roof.
We offer two main options for the solution of the window opening and operable transoms for pitched roofs. One is designed for the tile roof, another for roofing slates. Box design and frame, as you can see, one and the same, varies only seal the joint along the line of incision in the roof. Good waterproofing and high quality transoms will provide reliable protection of the dwelling from rain.

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