COUNTRY, COLLAPSIBLEWith the approach of the summer season this bed is disassembled and can be transported to your countryside area even on the train or commuter bus: its components are easily disassembled and reassembled. The bed consists of two backrest head and foot, two sidewalls, two control panels and two longitudinal legs percolatin, which relies on composite podmatrasnye shield. All of them are interconnected screw furniture ties, and this explains the easy disassembly and Assembly of the bed.

The backrests are made of chipboard 16 mm thick; the head is slightly higher than the foot. Both top corners are rounded paneli arbitrary, but the same radius. In the lower corners there are holes with dimetrom 9 mm — for screws furniture ties connecting the backrest with sidewalls. On the same level in each of the back there are two holes under the tie beams. Side — boards 20 mm thick; bottom, they have grooves for interfacing with the control panels. The same grooves for the same purpose and have rungs, which are made of boards section 60×25 mm.

Reference panel-the legs are cut from chipboard with a thickness of 20 mm. At the sides from above, they have cutouts for the sides of the bed, and next — pusy under the crossbar. On the lower edge is long notched neckline; the remaining edges of the panels play the role of the actual legs. Bottom-NV are attached strips-polyethylene glides to the legs scraped the floor.
Since the bed sides are slightly above the level of the reference panels to the rungs, they play the role of stops for podmatrasnye shield, not davva him to move to the side. With this in mind, selected work piece width podmatrasnye shield, which is a few panels from plywood or particleboard, tightly stacked between the headboard. The shield might be integral, but composite is more practical and easier to transport.
Portable bed
Portable bed:
1 — the back of the head (DSP, s16); 2— side panel (Board, s20,2); 3 — panel leg (DSP, s15,2pcs); 4 — crossbar (Board 60×25,2); 5 — back foot (particleboard, s16); 6—tie furniture, end (screw M6, 8 pieces); 7 — screed furniture, side(screw M8-4 pieces); 8 — shield podmatrasnye.

Furniture ties used standard found in the sale. However, they are easy to make and their own. Only need eight screws M8 length 80 mm four M6 screws, length 60 mm Yes tube diameter of 15-30 mm. Of the latest hacksaw cut into rings of width equal to the thickness of the bed elements, which are then sawn in half on half. Then they drilled holes and tapped M6 and M8.
After fabrication, all panel beds — backs, panels, legs and shield — their edges must be covered with veneer or plastic. The surface of the same coated with natural linseed oil, and giving as it should be dry, paint it with enamel paint brown, yellow or dark green.
On podmatrasnye shield fit standard cotton or made of rubber foam mattress with the thickness of 8-10 cm
Enjoy your holiday!
B. POTAPOV, G. R I s a n

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