DESK... ON THE LADDERDo I need to prove that you can work on ladders will be much easier if the necessary tools will all the Burden be on hand. For example, on the shelf, put on the top arc of the ladder. Its design is simple: only six parts, not counting the washers and rivets, pallet, two clips, two hooks and a rod.
Pan I extort from sheet metal on a special plywood boob size 262X237X25 mm. All corners and edges rounded to a radius of 10 mm (the precision is controlled by a template out of plywood with a thickness of 4 mm). Finally, the surface of the boob treated with a file and emery paper. In addition, when drift was used a lining — sheet of Plywood the size of 245х220х 15 mm.
Now about the drift. The workpiece size 305x280x1,5 mm margins of 20 mm from the edges, a Scriber caused risks, which sets a blockhead; a radius of 15 mm marked the corners of the pallet, cut them and blunted the sharp edge.
Then clamped the aluminum sheet between a chump and lining the clamps, mallet gently bent edges. After a thorough punch has April edge of the received pallet and drilled four holes d 4.2 mm; burrs removed with a larger drill bit.
Shelf for the stepladder
Shelf for ladders:
1 — the right holder, 2 — core, 3 — left clip, 4 hooks, 5 — tray, 6, 7—rivet 8 — washers.

Next cut out from a steel sheet with a thickness of 1.4 mm workpiece size Pahwa mm, and from them — clips, right and left. Also sharp edges dulled with a file and drilled the holes d 4.2 and 6.2 mm. Then the grip on the rod d 27 mm bent cage: the right — as shown in the drawing, and the left mirror. Also, in a vise, bent back and legs.
Clips to the pallet riveted hinge, using annealed rivets with semicircular head and six washers — bearings (rivets and washers — steel).
In addition, holder joined a steel rod d 6 and a length of 235 mm. Both ends of it to tin and soldered into the holes in the ears (also pre-tinned).
Right clip
Right clip
Swivel hooks made of the same drawing shows only a left hook, right bent in the opposite direction. The material for them — metal (band width 16 mm and thickness 2 mm). You can use steel.
The ends of the blanks were rounded to a radius of 8 mm, drilled holes in them d 4.2 mm and cut at an angle of 45° to the side hooks, grooves with a width of 6 mm.
As clips, hooks riveted to the pallet hinge, using the same rivets and washers.
To readjust the shelf, put it on clips on the top arc of the stairs-streamci, put the hooks on the rod and slightly curved them — the shelf was in a horizontal position. Then washed well with the finished product in hot water with soap, dried and painted.
V. ХРЫП03, Leningrad

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