TAKES OFF AS REALMany Teens are addicted to in summer camps and aeromodelling clubs the production and launch of thermoerosion, or as they are called, balloon-balloons filled with hot air. Anyone who dealt with this case, knows how much work and time it takes to manufacture such a device having the shape of a ball.

We propose to glue a simple balloon which has a cylindrical shape resembling the inverted upside down bucket (Fig. 1). Equipped with a simple heater, an unusual balloon quickly gains altitude and flies so high that it is often quite hidden from the eye.
With tissue paper, strips of veneer with a thickness of 4 mm and cut steel wire with a diameter of 2 mm, a thermal balloon can easily be fabricated in half an hour.
Start with cooking the glue. Pour into the tin half of a glass of cold water, mix to half a teaspoon of wheat flour, put on fire and heat with continuous stirring until then, until the paste thickens.
the cylindrical portion of the balloon cut out and glue tissue paper sheet (Fig. 2) width 1020 mm and length of 1900 mm. If you now connect on glue the short side of the sheet — get the cylindrical body of the balloon: you can hang it to dry.
Fig. 1. Paper balloon
Fig. 1. Paper balloon:
1—the case of tissue paper; 2 stickers of paper; 3—spoke (bracket burner from a steel wire); 4—Hoop stiffness of shingles from the blinds; 5—burner (wool wrapped copper wire)

Fig. 2. The pattern of the case
Fig. 2. The pattern of the case:
1—cover; 2—breakdown of the cylinder

The round cover of the balloon is cut from the same paper (Fig. 2). Its diameter is about 605 mm. in order to properly glue the cylindrical part of the balloon with the cover, it is recommended to use auxiliary mandrel 3 (Fig. 4). Its horizontal part is made of cut plywood and cardboard, and the front — of wooden planks and a length of 120 mm, which for convenience is attached to the chair or clamped in table vise.
The edge of the cover is smeared with glue and paper from the cylindrical part is overlaid on top (Fig. 4). Then, to give rigidity to the bottom edge of the cylinder stick inside easy wrap of the veneer strips width 10 — 15 mm. the diameter of the Hoop must be also 600 mm.
The outside of the cylinder at the level of the Hoop (Fig. 1) in two diametrically opposite places, stick the two squares of paper with dimensions of 50×50 mm, and pierced holes for the holder burner — spokes made of steel wire with a diameter of 2 mm. In the role of a burner for heating the air inside the balloon protrudes from the tampon moistened with kerosene or alcohol cotton wool with a diameter of 50 — 60 mm, which is attached in the middle using a thin copper wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm. If the cotton is not secure, it can fall from the needles, to fall down and cause a fire.
Balloon launch can only be done in a quiet, calm weather, away from the forest, power lines and houses.
The launch of such a balloon to provide two. One holds him over the top at arm’s length, and the second caution wet cotton wool in kerosene and sets it on fire. Thus it is necessary to ensure that the kerosene did not get on clothing or shell of the cylinder.
Fig. 3. Mandrel
Fig. 3. Mandrel:
1—the template (plywood or boards); 2—side panel made of cardboard; 3—front

Fig. 4. Gluing the cover to the housing on the mandrel
Fig. 4. Gluing the cover to the housing on the mandrel:
1 —cover; 2—storage cylinder; 3—strut; 4—vise

Fig. 5. Burner
Fig. 5. Burner:
1—bracket of steel wire; 2—wool, moistened with kerosene or alcohol; 3—braid of copper wire

After a few seconds the air in the balloon heats up, it will be lighter than air and will rise gradually up, leaving a dark streak of smoke.
While the kerosene is lit, the balloon will rise up. Only after the fire is out and the air inside the shell cools, the balloon will slowly decrease. For this reason, it is safe in the fire relation
Such balloons are frequently used in some countries, major holidays, and for public interest sometimes they give bizarre, even in the form of human figures.
Launched a high altitude balloon is heated during the flight often causes casual viewers because of its unusual view of the most incredible guesswork: what a gimmick is silently hovering in the sky? So not a UFO?

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