FRAME TO THE MIRRORMATERIAL: metal rod Ø3 mm, a rod of square cross section 8X8 mm, flat metal section 2X15 and 3X15 mm, plywood 10 mm thick, thin plywood, mirror, screws 4×10 mm, colorless furniture varnish, wood glue, primer and paint.

TOOL: household arc welder, hacksaw, file, hammer, bow saw or jig saw, planer, drill, drill bit, Ø 4 mm, compasses, core, protractor, meter and tassel.
MANUFACTURER. Parts 1,2 and 3 (see tab) saw off from the stem with a hacksaw, the ends of the blanks 1 and 3 are processed with a file. The holes of the boards are drilled only on the latter.
Details 4 — from a strip of metal 2X15 mm; after cutting down using any auxiliary devices.
The workpiece 5 also saw off with a hacksaw, the edges are rounded with a file. Ornament applied to the same file.
The form, detail 6 (from the bar) attach using improvised tools, and 7 and 8 to be clamped in a vise and bend with a hammer. Ring 9 for the suspension of mirror cut from a rod using a pipe of suitable diameter. Wooden shelf 10 for the mirror we cut luchkovoj a saw, the edges processed by the planer. Its surface can be painted or covered with veneer.
ASSEMBLY. Parts 1 and 2 are connected at an angle of 90°. Below is welded on the workpiece 3 under the same angle. 12 identical pairs of parts 4 and 5 are fixed on the frame, as shown in the figure. Then installed details 6. Holders mirrors 7 and 8 are welded up to the frame, and the upper parts of the two rings 9.
All metal parts are covered with Matt black paint. After drying, the shelf 10 is installed.

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