Everyone would like to improve their living conditions. But for many, it unfortunately remains a distant dream. However, if you use a non-traditional solution, suggested by the Bulgarian magazine “Guide yourself”, even without increasing the area of the small one-bedroom apartment, you can turn it into a bedroom. To do this, all the kitchen equipment is in the hallway and closed in the inoperative position of the mobile wall, Cabinet, and the vacated space of the former kitchen is being converted into a living room or office.
Another design for DIY — a dining table of natural wood for kitchen.
Regardless of how big was the apartment, still square, it will always be you miss: I want to have an isolated bedroom, a nursery, an office or finally a workshop.
In some situations, this can be done by small alterations. About how it is done, he told his readers of the Bulgarian journal “Guide yourself.”
Plan one-bedroom apartment before reconstruction (left) and after reconstruction.
Look first at the plan. One of them is a one-bedroom apartment before reconstruction, the second — after it. The original dwelling consisted of a room large enough kitchen, hallway and bathrooms. The idea of re-equipment of apartment was to use as a second room… the kitchen. Actually, to turn it in so you need an additional room is not so difficult — it would be enough just to disassemble the sink and remove the plate. It is much harder to find in the apartment a new site for this much-needed housing any equipment.
In principle, if the hallway is big enough, it will be able to perform the functions and kitchen. And the proposed redevelopment does not offers you to get naked in the kitchen and prepare food in the hallway. Universal mobile partition allows you to separate these functions in time: after all, hall and kitchen, as a rule, is not necessary at the same time…
Look at the pictures above. One of them depicts a typical kitchen with sink, stove, cabinets, folding table and built in wall shelves. On the other — a typical entrance hall with a beautiful rack and a large mirror. Transformation occurs through the use of original mobile partition, one side of which are intended for kitchen, second hallway. Moving partitions is calculated by two ceiling-mounted rails — steel channels with welded thereto a steel of the same parts.
Hanging mobile wall (shown from the cooking part). Clearly visible folding table, arm drive chain to the rollers and niches with shelves.
Mobile wall Cabinet is assembled from type-setting joiner or chipboards on a round plug-in thorns. The configuration of it in terms of a is chosen such that on one side formed a niche for built-in shelves, and on the other — a mirror and hooks for clothes.
The partition is moved along the rails with the help of simple mechanism, consisting of chain, two sprockets, two guide rollers and the connecting tubular shaft resting on two ball bearings. The same bearings are fixed to the partition straps from steel strips.
The chain transmission device for moving the partition:
1 — tubular coupling shaft, 2 — sprocket driven, 3 — circuit, 4 — bearing, 5 — roller, 6 — foot channel, 7 — rail corner, 8 — bolt bearing Assembly, 9 — the divider 10 — the actuator lever, 11 — washer 12 — bracket, 13 — shaft, 14 — a leading asterisk.
Kitchen interior-the hall is well completed by a small wall having a Cabinet with a compartment for installation of the refrigerator unit, Shoe Cabinet, shelf with coat hooks.
According to the magazine “Guide itself” (Bulgaria)
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