Delicious, fragrant Apple-pear. And vitamins not deprived. But with the safety of these fruits until next harvest problems, and sometimes considerable. But out drying, pickles jam and other methods of conservation. And the value of harvested products for future use, according to gourmets, will increase tremendously if the fruit is pre-cored. A normal knife is here ineffective as a commercially available special device. But the self-made pruner, dubbed my home “guillotine”, is beyond all praise. The bucket of apples cut into neat slices (removing from each fruit the core and storage in filled close to capacity) in 20 minutes!

Notched blades for such shears are made of scraps of galvanized sheet steel 0,5…0,8 mm, with subsequent soldering in a single structure (see Fig.). Given that it requires significant mechanical strength, corrosion resistance and cleanliness, it is desirable to use the solder type PSR-45. Its composition is: copper 30%, silver 45%, zinc — 25% . Melts PSR-45 at a temperature of 730° C. is acceptable can also be solders with lower silver content (and thus more copper). For Example, AKP-25.
As a finished rod with a handle is the best fit ordinary screwdriver. It is sufficient to simply solder it to the tip of the conical part of our knives “guillotine”. Naturally, the use of solder, having a copper-silver-zinc composition.
1 — arm, 2 — core, 3 — extra knife (2 PCs), 4 — a main knife, 5 — cone 6 — reflector.

The recommended sequence and equipment used when cutting fruit
The recommended sequence and equipment used when cutting fruit:
I — starting position of the shears, II — cutting the fruit into slices with a section of core III collection; 1 — pruner, 2 — core of fruit, 3 — substrate elastic (from a piece of old tyres), 4 — eliminator (blunt nail), 5 — table, 6 bucket for waste.

Inner hole of the working body of the tool is conical. This greatly facilitates the removal of cut Apple (pear etc.) of the core. Moreover, the operation can be simplified and to automate, using my homemade waste technology where innovation is blunted nail. He hammered in a piece of old automobile tire, on which is cut a delicious vitamin raw. A separate core is pushed and with the help of the reflector, soldered to the cone, is directed to substituted for waste bucket. As for chopped slices, they are quick movement of hands is discharged into a clean container.
R. Volodin.

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