HOME DESKThis is a small children’s table with a sloping cover. Leaning back, the cover opens sufficiently spacious inner box; it can be divided by partitions into several compartments smaller. The basic material for the desks — planed pine boards with 20 mm thick Top cover size 650X550 mm glued from several boards connected just butt in pile or with two or three spikes. In all three options until the glue necessary to hold it in a compressed state, and monitor the screed: it should not cause any warpage of the set; the boards when assembling for the same purpose, should put the year layers in different directions.

The top panel (650X180 mm) — the most simple detail. The only thing I will have to do is to cut at an angle of 15° to one of the ribs in contact with the cover. Two side walls have a sample of a quarter in the joints with the rear wall and bottom of the box. The top wall partially cut away: their height varies from 250 to 80 mm. Depth of sampling elsewhere — at 10 mm. Is she on the edge of the rear wall for connection of the latter with the bottom.
The bottom of the plywood sheet 10 mm thick, with four cut-outs 32X42 mm in the corners under table legs.
Legs section 30X40 mm, depending on the child’s growth can have different height (for student, for example, suitable distance of 500 mm from the bottom of the Desk to the floor) the Upper part of the front legs is cut at an angle of 15°.
Assembly table start with connecting all the walls. Then attach legs, bottom and finally the top panel. The cover better to put on the piano hinges. To secure it in the raised position, you need to install at least one side folding locking three-piece-props. It’s made from duralumin, steel or brass strip with a thickness of 2-3 mm. the total length of the parts-props (300-350 mm) such that the lid is only slightly opened. The retainer is attached to the cover on the screws.
Teaching and games
For exercises and games:
1 — cover 2 — mounting bracket, 3 — back, 4 — top panel 5 and side wall 6 — retainer 7 — leg desks, 8 bottom, 9 is the front wall.
Details of the Desk are collected on the glue and screws: holes for them zankuuha the diameter of the heads which zaglubljajutsja below the surface.
The sides and bottom from the inside to further secure the corners, also on the screws on the Outside perimeter of the bottom stick, and then sustain small nails thin decorative trims.

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